1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >cpu負載和系統負載計算原理


排程中的負載概念,與平時熟知的cpu佔用率並不是一回事,兩者間有較大差別。本文分析了cpu負載和系統負載,並非CPU使用率。程式碼基於CAF- SM8250 - kernel 4.19。






之前blog分析了排程實體sched entity級別的負載計算,是通過PELT機制來統計的。它體現了每一個排程實體的對cpu產生的負載情況,並進行了實時統計更新。(這塊之前分析,覆盤了下,還是不太詳細和明確,後續還要再總結一下)



CPU負載是用來體現當前CPU的工作任務loading情況,和CPU繁忙程度的。其主要通過統計CPU rq上task處於runnable的平均時間(runnable_load_avg = runnable_load_sum /LOAD_AVG_MAX)。並根據不同週期,統計出不同的k線,來體現CPU負載的變化趨勢。



-> cpu_load_update_active()
void cpu_load_update_active(struct rq *this_rq)  
    unsigned long load = weighted_cpuload(this_rq); //load = cfs_rq->avg.runnable_load_avg

    if (tick_nohz_tick_stopped())
        cpu_load_update_nohz(this_rq, READ_ONCE(jiffies), load);    
//(1) else cpu_load_update_periodic(this_rq, load); //(2) }


(1)cpu_load_update_nohz(this_rq, READ_ONCE(jiffies), load) //更新cpu負載,基於no HZ場景
(2)cpu_load_update_periodic()  //週期性更新cpu負載,基於有HZ場景

NO_HZ的情況下,會走這個分支。pending_updates表示jiffies數是否更新,即表示tick數。 經過的秒數 = jiffies / HZ(平臺當前HZ=250);一個tick為HZ倒數,即4ms。

 * There is no sane way to deal with nohz on smp when using jiffies because the
 * CPU doing the jiffies update might drift wrt the CPU doing the jiffy reading
 * causing off-by-one errors in observed deltas; {0,2} instead of {1,1}.
 * Therefore we need to avoid the delta approach from the regular tick when
 * possible since that would seriously skew the load calculation. This is why we
 * use cpu_load_update_periodic() for CPUs out of nohz. However we'll rely on
 * jiffies deltas for updates happening while in nohz mode (idle ticks, idle
 * loop exit, nohz_idle_balance, nohz full exit...)
 * This means we might still be one tick off for nohz periods.

static void cpu_load_update_nohz(struct rq *this_rq,
                 unsigned long curr_jiffies,
                 unsigned long load)
    unsigned long pending_updates;

    pending_updates = curr_jiffies - this_rq->last_load_update_tick;    //計算pending_updates
    if (pending_updates) {
        this_rq->last_load_update_tick = curr_jiffies;  //更新時間戳
         * In the regular NOHZ case, we were idle, this means load 0.
         * In the NOHZ_FULL case, we were non-idle, we should consider
         * its weighted load.
        cpu_load_update(this_rq, load, pending_updates);    //(2-1)更新cpu rq的cpu load資料


static void cpu_load_update_periodic(struct rq *this_rq, unsigned long load)
    /* See the mess around cpu_load_update_nohz(). */
    this_rq->last_load_update_tick = READ_ONCE(jiffies);    //記錄更新的時間戳
    cpu_load_update(this_rq, load, 1);  //(2-1)更新cpu rq的cpu load資料

