1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >648. 單詞替換

648. 單詞替換




示例 1:

輸入:dictionary = ["cat","bat","rat"], sentence = "the cattle was rattled by the battery"
輸出:"the cat was rat by the bat"
示例 2:

輸入:dictionary = ["a","b","c"], sentence = "aadsfasf absbs bbab cadsfafs"
輸出:"a a b c"
示例 3:

輸入:dictionary = ["a", "aa", "aaa", "aaaa"], sentence = "a aa a aaaa aaa aaa aaa aaaaaa bbb baba ababa"
輸出:"a a a a a a a a bbb baba a"
示例 4:

輸入:dictionary = ["catt","cat","bat","rat"], sentence = "the cattle was rattled by the battery"
輸出:"the cat was rat by the bat"
示例 5:

輸入:dictionary = ["ac","ab"], sentence = "it is abnormal that this solution is accepted"
輸出:"it is ab that this solution is ac"


1 <= dictionary.length<= 1000
1 <= dictionary[i].length <= 100
1 <= sentence.length <= 10^6
sentence 中單詞的總量在範圍 [1, 1000] 內。
sentence 中每個單詞的長度在範圍 [1, 1000] 內。
sentence 中單詞之間由一個空格隔開。


class Solution:
    def replaceWords(self, dictionary: List[str], sentence: str) -> str:
        for i in sentence:
            for j in dictionary:
                if i.startswith(j):
            if not swap:
        return ' '.join(res)

class Solution(object):
    def replaceWords(self, roots, sentence):
        :type dict: List[str]
        :type sentence: str
        :rtype: str
        # Because the default constructor registered by defaultdict is only called when it is called for the first time, so you can define yourself here.
        # Trie is a function, calling it will return a defaultdict
        Trie = lambda:collections.defaultdict(Trie)
        # tri first calls Trie, returns a defalutdict, so tri is a defalutdict
        tri = Trie()
        END = True
        for root in roots:
            # dict.__getitem__ requires two parameters, the first is the dictionary object, the second is the key
            # At the beginning, the dictionary object is tri, the key is the first character c of root, and tri[c] will return a new dictionary.
            # New dictionary represents the child node of the node starting with the character c
            # By analogy, finally get a leaf node, it should be empty by default, we assign the value of the whole word to the place where the key is END
            reduce(dict.__getitem__, root, tri)[END] = root
        def replace(word):
            cur = tri
            for c in word:
                # Either this character is not in the successor node of the current node, or has encountered the shortest prefix
                if c not in cur or END in cur:break
                # Otherwise continue to traverse down
                cur = cur[c]
            # When returning, there are two possibilities. If cur does not have a corresponding prefix, then the word does not match the word, and the word is returned.
            # get operation does not affect the value of Trie
            return cur.get(END, word)