1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >install j3d on macOS

install j3d on macOS

if you don't have right to wirte file or mkdir in/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Libraries

then, do as following:

  1. restart your mac, press command+R for recovery mode
  2. open terminal, tap csrutil disable
  3. restart mac
  4. open terminal, tap

    sudo -s passwd

    sudo mount -o rw

  5. cd/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/ sudo mkdir Libraries
  6. cp file dir

download j3d 1.5.2http://create.ife.no/vr/tools/j3d/java3d_1_5_2-macosx.pkg.zip

install jdk6 on mac

tap the following code on apple script

set theDMG to choose file with prompt "Please select javaforosx.dmg:" of type {"dmg"}

do shell script "hdiutil mount " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDMG

do shell script "pkgutil --expand /Volumes/Java\\ for\\ macOS\\ 2017-001/JavaForOSX.pkg ~/tmp" do shell script "hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Java\\ for\\ macOS\\ 2017-001/" do shell script "sed -i '' 's/return false/return true/g' ~/tmp/Distribution" do shell script "pkgutil --flatten ~/tmp ~/Desktop/ModifiedJava6Install.pkg
" do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp" display dialog "Modified ModifiedJava6Install.pkg saved on desktop" buttons {"Ok"}

then, open the jdk6 installer