最終都是呼叫了cpu_load_update()來更新cpu rq的cpu load資料。

(2-1)更新cpu rq的cpu load資料

 * __cpu_load_update - update the rq->cpu_load[] statistics
 * @this_rq: The rq to update statistics for
 * @this_load: The current load
 * @pending_updates: The number of missed updates
 * Update rq->cpu_load[] statistics. This function is usually called every
 * scheduler tick (TICK_NSEC).
 * This function computes a decaying average:
 *   load[i]' = (1 - 1/2^i) * load[i] + (1/2^i) * load
 * Because of NOHZ it might not get called on every tick which gives need for
 * the @pending_updates argument.
 *   load[i]_n = (1 - 1/2^i) * load[i]_n-1 + (1/2^i) * load_n-1
 *             = A * load[i]_n-1 + B ; A := (1 - 1/2^i), B := (1/2^i) * load
 *             = A * (A * load[i]_n-2 + B) + B
 *             = A * (A * (A * load[i]_n-3 + B) + B) + B
 *             = A^3 * load[i]_n-3 + (A^2 + A + 1) * B
 *             = A^n * load[i]_0 + (A^(n-1) + A^(n-2) + ... + 1) * B
 *             = A^n * load[i]_0 + ((1 - A^n) / (1 - A)) * B
 *             = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * (load[i]_0 - load) + load
 * In the above we've assumed load_n := load, which is true for NOHZ_FULL as
 * any change in load would have resulted in the tick being turned back on.
 * For regular NOHZ, this reduces to:
 *   load[i]_n = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * load[i]_0
 * see decay_load_misses(). For NOHZ_FULL we get to subtract and add the extra
 * term.
static void cpu_load_update(struct rq *this_rq, unsigned long this_load,
                unsigned long pending_updates)
    unsigned long __maybe_unused tickless_load = this_rq->cpu_load[0];  //獲取之前週期為0的均線cpu load
    int i, scale;

    this_rq->nr_load_updates++;     //統計cpu load更新次數

    /* Update our load: */
    this_rq->cpu_load[0] = this_load; /* Fasttrack for idx 0 */         //更新cpu load[0]
    for (i = 1, scale = 2; i < CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX; i++, scale += scale) { //更新cpu load[1-4]
        unsigned long old_load, new_load;

        /* scale is effectively 1 << i now, and >> i divides by scale */

        old_load = this_rq->cpu_load[i];
        old_load = decay_load_missed(old_load, pending_updates - 1, i);     //(2-1-1)將原先的old load做老化;如果pending_update == 1,就不用做負載老化
        if (tickless_load) {                                   //如果之前cpu load[0]有負載
            old_load -= decay_load_missed(tickless_load, pending_updates - 1, i);  //那麼還要對tickless_load進行老化【針對這裡為什麼要新增tickless_load的考慮,後面說明】
             * old_load can never be a negative value because a
             * decayed tickless_load cannot be greater than the
             * original tickless_load.
            old_load += tickless_load;
        new_load = this_load;
         * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
         * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
         * example.
        if (new_load > old_load)        //這裡是做了一個補償,防止由於old load小於new load情況下,最終的cpu load都不可能達到最大值
            new_load += scale - 1;

        this_rq->cpu_load[i] = (old_load * (scale - 1) + new_load) >> i;    //計算當前新的cpu load

首先為了便於理解,我們先關注程式碼最後計算更新當前新的cpu load,實際為5份資料。分別對應不同週期長度的均線資料:



而在更新時,採用的計算公式:load = (2^idx - 1) / 2^idx * load + 1 / 2^idx * cur_load ----idx就是表格中【i】,load為old load,cur_load為新的load

那麼整理後,為:當前load = 更新系數 *舊的load + (1-更新系數)* 新的load ---更新系數為 (2^idx - 1) / 2^idx,最終參考【cpu_load】計算公式

現在我們來看,關於tickless系統(我們當前就是tickless/NO_HZ系統),錯過了一些tick,那麼就需要先將old load先老化,再考慮new load,重新計算當前的cpu load[1-4]。這裡使用了查表法來減少計算量,提升效能。


(2-1-1)將原先的old load做老化;如果pending_update == 1,就不用做負載老化

 * The exact cpuload calculated at every tick would be:
 *   load' = (1 - 1/2^i) * load + (1/2^i) * cur_load
 * If a CPU misses updates for n ticks (as it was idle) and update gets
 * called on the n+1-th tick when CPU may be busy, then we have:
 *   load_n   = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * load_0
 *   load_n+1 = (1 - 1/2^i)   * load_n + (1/2^i) * cur_load
 * decay_load_missed() below does efficient calculation of
 *   load' = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * load
 * Because x^(n+m) := x^n * x^m we can decompose any x^n in power-of-2 factors.
 * This allows us to precompute the above in said factors, thereby allowing the
 * reduction of an arbitrary n in O(log_2 n) steps. (See also
 * fixed_power_int())
 * The calculation is approximated on a 128 point scale.
#define DEGRADE_SHIFT        7

static const u8 degrade_zero_ticks[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX] = {0, 8, 32, 64, 128};
static const u8 degrade_factor[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX][DEGRADE_SHIFT + 1] = {
    {   0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 0 },
    {  64,  32,  8,  0,  0,  0, 0, 0 },
    {  96,  72, 40, 12,  1,  0, 0, 0 },
    { 112,  98, 75, 43, 15,  1, 0, 0 },
    { 120, 112, 98, 76, 45, 16, 2, 0 }

