1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >WPS(Wi-Fi保護設定)教程(含示例)


Wi-Fi is a league of standards created by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi gives the ability to connect a network without any physical connection or cable. This makes Wi-Fi a very practical, easy, and popular solution for LAN or WAN network connections. Wireless connection ability creates some security problems for the Wi-Fi. In order to prevent security issues, Wi-Fi Alliance created the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) protocol. We will look in this tutorial on how to use WPS to protect our wireless network.

Wi-Fi是由Wi-Fi聯盟建立的一系列標準。 Wi-Fi使您無需任何物理連線或電纜即可連線網路。 這使Wi-Fi成為用於LAN或WAN網路連線的非常實用,容易且流行的解決方案。 無線連線功能會為Wi-Fi帶來一些安全問題。 為了防止安全問題,Wi-Fi聯盟建立了Wi-Fi保護設定(WPS)協議。 我們將在本教程中瞭解如何使用WPS保護我們的無線網路。

種類 (Types)

There different type of implementation of WPS. Each of them has some advantages and disadvantages.

WPS的實現方式有所不同。 它們每個都有一些優點和缺點。

  • PIN

  • Push Button

  • Near Field Communication

  • USB


Prefer Push Button because of its security level. We will look at them in detail below.

首選Push Button因為它的安全級別。 我們將在下面詳細介紹它們。


During the connection to the wireless network. Router or Access Point will as eight-digit PIN to enter. But the router or access point will only check the first four-digit. This is another security flaw which gives attackers the brute force ability. Also, some of the routers or access points do not use some time out after the wrong PIN which will give a lot of time to the Attacker.

連線到無線網路期間。 路由器或接入點將以八位PIN碼輸入。 但是路由器或接入點將只檢查前四位數字。 這是另一個使攻擊者具有暴力能力的安全漏洞。 同樣,某些路由器或接入點在輸入錯誤的PIN後不會使用超時,這會給攻擊者大量的時間。

按鈕 (Push Button)

Push-button is a physical button located on the modem. In order to implement this, we will first try to connect to the Wi-Fi. After that, we will press the WPS button in order to give access to the Wi-Fi. This will made the last connection tried computer available to connect.

按鈕是位於調變解調器上的物理按鈕。 為了實現這一點,我們將首先嚐試連線到Wi-Fi。 之後,我們將按下WPS按鈕以提供對Wi-Fi的訪問。 這將使上次嘗試連線的計算機可以連線。

Linksys WPS按鈕 (Linksys WPS Button)

Linksys WPS Button
Linksys WPS按鈕

華碩WPS按鈕(Asus WPS Button)

Asus WPS Button

Zyxel WPS按鈕(Zyxel WPS Button)

Zyxel WPS Button
Zyxel WPS按鈕

近場通訊(Near Field Communication)

Near field, communication is another way to connect Wi-Fi. But the router/AP and wireless client should have NFS support. Maybe in the future, this type of authentication will gain more popularity.

近場通訊是連線Wi-Fi的另一種方式。 但是路由器/ AP和無線客戶端應具有NFS支援。 也許在將來,這種身份驗證會越來越流行。

LEARN MORE What Is Computer Network? 瞭解更多什麼是計算機網路?


This is the most hard way to authenticate. Some security tokens will be transferred to the router/AP from the wireless client with USB. This is already deprecated.

這是最困難的身份驗證方法。 一些安全令牌將通過USB從無線客戶端傳輸到路由器/ AP。 這已經被棄用。

WPS對裝置和作業系統的支援 (WPS Support For Devices and Operating Systems)


Android version 4.0 named Ice Cream and later versions support WPS without a problem. We can connect WPS enabled wireless with the following steps. Tap the WPS button on the modem then on the Android device open the Wireless list and click to the wireless name which may require PIN or nothing according to the configuration.

名為Ice Cream Android版本4.0和更高版本均支援WPS,而不會出現問題。 我們可以按照以下步驟連線啟用WPS的無線裝置。 點選調變解調器上的WPS按鈕,然後在Android裝置上開啟“無線”列表,然後單擊以獲取無線名稱,根據配置,該名稱可能需要PIN或不需要輸入任何密碼。

的iOS (iOS)

iOS and MacOSX do not support the WPS natively. Because of some security vulnerabilities, Apple does not provide support for both operating systems.

iOS和MacOSX本身不支援WPS。 由於某些安全漏洞,Apple不提供對這兩種作業系統的支援。

視窗 (Windows)

From Windows Vista all versions of Windows operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 supports WPS.

從Windows Vista開始,所有版本的Windows作業系統(例如Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1,Windows 10)都支援WPS。

Linux (Linux)

Modern Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Mint, SUSE supports WPS.


印表機 (Printers)

Medium and enterprise-level printers support the WPS connection perfectly. HP, Canon are some of them.

中型和企業級印表機完美支援WPS連線。 惠普,佳能就是其中一些。

WPS安全 (WPS Security)

As we know there are 4 different ways to use WPS the PIN is the vulnerable way to use WPS. PIN methods use some digits which can be guessed by the attacker remotely by using a brute force attack. There is 11.000 possible PIN where it can be brute-forced by a remote wireless attacker. The better way is using Push-Button in order to enable WPS for a short time where during this time the nearby devices can connect without a password, PIN, or passphrase.

我們知道有4種不同的WPS使用方式,PIN是使用WPS的脆弱方式。 PIN方法使用一些數字,攻擊者可以通過蠻力攻擊遠端猜到這些數字。 有一個11.000可能的PIN,可以由遠端無線攻擊者強行使用。 更好的方法是使用按鈕以便在短時間內啟用WPS,在此期間,附近的裝置無需密碼,PIN或密碼即可連線。

翻譯自: https://www.poftut.com/wps-wi-fi-protected-setup-tutorial-examples/