1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >銷貨清單資料_2020年9月資料科學閱讀清單



Note: I am not affiliated with any of the writers in this article. These are simply books and essays that I’m excited to share with you. There are no referrals or a cent going in my pocket from the authors or publishers mentioned; I prefer to align my incentives with the reader rather than the publishers. Reading is a vitamin for the brain; please support your favorite writers and enjoy!

注意:本文不涉及任何作者。 這些僅僅是我很高興與您分享的書籍和論文。 我的口袋裡沒有提到的作者或出版社的推薦信或一分錢; 我更喜歡將激勵與讀者而不是出版商聯絡起來。 讀書是大腦的維生素。 請支援您最喜歡的作家並享受!

Welcome to another month of our Data Science reading list! We do these each month, and I love all the positive feedback. I especially like when folks share their own recommendations. Feel free to share your own books, blogs, and anything else you’re reading this month. I would be happy to give your favorite authors a read and maybe include them in a future list! luke [at] spawner [dot] ai

歡迎來到我們的資料科學閱讀清單再一個月! 我們每個月都會這樣做,我喜歡所有積極的反饋。 我特別喜歡人們分享自己的建議。 隨時分享您自己的書籍,部落格以及您本月正在閱讀的所有內容。 我很樂意為您最喜歡的作者提供閱讀,並可能在將來的清單中包括他們! 盧克[at] spawner [dot] ai

On to this month’s list!


構建機器學習支援的應用程式:從構思到產品 (Building Machine Learning Powered Applications: Going from Idea to Product)

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O’Reilly has partnered with a bunch of really high quality Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers recently to spit out some high signal to noise reads. This one is no exception.

O'Reilly最近與一群非常高質量的資料科學家和機器學習工程師合作,以吐出一些高信噪比的讀數。 這也不例外。

Our author goes the full scope of Machine Learning Engineering, covering all the way from project inception and planning to training, deploying, and monitoring. This is the exact type of important information sharing we have been missing over the last decade in our field. This engineering perspective is perfectly aligned with the evolution of the role of Machine Learning Engineers. Big ups to the author for a great reference and read! LINK

我們的作者全面研究了機器學習工程,涵蓋了從專案開始和計劃到培訓,部署和監視的所有方式。 這是過去十年來我們在該領域中一直缺失的重要資訊共享的確切型別。 這種工程學觀點與機器學習工程師角色的演變完全一致。 給作者很大的幫助,以供參考和閱讀! 連結

程式碼中的生活:技術的個人歷史(Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology)

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Life in Code by Ellen Ullman is a unique view from her time starting in San Francisco in the 70s as a software engineer and working through the rise of the programmer and technology.

艾倫·厄爾曼(Ellen Ullman)從70年代在舊金山開始擔任軟體工程師以來,一直致力於程式設計師和技術的興起,這是她在程式碼中一生的獨特見解。

Ullman lays out much of the evolution of tech, from culture to code. Reading this reminds me of piecing together chats from all the senior engineers and leaders who have told me stories and historical tidbits from their early days in tech. Spectacularly fun read. LINK

烏爾曼介紹了從文化到程式碼的技術發展的大部分內容。 讀完這篇文章會讓我想起所有高階工程師和領導人的聊天,他們向我講述了他們從科技初期的故事和歷史故事。 有趣的閱​​讀。 連結

科學自由:文明的靈丹妙藥(Scientific Freedom: The Elixir of Civilization)

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Whether you agree or disagree with the author’s arguments, Scientific Freedom raises important points about the role of science and its place in our civilization. Braben discusses the pitfalls of funding and peer review, and he discusses a fresh model for research and the reinvigoration of scientific discovery.

無論您同意還是不同意作者的觀點,《科學自由》都提出了關於科學的作用及其在我們文明中的地位的重要觀點。 Braben討論了資金和同行評審的陷阱,並討論了新的研究模型和科學發現的復興。

This is an updated version to the first edition published in 2008. Beset with beautiful formatting, well-done charts, and more. Big ups to Stripe Press for its continued efforts to publish and highlight important writing. LINK

這是2008年釋出的第一版的更新版本。使用漂亮的格式,完善的圖表等等來困擾。 Stripe Press致力於出版和突出重要著作的持續努力。 連結

九月的文章(Articles for September)

Here are some articles I read in August/September that I especially enjoyed. Julian Shapiro and Andreas Klinger are two of my favorite writers. It was only a matter of time before I shared their writing.

以下是我在8月/ 9月特別閱讀的一些文章。 朱利安·夏皮羅(Julian Shapiro)和安德烈亞斯·克林格(Andreas Klinger)是我最喜歡的兩位作家。 我分享他們的作品只是時間問題。

What to work on by Julian Shapiro

朱利安·夏皮羅(Julian Shapiro)的工作內容

This is a topic that any entrepreneurial builders or creators with broad interests will enjoy. Don’t get caught working endlessly on projects that get you stuck in the mud. Julian discusses a model for working on what truly matters to you.

任何具有廣泛興趣的企業家建造者或創造者都會喜歡這個話題。 不要陷入讓您陷於泥潭的專案中無休止的工作。 朱利安(Julian)討論了一個對您真正重要的工作的模型。

How I think about code management by Andreas Klinger

我對Andreas Klinger的程式碼管理看法

Andreas is one of those writers whose words just spew value. He’s to the point, no fluff. He’s a very competent product and engineering person with lots of important thoughts and mental models for optimizing work.

安德烈亞斯(Andreas)是那些話語just發價值的作家之一。 他直言不諱。 他是一位非常稱職的產品和工程人員,具有許多重要的思想和思維模型可以優化工作。

Stay safe everyone! See you soon.

大家安全! 再見。

Interested in more regular Data Science book lists and news from our field? Join Dataset Daily, my weekly (mostly) Data Science newsletter.

對更多常規的資料科學書籍列表和我們領域的新聞感興趣嗎? 加入Dataset Daily,這是我的每週(主要是資料科學)時事通訊。

Let’s continue the conversation on Twitter.


翻譯自: https://towardsdatascience.com/data-science-reading-list-for-september-2020-15edcd4f4a9e
