1. 程式人生 > 程式設計 >Flutter permission_handler 許可權外掛的使用詳解

Flutter permission_handler 許可權外掛的使用詳解

編譯環境:Flutter 版本v1.12.hotfix9 dart SDK:2.7.2

1 pubspec.yaml中引入:

# 許可權
permission_handler: ^3.2.0


 <!-- Permission options for the `location` group -->
 <string>Need location when in use</string>
 <string>Always and when in use!</string>
 <string>Older devices need location.</string>
 <string>Can I haz location always?</string>

 <!-- Permission options for the `mediaLibrary` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `calendar` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `camera` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `contacts` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `microphone` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `speech` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `sensors` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `photos` group -->

 <!-- Permission options for the `reminder` group -->

2 程式碼中具體使用:

 void chosePhoto(int index) async {
 [PermissionGroup.photos,PermissionGroup.camera]).then((map) {
 if (map[PermissionGroup.photos] == PermissionStatus.granted ||
  map[PermissionGroup.camera] == PermissionStatus.granted) {

3 總結:

在使用的過程中可能會出現androidX 或者Swift語言的適配,這時候需要根據具體情況進行修改。

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