阿新 • • 發佈:2020-11-22
/** * every philosopher is in while loop: * thinking -> take_forks -> eating -> put_down_forks -> thingking * 死鎖:修改N_ROOM為5,開啟take_forks(int id)函式中的sleep(5); */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <unistd.h> #define N 5 // five philosopher #define T_EAT 5 #define T_THINK 5 #define N_ROOM 4 //同一時間只允許X人用餐 #define left(phi_id) (phi_id+N-1)%N #define right(phi_id) (phi_id+1)%N enum { think , hungry , eat }phi_state[N]; sem_t chopstick[N]; sem_t room; void thinking(int id){ sleep(T_THINK); printf("philosopher[%d] is thinking....\n", id); } void eating(int id){ sleep(T_EAT); printf("philosopher[%d] is eating....\n", id); } void take_forks(int id){ //獲取左右兩邊的筷子 printf("philosopher[%d] is trying to get left[%d] chopstick.???????\n", id, left(id)); sem_wait(&chopstick[left(id)]); printf("philosopher[%d] takes left[%d] chopstick.------\n", id, left(id)); //sleep(5); //增加死鎖機率 printf("philosopher[%d] is trying to get right[%d] chopstick.??????\n", id, id); sem_wait(&chopstick[id]); printf("philosopher[%d] takes right[%d] chopstick.-----\n", id, id); } void put_down_forks(int id){ printf("philosopher[%d] put_down_forks...vvvvvv\n", id); sem_post(&chopstick[left(id)]); sem_post(&chopstick[id]); } void* philosopher_work(void *arg){ int id = *(int*)arg; printf("philosopher init [%d] \n", id); while(1){ thinking(id); sem_wait(&room); take_forks(id); sem_post(&room); eating(id); put_down_forks(id); } } int main(){ pthread_t phiTid[N]; int i; int err; int *id=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*N); //initilize semaphore for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if(sem_init(&chopstick[i], 0, 1) != 0) { printf("init forks error\n"); } } sem_init(&room, 0, N_ROOM); for(i=0; i < N; ++i){ id[i] = i; err = pthread_create(&phiTid[i], NULL, philosopher_work, (void*)(&id[i])); //這種情況生成的thread id是0,1,2,3,4 if (err != 0) printf("can't create process for reader\n"); } while(1); // delete the source of semaphore for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { err = sem_destroy(&chopstick[i]); if (err != 0) { printf("can't destory semaphore\n"); } } exit(0); return 0; }