阿新 • • 發佈:2020-10-31
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class='form-control' style='width: 100px;display: inline;margin-left: 5px'>" + "<option value='1' >模糊</option>" + "<option value='0' >精確</option>" + "</select>" if (i2 % 14 == 2) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='giukou']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 3) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='province']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 4) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='faren']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 5) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='lianxiren']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 6) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='shuxing']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 7) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='Name']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 8) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='key']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 9) { $("#type" + i2 + " option[value='nitouru']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i2 % 14 == 0) { $("#type" + i2 + " 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"<select id='type" + i + "' name='type" + i + "' class='form-control' style='width: 150px;display: inline;margin-left: 5px'>" + "<option value='jigoumingcheng'>機構全稱</option>" + "<option value='guikou'>歸口管理單位</option>" + "<option value='province'>所在地域</option>" + "<option value='faren'>法人代表</option>" + "<option value='lianxiren'>聯絡人</option>" + "<option value='shuxing'>機構屬性</option>" + "<option value='gjz'>關鍵字</option>" + "<option value='nitouru'>擬投入資金總額</option>" + "<option value='jsxqhzms'>技術需求解決方式</option>" + "<option value='duoxuan'>科技活動型別</option>" + "<option value='fenlei'>學科分類</option>" + "<option value='lingyv'>需求技術所屬領域</option>" + "<option value='xqjsyyhy'>需求技術應用行業</option>" + "</select>" + " <input id='SearchBox" + i + "' name='SearchBox" + i + "' class='form-control' style='width: 150px;display: inline'/>"+ "<select id='t" + i + "' name='t" + i + "' class='form-control' style='width: 100px;display: inline;margin-left: 5px'>" + "<option value='1' >模糊</option>" + "<option value='0' >精確</option>" + "</select>" if (i % 14 == 2) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='gkglbm']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 3) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='szdy']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 4) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='frdb']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 5) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='lxr']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 6) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='jgsx']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 7) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='jsxqmc']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 8) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='gjz']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 9) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='zjxqze']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 0) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='jsxqhzms']").prop("selected", true); } /*else if (i % 14 == 3) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='yjlx']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 4) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='xkfl']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 5) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='xqjsssly']").prop("selected", true); } else if (i % 14 == 0) { $("#type" + i + " option[value='xqjsyyhy']").prop("selected", true); }*/ } function deleteRow(obj) { alert("確定刪除一行嗎?"); if (i - first < 1) { alert("不能再刪除了"); return; } tbl.deleteRow(obj.parentElement.parentElement.rowIndex); first++; } function Submit() { var url = "chaxun?sql = "; var sql = "select * from xvqiu where 1=1 and " for (var j = first; j <= i; j++) { var y = $("#type" + j + " option:selected").val(); var box = "SearchBox" + j; var t = $("#t" + j + " option:selected").val(); var h = $("#h" + j + " option:selected").text(); //alert(t); var input = document.getElementById(box).value; if (j <= i) { if (h == "並且") { sql += " and "; } if (h == "或者") { sql += " or "; } } if (h == "不含") { sql += " and " + y +" != '"+ input + "' "; } else { if(t=="1"){ sql += y+" like '%" + input + "%'"; }else { sql += y+"= '" + input + "' "; } } } //alert(sql); $("#sql").attr("value", sql) //alert(sql); //url+=sql; //window.location.href = url;<button id="Button" type="button" onclick="Submit()">查詢</button> //return true; } </script> </html> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1><h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1> <h1>1</h1>
package servlet; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler; import com.google.gson.Gson; import Bean.Gongwen; import Bean.User; import Bean.shuju; import DBUtil.DBUtil; /** * Servlet implementation class setPie1 */ @WebServlet("/setPie1") public class setPie1 extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet() */ public setPie1() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html;charest=UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); String sql1=request.getParameter("sql2"); String p=request.getParameter("tjzd"); User user=(User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); String sql=""; if(user.getUsername().equals("guanliyuan")) { sql=sql1; } else { StringBuilder a=new StringBuilder(sql1); a.append("bumen = '"+user.getDanwei()+"'"); sql=a.toString(); } System.out.println(sql); Connection conn=DBUtil.getConn(); QueryRunner runner=new QueryRunner(); List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(); Statement state = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { state = conn.createStatement(); rs = state.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) // 這裡表示,當rs.next()有值得時候,即收到查詢結果 { String q=rs.getString(p); list.add(q); // 表示,把bean裡的資料存入到list當中 } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { DBUtil.close(state, conn); } System.out.println(list.size()); List<shuju> list1=new ArrayList<shuju>(); boolean flag=true; for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) { shuju s=new shuju(list.get(i),1); for(shuju c:list1) { if(c.getName().equals(s.getName())) { c.setValue(c.getValue()+1); flag=false; break; } } if(flag) { list1.add(s); } flag=true; } Gson gson=new Gson(); String json=gson.toJson(list1); System.out.println(json); request.setAttribute("json",json ); request.setAttribute("list1", list1); request.setAttribute("kid", "panel-638309"); request.getRequestDispatcher("/templete/tongji.jsp").forward(request, response);; } /** * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub doGet(request, response); } }