1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何使用VirtualBox,建立虛擬機器和來賓?


In previous posts we have done installation of the VirtualBox into Windows and Linux Operating systems. In this post we will look how to create Virtual machine or guest in a VirtualBox. For more information about installation look links below.

在以前的文章中,我們已經將VirtualBox安裝到Windows和Linux作業系統中。 在本文中,我們將研究如何在VirtualBox中建立虛擬機器或來賓。 有關安裝的更多資訊,請參見下面的連結。

視窗: (Windows:)

How To Install Virtualbox Into Windows?


Linux: (Linux:)

Virtualization With Virtualbox and Installing Virtualbox


建立新的VM(虛擬機器) (Create New VM (Virtual Machine))

We can create new virtual machine just clicking Newbutton like below. This will open a dialog box which will create new vm with all resources.

我們可以單擊下面的“ New按鈕來建立新的虛擬機器。 這將開啟一個對話方塊,該對話方塊將使用所有資源建立新的虛擬機器。

New Vm
New Vm

設定名稱,作業系統和版本 (Set Name , Operating System and Version)

The first step is setting name, operating system and version of the VM. Name will be used by us to remember the VM and so we should set a memorable name for us. In this case we set MyVm


第一步是設定名稱,作業系統和虛擬機器版本。 名稱將被我們用來記住虛擬機器,因此我們應該為我們設定一個令人難忘的名稱。 在這種情況下,我們設定MyVm

Type is the operating system family like Windows, Linux … The following operating systems are supported currently by VirtualBox


  • Microsoft Windows

  • Linux

  • Solaris

  • BSD

  • IBM OS/2

    IBM OS / 2
  • Mac OSX

    Mac OSX
  • Other


The Version box used to set specific version of the operating system like Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10 etc. If we will install non listed version we should select the option starts with Otherin the version box.

“版本”框用於設定特定的作業系統版本,例如Windows Server 2012 R2,Windows 10等。如果要安裝未列出的版本,則應在“版本”框中選擇以“ Other開頭的選項。

Set Name , Operating System and Version
Set Name , Operating System and Version

設定記憶體或RAM(Set Memory or RAM)

We will set RAM size of them VM. Setting the size can be done in two ways. First we can use bar to set ram size. Second we can use text box . The ram size is given as MB value. In this situation we will use default value which is 1024 MB or 1GB

我們將設定它們VM的RAM大小。 可以通過兩種方式設定大小。 首先,我們可以使用bar來設定夯的大小。 第二,我們可以使用文字框。 記憶體大小以MB值給出。 在這種情況下,我們將使用預設值1024 MB1GB

Set Memory or RAM
Set Memory or RAM

設定硬碟 (Set Hard Disk)

Next is step is settings hard disk. We have three options. All hard disks are virtual hard disks and stored as single file in host operating system.

下一步是設定硬碟。 我們有三個選擇。 所有硬碟均為虛擬硬碟,並作為單個檔案儲存在主機作業系統中。

  1. Do not add hard disk and use as disk-less system

  2. Create a virtual hard disk

  3. Use existing virtual hard disk

LEARN MORE How To Install VirtualBox Extension Pack For Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, MacOS? 瞭解更多資訊如何為Windows,Linux,Ubuntu,MacOS安裝VirtualBox Extension Pack?
Set Hard Disk
Set Hard Disk

We will use second options where we will create new virtual hard disk.


設定虛擬磁碟型別 (Set Virtual Disk Type)

In this step we will set virtual disk type. There are 3 options listed like below.

在這一步中,我們將設定虛擬磁碟型別。 共有3個選項,如下所示。

  • VDIis native VirtualBox disk type and used if we use this disk with only VirtualBox virtualization or KVM


  • VHDis old and not popular virtual disk type and can not be used.


  • VMDKis VMware disk type used vy various virtualization products like ESxi, Workstation, Player etc. This is most popular disk type because of the VMware. This virtual disks can be used with VMware products too.

    VMDK是用於各種虛擬化產品(如ESxi,Workstation,Player等)的VMware磁碟型別。由於VMware,這是最流行的磁碟型別。 該虛擬磁碟也可以與VMware產品一起使用。

Set Virtual Disk Type
Set Virtual Disk Type

設定虛擬磁碟行為(Set Virtual Disk Behavior)

This step will set whether disk size is used right now or used with new data is written. In most situations best case is default Dynamically allocated. This will prevent unneeded spaces to be used.

此步驟將設定是立即使用磁碟大小還是寫入新資料。 在大多數情況下,最好的情況是預設Dynamically allocated 。 這將防止使用不必要的空間。

Set Virtual Disk Behavior
Set Virtual Disk Behavior

設定磁碟大小(Set Disk Size)

In this step we will set the name and path of the virtual disk file. By default virtual disk file is located in the VMs directory. Default size of the virtual disk is 8 GB but it can be changed according to our needs.

在此步驟中,我們將設定虛擬磁碟檔案的名稱和路徑。 預設情況下,虛擬磁碟檔案位於VMs目錄中。 虛擬磁碟的預設大小為8 GB,但可以根據我們的需要進行更改。

Set Disk Size
Set Disk Size

完成虛擬機器建立(Finish VM Creation)

After we have created disk file the VM creation process will end and we will see a screen like below.This is our newly created VM named MyVm.

建立磁碟檔案後,VM建立過程將結束,並且將看到如下螢幕。這是我們新建立的名為MyVm VM。

Finish VM Creation
Finish VM Creation

This vm have options shown right pane. This options can be changed just clicking related hardware section. For example if we want to change Audio Device and settings we will click Audio section icon shown below.

該虛擬機器的選項在右窗格中顯示。 只需單擊相關硬體部分即可更改此選項。 例如,如果我們要更改音訊裝置和設定,我們將單擊下面顯示的音訊部分圖示。

LEARN MORE What Is ROM (Read Only Memory)? 瞭解更多什麼是ROM(只讀儲存器)?
Finish VM Creation
Finish VM Creation

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-use-virtualbox-creating-virtual-machines-and-guests/