1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >動態設定縮放區域(資料不累計疊加)


  <div class="hello">
    <!--<div class="test"></div>-->
    <!--&lt;!&ndash;<div class="test2">111</div>&ndash;&gt;-->
    <!--<span style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:50px;">2222</span>-->
    <!--<img src="/static/image/digitalPark/cold.png" alt="">-->
    <!--<img src="/static/image/digitalPark/cold.png" alt="">-->

    <!--<a href="111">111</a>-->
    <!--<a href="222">222</a>-->

    <!--<form action="">-->
    <!--<label for
="testName">名稱</label>--> <!--<input type="text" name="testName" id="testName">--> <!--</form>--> <!--<div style="padding:1px;background: red"></div>--> <TestBus/> <TestBus2 v-if="showBus2"/> <div id="myChart" style="height:300px;"></div> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from
'vue' import {mapState} from 'vuex' import draggable from 'vuedraggable' import PassengerFlowVolume from '../digitalPark/coms/norbulingka/passengerFlowVolume' import TestBus from './testBus' import TestBus2 from './testBus2' var dataList = [] var originTime = null var myChart var myChartOption = {}
var start=0 var end=100 export default { name: 'HelloWorld', components: { draggable, PassengerFlowVolume, TestBus, TestBus2 }, data() { return { showBus2: true, name: 'lili' } }, computed: { ...mapState({ articleNew: state => state.test.articleNew }) }, watch: { proModuleList1(...args) { console.log('proModuleList1', ...args) }, proModuleList2(...args) { console.log('proModuleList1', ...args) } }, methods: { onDragStart(evt) { console.log("start-evt", evt) }, onDragMove(evt) { console.log("move-evt", evt) }, onDragEnd(evt) { console.log("end-evt", evt) }, sayName() { console.log(this.name); }, initChart() { myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('myChart')); myChartOption = { animation: false, title: { text: '總流量(kbps' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'cross' } }, dataZoom: [ { type: 'slider', show: true, start: 0, end: 100, } ], grid: { left: 50/*"50px"*/, right: 15/*"15px"*/ }, legend: { data: ['當前流量'] }, xAxis: { boundaryGap: false, data: [], }, yAxis: { boundaryGap: false }, series: { symbol: "none",/*去掉小圓點*/ name: '當前流量', type: 'line', itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { width: 2,//折線寬度 color: "#FF0000"//折線顏色 } } }, data: [] } }; myChart.on('dataZoom', (event) => { if (event.batch) { start = event.batch[0].start; end = event.batch[0].end; } else { start = event.start; end = event.end; } }) }, getDataList() { originTime = originTime ? ((originTime + 1000)) : (parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000) * 1000) if (dataList.length > 100) { dataList.splice(0, 100) } for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { var tmp = [moment(new Date(originTime + i * 10)).format('HH:mm:ss:SSS'), Math.random() * 100] dataList.push(tmp) } // console.log(dataList); var xAxisData = dataList.map(item => item[0]) var yAxisData = dataList.map(item => item[1]) myChartOption.dataZoom[0].start = start; myChartOption.dataZoom[0].end = end; myChartOption.xAxis.data = xAxisData myChartOption.series.data = yAxisData // console.log(myChartOption) myChart.setOption(myChartOption); } }, mounted() { setTimeout(function () { this.showBus2 = false console.log("this1", this) }, 3000) setTimeout(() => { this.showBus2 = false console.log("this2", this) }, 3000) this.sayName() this.initChart() setInterval(() => { this.getDataList() }, 1000); } } // $(function(){ // $("#sortable0 li" ).draggable({ // helper: "clone", // appendTo:'#sortable1', // connectToSortable: "#sortable1,#sortable2", // stop:function( event, ui ){ // //console.log(event,ui) // // }, // start:function(evt,ui){ // // } // }) // // $( "#sortable0,#sortable1, #sortable2" ).sortable({ // connectWith: ".connectedSortable" // }).disableSelection(); // }) </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style lang="less" scoped> .hello { background: pink; /*.test{*/ /*width:50px;*/ /*height:50px;*/ /*float: left;*/ /*background: pink;*/ /*}*/ /*.test2{*/ /*width:100px;*/ /*height:100px;*/ /*background: yellow;*/ /*}*/ #myChart { width: 90%; margin: 20px auto; } } </style>