Postgresql 更新jsonb 欄位
select id,jsonb_v::jsonb->>'celldata' ,jsonb_v->>'celldata' from t_user where id=35;
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"address":"上海浦東"}'::jsonb where id=35; -- 新增address
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"address":"被凍結上海浦東"}'::jsonb where id=35; -- 修改address的值
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v - 'address' where id=35; -- 刪除address
{ "myinfo": { "name": "xc", "myaddress": { "city": "上海", "pre": "區" } } } {"myinfo":{"name":"xc","myaddress":{"city":"上海","pre":"區"}}}
-- 新增到根節點下
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"myinfo":{"name":"xc","myaddress":{"city":"上海","pre":"區"}}}'::jsonb where id=35;
-- 增加一個內嵌age欄位 {"myinfo":{"myaddress":{"age":12}}}
{ "myinfo": { "myaddress": { "age": 12 } } }
-- 錯誤! 以下方法把整個myinfo欄位都作為修改 update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"myinfo":{"myaddress":{"age":12}}}'::jsonb where id=35; -- 對myinfo->myaddress 增加一個age鍵 (其中true的作用為,沒有就新增一個鍵) update t_user set jsonb_v= jsonb_set(jsonb_v,'{myinfo,myaddress,age}'::text[],'"124"',true) where id=35; update t_user set jsonb_v= jsonb_set(jsonb_v,'{myinfo,myaddress,age}'::text[],'12',true) where id=35;
-- 增加一個集合
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"celldata":[]}'::jsonb where id=35;
-- 陣列中插入一條記錄
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_insert(jsonb_v::jsonb,'{celldata,0}','{"c":1,"r":1,"v":{"con":"str"}}',false) where id =35;
-- 刪除集合
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v - 'celldata' where id=35;
-- 將celldata集合中第二個的v值整體改變
update t_user set jsonb_v= jsonb_set(jsonb_v,'{celldata,1,v}'::text[],'{"con":"new str"}',true) where id=35;
-- 將celldata集合中第二個v的某個key的值改變
update t_user set jsonb_v= jsonb_set(jsonb_v,'{celldata,1,v,con1}'::text[],'"new str"',true) where id=35;
-- 刪除celldata集合中的第二個
update t_user set jsonb_v = jsonb_v #- '{celldata,1}' where id=35;
-- 集合在其他層級新增
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_v||'{"myinfo":{"celldata":[]}}'::jsonb where id=35;
-- 集合在其他層級 新增元素
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_insert(jsonb_v,'{myinfo,celldata,0}','{"c":1,"r":1,"v":{"con":"str"}}',false) where id =35;
-- 集合在其他層級 新增元素到集合尾部
update t_user set jsonb_v=jsonb_insert(jsonb_v,'{myinfo,celldata,-1}','{"c":21,"r":21,"v":{"con":"str"}}',true) where id =35;
-- 集合在其他層級 元素修改
update t_user set jsonb_v= jsonb_set(jsonb_v,'{myinfo,celldata,0,v,con}'::text[],'"new str"',true) where id=35;
-- 查詢時 返回修改過資料
select jsonb_agg( case when c1 @> '{"c":21,"r":21}' then '{"c":21,"r":21,"v":"vasfaf"}' else c1 end) from ( select jsonb_array_elements(jsonb_v->'myinfo'->'celldata') c1 from t_user where id=35 ) as t;
Create index 索引名 on 表名(欄位名) -- jsonb欄位建立索引 create index idx_ay_json_v on ay_json_test using gin(json_value jsonb_path_ops );
CREATE SEQUENCE gys.mytable_myid_seq CYCLE INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 99999999 CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE gys.mytable_myid_seq OWNER TO postgres;
String sql = "insert into t_user (id,username,password,age,remark,updatetime,jsonb) values " + " (nextval('ay_json_test_id_seq'),?,?,?,?,now(),?)";
select * from ay_json_test order by json_value::json->>'agent' desc order by jsonb欄位名::json->>key desc/asc
select * from ay_json_test where json_value @>'{"agent":"02"}'::jsonb; Where jsonb欄位名 @>’json串’::jsonb
-- 從普通欄位以及jsonb欄位中獲取指定的幾個key返回結果
select id,json_value::json->>'agent' as agent,json_value::json->>'ay_name' as ay_name from ay_json_test t ;
-- 從普通欄位以及jsonb欄位中獲取指定的幾個key返回json結果
select row_to_json(a.*) from (
select json_value::json->>'agent' as agent ,json_value::json->>'ay_name' as ay_name from ay_json_test t
) a;
9、按頁返回資料 2個方法效率未知
-- 按ay_name 排序 獲取第4條記錄開始的記錄
-- 方法一
SELECT a.* FROM ( SELECT t.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY json_value :: json ->> 'an_name' ) AS rn FROM ay_json_test t ) a WHERE rn > 3 and rn<6
-- 方法二
select * from ay_json_test order by json_value::json->>'ay_name' limit 2 offset 3
select jsonb_array_length(jsonb_v->'myinfo'->'celldata') from t_user where id=35 ; -- 或者 select jsonb_array_length(c1) from ( select jsonb_v->'myinfo'->'celldata' as c1 from t_user where id=35 ) as t;
select jsonb_v as v, CHAR_LENGTH(jsonb_v :: text) as l, LENGTH(jsonb_v :: text) as l2, CHARACTER_LENGTH(jsonb_v :: text) as l3, octet_length(jsonb_v :: text) as l4 from t_user;
C=1 r=2 修改v
Insert into t_user(id,jsonb_v) values(113,’[{"c":2,"r":2,"v":{"con":"str"}},{"c":1,"r":1,"v":{"con":"new str"}},{"c":21,"r":21,"v":{"con":"str"}},{"c":20,"r":21,"v":{"con":"str"}}]’);
select jsonb_agg(col2) from ( select row_to_json(t2) col2 from ( select c, r , case when c=20 and r=21 then '{"k":1,"y":"2"}' else v end v from (select jsonb_v from t_user where id=113) as t1, jsonb_to_recordset ( t1.jsonb_v ) x ( C INT, r INT, v jsonb ) ) t2 ) t3
c>=20 c=c+20
select jsonb_agg(col2) from ( select row_to_json(t2) col2 from ( select c, case when r>= 20 then r+20 else r end r, v from (select jsonb_v from t_user where id=113) as t1, jsonb_to_recordset ( t1.jsonb_v ) x ( C INT, r INT, v jsonb ) ) t2 ) t3