 * Update cpu_load for any missed ticks, due to tickless idle. The backlog
 * would be when CPU is idle and so we just decay the old load without
 * adding any new load.
static unsigned long
decay_load_missed(unsigned long load, unsigned long missed_updates, int idx)
    int j = 0;

    if (!missed_updates)
        return load;

    if (missed_updates >= degrade_zero_ticks[idx])  //不同的統計週期,超過了一定tick數,說明系統已經sleep這麼長時間,那麼old load就需要被清空了
        return 0;

    if (idx == 1)
        return load >> missed_updates;  //如果是週期為2均線,就直接根據missed_updates的個數,除以2次冪就行了,因為old和new的佔比是各為1/2

    while (missed_updates) {
        if (missed_updates % 2)
            load = (load * degrade_factor[idx][j]) >> DEGRADE_SHIFT;

        missed_updates >>= 1;
    return load;


load_n = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * load_0  ---i就是idx,n則是pending_update-1,也就是missed_updates





1. 上一次該均線load更新,此時load較小-----這部分load視作舊load

2. 期間有短暫的load劇增------這部分load視作tickless_load

3. 還沒有到該均線load更新,進入休眠

4. 喚醒時刻load也比較小

5. 此次該均線load更新,此時load也比較小(與喚醒時刻load一致)

但是此時,如果不考慮ticklees load。那麼該均線load此次更新會僅考慮舊load的衰減,再加上更新均線此時load,經過演算法計算得出。但是此時的load與實際體現有較大差距,因為週期越長,那麼新load更新時所佔比例小,舊load所佔比例大。所以,導致此時最終load結果與平均load有一部分相差,因為沒有考慮到tickless load的負載,無法體現CPU平均負載真實情況。



load_n = (1 - 1/2^i)^n * load_0 + [1 - (1 - 1/2^i)^n ] *tickless_load


tickless load這塊的理解屬於我個人理解,最好還是通過檢查kernel提交記錄檢視commit資訊。如有理解不對的地方,請指出。





系統級的平均負載(load average)可以通過以下命令(uptime、top、cat /proc/loadavg)檢視:

$ uptime
 16:48:24 up  4:11,  1 user,  load average: 25.25, 23.40, 23.46

$ top - 16:48:42 up  4:12,  1 user,  load average: 25.25, 23.14, 23.37

$ cat /proc/loadavg 
25.72 23.19 23.35 42/3411 43603

“load average:”後面的3個數字分別表示1分鐘、5分鐘、15分鐘的load average。可以從幾方面去解析load average:

If the averages are 0.0, then your system is idle.

If the 1 minute average is higher than the 5 or 15 minute averages, then load is increasing.

If the 1 minute average is lower than the 5 or 15 minute averages, then load is decreasing.

If they are higher than your CPU count, then you might have a performance problem (it depends).

最早的系統級平均負載(load average)只會統計runnable狀態,但是linux後面覺得這種統計方式代表不了系統的真實負載。


->  calc_global_load_tick()

 * Called from scheduler_tick() to periodically update this CPU's
 * active count.
void calc_global_load_tick(struct rq *this_rq)
    long delta;

    if (time_before(jiffies, this_rq->calc_load_update))    //過濾系統負載已經更新了的情況

    delta  = calc_load_fold_active(this_rq, 0);     //(1)更新nr_running + uninterruptible的task數量
    if (delta)
        atomic_long_add(delta, &calc_load_tasks);   //統計task數量到系統全域性變數calc_load_tasks中

    this_rq->calc_load_update += LOAD_FREQ;     //下一次更新系統負載的時間(當前時間+5s)

long calc_load_fold_active(struct rq *this_rq, long adjust)
    long nr_active, delta = 0;

    nr_active = this_rq->nr_running - adjust;
    nr_active += (long)this_rq->nr_uninterruptible;     //統計所有nr_running和uninterruptible的task數量

    if (nr_active != this_rq->calc_load_active) {       //this_rq->calc_load_active表示當前nr_running + uninterruptible的task數量
        delta = nr_active - this_rq->calc_load_active;  //計算差值
        this_rq->calc_load_active = nr_active;      //更新task數量

    return delta;

