1. 程式人生 > 其它 >南郵c++實驗二 車類繼承問題

南郵c++實驗二 車類繼承問題


c++車類繼承問題 程式碼

using namespace std;
class Vehicle
	int MaxSpeed;
	int Weight;
	Vehicle(int m, int w)
		MaxSpeed = m;
		Weight = w;
		cout << "Constructing Vehicle...\n";
		cout <<
"Destructing Vehicle...\n"; } void Run() { cout << "The vehicle is running!\n"; } void Stop() { cout << "Please stop running!\n"; } void Show() { cout << "It\'s maxspeed is: " << MaxSpeed << endl; cout << "It\'s weight is: "
<< Weight << endl; } }; class Bicycle :virtual public Vehicle { protected: int Height; public: Bicycle(int m, int w, int h) :Vehicle(m, w) { Height = h; cout << "Constructing Bicycle...\n"; } ~Bicycle() { cout << " Destructing Bicycle...\n"; }
void Show() { Vehicle::Show(); cout << "The Height is: " << Height << endl; } }; class Car :virtual public Vehicle { protected: int SeatNum; public: Car(int m, int w, int s) :Vehicle(m, w) { SeatNum = s; cout << "Constructing Car...\n"; } ~Car() { cout << " Destructing Car...\n"; } void Show() { Vehicle::Show(); cout << "The SeatNum of the car is: " << SeatNum << endl; } }; class MotorCycle :public Bicycle, public Car { public: MotorCycle(int m, int w, int h, int s) :Bicycle(m, w, h), Car(m, w, s), Vehicle(m, w) { cout << "Constructing MotorCycle...\n"; } ~MotorCycle() { cout << "Destructing MotorCycle...\n"; } void Show() { cout << "It\'s maxspeed is:" << Car::MaxSpeed << endl; cout << "It\'s weight is: " << Car::Weight << endl; cout << "It\'s height is: " << Height << endl; cout << " It\'s seatnum is : " << SeatNum << endl; } }; int main() { MotorCycle mc(1, 2, 3, 4); mc.Run(); mc.Stop(); mc.Show(); return 0; }