HDF5 簡介
HDF(Hierarchical Data Format)指一種為儲存和處理大容量科學資料設計的檔案格式及相應庫檔案。HDF 最早由美國國家超級計算應用中心 NCSA 開發,目前在非盈利組織 HDF 小組維護下繼續發展。當前流行的版本是 HDF5。HDF5 擁有一系列的優異特性,使其特別適合進行大量科學資料的儲存和操作,如它支援非常多的資料型別,靈活,通用,跨平臺,可擴充套件,高效的 I/O 效能,支援幾乎無限量(高達 EB)的單檔案儲存等,詳見其官方介紹: 。
HDF5 結構
HDF5 檔案一般以 .h5 或者 .hdf5 作為字尾名,需要專門的軟體才能開啟預覽檔案的內容。HDF5 檔案結構中有 2 primary objects: Groups 和 Datasets。
Groups 就類似於資料夾,每個 HDF5 檔案其實就是根目錄 (root) group'/',可以看成目錄的容器,其中可以包含一個或多個 dataset 及其它的 group。
Datasets 類似於 NumPy 中的陣列 array,可以當作陣列的資料集合 。
每個 dataset 可以分成兩部分: 原始資料 (raw) data values 和 元資料 metadata (a set of data that describes and gives information about other data => raw data)。
+-- Dataset | +-- (Raw) Data Values (eg: a 4 x 5 x 6 matrix) | +-- Metadata | | +-- Dataspace (eg: Rank = 3,Dimensions = {4,5,6}) | | +-- Datatype (eg: Integer) | | +-- Properties (eg: Chuncked,Compressed) | | +-- Attributes (eg: attr1 = 32.4,attr2 = "hello",...) |
- Dataspace 給出原始資料的秩 (Rank) 和維度 (dimension)
- Datatype 給出資料型別
- Properties 說明該 dataset 的分塊儲存以及壓縮情況
- Chunked: Better access time for subsets; extendible
- Chunked & Compressed: Improves storage efficiency,transmission speed
- Attributes 為該 dataset 的其他自定義屬性
整個 HDF5 檔案的結構如下所示:
+-- / | +-- group_1 | | +-- dataset_1_1 | | | +-- attribute_1_1_1 | | | +-- attribute_1_1_2 | | | +-- ... | | | | | +-- dataset_1_2 | | | +-- attribute_1_2_1 | | | +-- attribute_1_2_2 | | | +-- ... | | | | | +-- ... | | | +-- group_2 | | +-- dataset_2_1 | | | +-- attribute_2_1_1 | | | +-- attribute_2_1_2 | | | +-- ... | | | | | +-- dataset_2_2 | | | +-- attribute_2_2_1 | | | +-- attribute_2_2_2 | | | +-- ... | | | | | +-- ... | | | +-- ... |
一個 HDF5 檔案從一個命名為 "/" 的 group 開始,所有的 dataset 和其它 group 都包含在此 group 下,當操作 HDF5 檔案時,如果沒有顯式指定 group 的 dataset 都是預設指 "/" 下的 dataset,另外類似相對檔案路徑的 group 名字都是相對於 "/" 的。
pip install h5py
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Created by WW on Jan. 26,2020 # All rights reserved. # import h5py import numpy as np def main(): #=========================================================================== # Create a HDF5 file. f = h5py.File("h5py_example.hdf5","w") # mode = {'w','r','a'} # Create two groups under root '/'. g1 = f.create_group("bar1") g2 = f.create_group("bar2") # Create a dataset under root '/'. d = f.create_dataset("dset",data=np.arange(16).reshape([4,4])) # Add two attributes to dataset 'dset' d.attrs["myAttr1"] = [100,200] d.attrs["myAttr2"] = "Hello,world!" # Create a group and a dataset under group "bar1". c1 = g1.create_group("car1") d1 = g1.create_dataset("dset1",data=np.arange(10)) # Create a group and a dataset under group "bar2". c2 = g2.create_group("car2") d2 = g2.create_dataset("dset2",data=np.arange(10)) # Save and exit the file. f.close() ''' h5py_example.hdf5 file structure +-- '/' | +-- group "bar1" | | +-- group "car1" | | | +-- None | | | | | +-- dataset "dset1" | | | +-- group "bar2" | | +-- group "car2" | | | +-- None | | | | | +-- dataset "dset2" | | | +-- dataset "dset" | | +-- attribute "myAttr1" | | +-- attribute "myAttr2" | | | ''' #=========================================================================== # Read HDF5 file. f = h5py.File("h5py_example.hdf5","r") # mode = {'w','a'} # Print the keys of groups and datasets under '/'. print(f.filename,":") print([key for key in f.keys()],"\n") #=================================================== # Read dataset 'dset' under '/'. d = f["dset"] # Print the data of 'dset'. print(,":") print(d[:]) # Print the attributes of dataset 'dset'. for key in d.attrs.keys(): print(key,":",d.attrs[key]) print() #=================================================== # Read group 'bar1'. g = f["bar1"] # Print the keys of groups and datasets under group 'bar1'. print([key for key in g.keys()]) # Three methods to print the data of 'dset1'. print(f["/bar1/dset1"][:]) # 1. absolute path print(f["bar1"]["dset1"][:]) # 2. relative path: file[][] print(g['dset1'][:]) # 3. relative path: group[] # Delete a database. # Notice: the mode should be 'a' when you read a file. ''' del g["dset1"] ''' # Save and exit the file f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import h5py
import h5py f=h5py.File("myh5py.hdf5","w") #deset1是資料集的name,(20,)代表資料集的shape,i代表的是資料集的元素型別 d1=f.create_dataset("dset1",(20,),'i') for key in f.keys(): print(key) print(f[key].name) print(f[key].shape) print(f[key].value)
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
import h5py import numpy as np f=h5py.File("myh5py.hdf5","w") d1=f.create_dataset("dset1",'i') #賦值 d1[...]=np.arange(20) #或者我們可以直接按照下面的方式建立資料集並賦值 f["dset2"]=np.arange(15) for key in f.keys(): print(f[key].name) print(f[key].value)
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14]
import h5py import numpy as np f=h5py.File("myh5py.hdf5","w") #建立一個名字為bar的組 g1=f.create_group("bar") #在bar這個組裡面分別建立name為dset1,dset2的資料集並賦值。 g1["dset1"]=np.arange(10) g1["dset2"]=np.arange(12).reshape((3,4)) for key in g1.keys(): print(g1[key].name) print(g1[key].value)
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
[[ 0 1 2 3]
[ 4 5 6 7]
[ 8 9 10 11]]
# 刪除某個key,呼叫remove
import pandas as pd import numpy as np # 將mode改成r即可 hdf5 = pd.HDFStore("hello.h5",mode="r") # 或者 """ hdfs = pd.read_hdf("hello.h5",key="xxx") """