上面這部分主要是每隔5s以上,更新系統中nr_running + uninterruptible的task數量的,並統計到全域性變數calc_load_tasks中。


    -> tick_sched_do_timer()
           -> do_timer()
                -> calc_global_load()

 * calc_load - update the avenrun load estimates 10 ticks after the
 * CPUs have updated calc_load_tasks.
 * Called from the global timer code.
void calc_global_load(unsigned long ticks)
    unsigned long sample_window;
    long active, delta;

    sample_window = READ_ONCE(calc_load_update);    //獲取scheduler_tick中更新的新時間戳
    if (time_before(jiffies, sample_window + 10))   //確保在時間戳之後的10個tick後(確保所有cpu都更新完calc_load_tasks),進行系統負載計算(所以總的間隔時間時5s + 10 tick)

     * Fold the 'old' NO_HZ-delta to include all NO_HZ CPUs.
    delta = calc_load_nohz_fold();      //(2)統計NO_HZ cpu的task數量(是否因為idle而錯過了統計task數量,所以在這裡更新一下?)
    if (delta)
        atomic_long_add(delta, &calc_load_tasks);   //更新nr_running + uninterrunptible的task數量全域性變數

    active = atomic_long_read(&calc_load_tasks);    //獲取nr_running + uninterrunptible的task數量全域性變數
    active = active > 0 ? active * FIXED_1 : 0;     //乘FIXED_1係數

    avenrun[0] = calc_load(avenrun[0], EXP_1, active);      //(3)計算1分鐘的系統負載
    avenrun[1] = calc_load(avenrun[1], EXP_5, active);      //計算5分鐘的系統負載
    avenrun[2] = calc_load(avenrun[2], EXP_15, active);     //計算15分鐘的系統負載

    WRITE_ONCE(calc_load_update, sample_window + LOAD_FREQ);        //更新時間戳

     * In case we went to NO_HZ for multiple LOAD_FREQ intervals
     * catch up in bulk.
    calc_global_nohz();     //(4)

(2)統計NO_HZ cpu的task數量(是否因為idle而錯過了統計task數量,所以在這裡更新一下?)

static long calc_load_nohz_fold(void)
    int idx = calc_load_read_idx();
    long delta = 0;

    if (atomic_long_read(&calc_load_nohz[idx]))
        delta = atomic_long_xchg(&calc_load_nohz[idx], 0);

    return delta;

 * Handle NO_HZ for the global load-average.
 * Since the above described distributed algorithm to compute the global
 * load-average relies on per-CPU sampling from the tick, it is affected by
 * NO_HZ.
 * The basic idea is to fold the nr_active delta into a global NO_HZ-delta upon
 * entering NO_HZ state such that we can include this as an 'extra' CPU delta
 * when we read the global state.
 * Obviously reality has to ruin such a delightfully simple scheme:
 *  - When we go NO_HZ idle during the window, we can negate our sample
 *    contribution, causing under-accounting.
 *    We avoid this by keeping two NO_HZ-delta counters and flipping them
 *    when the window starts, thus separating old and new NO_HZ load.
 *    The only trick is the slight shift in index flip for read vs write.
 *        0s            5s            10s           15s
 *          +10           +10           +10           +10
 *        |-|-----------|-|-----------|-|-----------|-|
 *    r:0 0 1           1 0           0 1           1 0
 *    w:0 1 1           0 0           1 1           0 0
 *    This ensures we'll fold the old NO_HZ contribution in this window while
 *    accumlating the new one.
 *  - When we wake up from NO_HZ during the window, we push up our
 *    contribution, since we effectively move our sample point to a known
 *    busy state.
 *    This is solved by pushing the window forward, and thus skipping the
 *    sample, for this CPU (effectively using the NO_HZ-delta for this CPU which
 *    was in effect at the time the window opened). This also solves the issue
 *    of having to deal with a CPU having been in NO_HZ for multiple LOAD_FREQ
 *    intervals.
 * When making the ILB scale, we should try to pull this in as well.
static atomic_long_t calc_load_nohz[2];
static int calc_load_idx;


