1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >【Docker】Dockerfile 解析器指令

【Docker】Dockerfile 解析器指令



  1. virtual box 6.1
  2. centos 7.8
  3. docker 19.03


Parser directives are optional, and affect the way in which subsequent lines in a Dockerfile are handled. Parser directives do not add layers to the build, and will not be shown as a build step. Parser directives are written as a special type of comment in the form # directive=value

. A single directive may only be used once.

解析器指令是可選的,並且會影響 Dockerfile 中後續行的處理方式。解析器指令不會在構建中新增映象層,也不會顯示為構建步驟。解析器指令以 # directive=value 的形式寫為特殊的註釋型別。單個指令只能使用一次。

Once a comment, empty line or builder instruction has been processed, Docker no longer looks for parser directives. Instead it treats anything formatted as a parser directive as a comment and does not attempt to validate if it might be a parser directive. Therefore, all parser directives must be at the very top of a Dockerfile


處理完註釋,空行或生成器指令後,Docker 不再尋找解析器指令。而是將格式化為解析器指令的任何內容都視為註釋,並且不會嘗試驗證它是否可能是解析器指令。因此,所有解析器指令必須位於 Dockerfile 的最頂部。

Parser directives are not case-sensitive. However, convention is for them to be lowercase. Convention is also to include a blank line following any parser directives. Line continuation characters are not supported in parser directives.


Due to these rules, the following examples are all invalid:


Invalid due to line continuation:


# direc \

Invalid due to appearing twice:


# directive=value1
# directive=value2

FROM ImageName

Treated as a comment due to appearing after a builder instruction:


FROM ImageName
# directive=value

Treated as a comment due to appearing after a comment which is not a parser directive:


# About my dockerfile
# directive=value
FROM ImageName

The unknown directive is treated as a comment due to not being recognized. In addition, the known directive is treated as a comment due to appearing after a comment which is not a parser directive.


# unknowndirective=value
# knowndirective=value

Non line-breaking whitespace is permitted in a parser directive. Hence, the following lines are all treated identically:


# directive =value
#	directive= value
# directive = value
#	  dIrEcTiVe=value

The following parser directives are supported:


  • syntax
  • escape


介紹了 Dockerfile 的解析器指令格式。