 * a1 = a0 * e + a * (1 - e)
static inline unsigned long
calc_load(unsigned long load, unsigned long exp, unsigned long active)
    unsigned long newload;

    newload = load * exp + active * (FIXED_1 - exp);
    if (active >= load)
        newload += FIXED_1-1;

    return newload / FIXED_1;

#define FSHIFT        11        /* nr of bits of precision */
#define FIXED_1        (1<<FSHIFT)    /* 1.0 as fixed-point */
#define LOAD_FREQ    (5*HZ+1)    /* 5 sec intervals */
#define EXP_1        1884        /* 1/exp(5sec/1min) as fixed-point */
#define EXP_5        2014        /* 1/exp(5sec/5min) */
#define EXP_15        2037        /* 1/exp(5sec/15min) */

核心演算法calc_load()的思想是:old_load * 老化係數 + new_load *(1 - 老化係數)


old_load * (EXP_1/FIXED_1) + new_load * (1 - EXP_1/FIXED_1)



FIXED_1 = 2^11 = 2048

EXP_1 = 1884

EXP_5 = 2014

EXP_15 = 2037


從計算來看,系統負載本質實際就是統計nr_running + uninterruptible task數量


 * NO_HZ can leave us missing all per-CPU ticks calling
 * calc_load_fold_active(), but since a NO_HZ CPU folds its delta into
 * calc_load_nohz per calc_load_nohz_start(), all we need to do is fold
 * in the pending NO_HZ delta if our NO_HZ period crossed a load cycle boundary.
 * Once we've updated the global active value, we need to apply the exponential
 * weights adjusted to the number of cycles missed.
static void calc_global_nohz(void)
    unsigned long sample_window;
    long delta, active, n;

    sample_window = READ_ONCE(calc_load_update);
    if (!time_before(jiffies, sample_window + 10)) {
         * Catch-up, fold however many we are behind still
        delta = jiffies - sample_window - 10;
        n = 1 + (delta / LOAD_FREQ);

        active = atomic_long_read(&calc_load_tasks);
        active = active > 0 ? active * FIXED_1 : 0;

        avenrun[0] = calc_load_n(avenrun[0], EXP_1, active, n);
        avenrun[1] = calc_load_n(avenrun[1], EXP_5, active, n);
        avenrun[2] = calc_load_n(avenrun[2], EXP_15, active, n);

        WRITE_ONCE(calc_load_update, sample_window + n * LOAD_FREQ);

     * Flip the NO_HZ index...
     * Make sure we first write the new time then flip the index, so that
     * calc_load_write_idx() will see the new time when it reads the new
     * index, this avoids a double flip messing things up.

通過cat proc/loadavg,可以檢視系統負載結果:


static int loadavg_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
    unsigned long avnrun[3];

    get_avenrun(avnrun, FIXED_1/200, 0);

    seq_printf(m, "%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d\n",
        LOAD_INT(avnrun[0]), LOAD_FRAC(avnrun[0]),
        LOAD_INT(avnrun[1]), LOAD_FRAC(avnrun[1]),
        LOAD_INT(avnrun[2]), LOAD_FRAC(avnrun[2]),
        nr_running(), nr_threads,
        idr_get_cursor(&task_active_pid_ns(current)->idr) - 1);
    return 0;


統計的資料是cpu rq的runnable_load_avg,使用的公式是:當前load = 更新系數 *舊的load+ (1-更新系數)* 新的load ---更新系數為(2^idx - 1) / 2^idx,idx = 0,1,2,3,4。

2、系統負載計算,是在scheduler_tick中統計runnable + uninterruptible的task數量(統計間隔5s)。在sched tick timer觸發時(統計間隔5s + 10 tick),計算系統負載。
統計的資料是runnable + uninterruptible的task數量,使用的公式是:舊load * 老化係數+新load * (1 - 老化係數)


