1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >【作業系統】程式設計模擬FIFO,LRU,NUR,OPT頁面置換演算法


#define random(x) (rand()%x)

#define LOG     1        //1-show log    2-no show
#define TYPE 10     //page types
#define NUM 20         //page nums
#define SIZE 5        //cache size

struct page{
    int id;//page id
    int time=0;//different meaning in different algorithm
}; struct page pageList[NUM],cache[SIZE];//page needs,page cache void init(){//random data init printf("PageList:\n"); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++) printf("%d ",pageList[i].id=random(TYPE)); printf("\n"); } void cacheClear(){//clear the cache for(int
i=0;i<SIZE;i++){ cache[i].id=-1; cache[i].time=0; } } int cacheHit(int i){//find cache hit or not for(int j=0;j<SIZE;j++) if(cache[j].id==pageList[i].id){ if(LOG) printf(" hit "); return j; } if(LOG) printf(
" "); return -1; } int cacheRoom(){//find cache have free room or not for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) if(cache[i].id==-1) return i; return -1; } void cacheShow(){//show the cache pages if(LOG) { printf("cache: "); for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) if(cache[i].id==-1){ printf("N\t"); }else printf("%d\t",cache[i].id); printf("\n"); } } void cacheTimeAdd(){//add the pages time in cache for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) cache[i].time++; } int FIFOfun(){//FIFO replace int maxtime=cache[0].time,t=0; for(int i=1;i<SIZE;i++) if(maxtime<cache[i].time){ maxtime=cache[i].time; t=i; } return t; } double FIFO(){//time in FIFO:live time double ret; if(LOG) printf("\nFIFO:\n"); cacheClear(); int hitsum=0; for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++){ if(LOG) printf("input:%d\t",pageList[i].id); int hit=cacheHit(i); if(hit==-1){//if not hit int room=cacheRoom(); if(room!=-1)// if have free room cache[room]=pageList[i];//use room save page else//if have not free room cache[FIFOfun()]=pageList[i];//use FIFO to replace }else{//if hit hitsum++; } cacheShow(); cacheTimeAdd(); } if(LOG) { printf("PageReplacement:%d\n",hitsum); printf("PageFault:%d\n",NUM-hitsum); } printf("HitRate:%lf\n",ret=(double)hitsum/NUM); return ret; } double LRU(){//time:from last use to now double ret; if(LOG) printf("\nLRU:\n"); cacheClear(); int hitsum=0; for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++){ if(LOG) printf("input:%d\t",pageList[i].id); int hit=cacheHit(i); if(hit==-1){//if not hit int room=cacheRoom(); if(room!=-1)//if have free room cache[room]=pageList[i];//use free room to save page else//if have not free room cache[FIFOfun()]=pageList[i];//use LRU ,because time have different meaning ,function is same as FIFO }else{//if hit hitsum++; cache[hit].time=0;//LRU:every hit reflash time } cacheShow(); cacheTimeAdd(); } if(LOG){ printf("PageReplacement:%d\n",hitsum); printf("PageFault:%d\n",NUM-hitsum); } printf("HitRate:%lf\n",ret=(double)hitsum/NUM); return ret; } double NUR(){//time:notuse-0 use-1 double ret; if(LOG) printf("\nNUR:\n"); cacheClear(); int hitsum=0,clockcur=0;//cur of the cache for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++){ if(LOG) printf("input:%d\t",pageList[i].id); int loop=1,ishit=0; for(int j=0;j<SIZE;j++){ //first loop to find hit or not if(cache[j].id==pageList[i].id){ clockcur=j; cache[clockcur].time=1; clockcur=(clockcur+1)%SIZE; ishit=1; loop=0;// if hit ,there not next loop break; } } while(loop){//next loop to find one to replace loop=0; if(cache[clockcur].id==-1){ //id==-1,free room,loop end cache[clockcur]=pageList[i]; cache[clockcur].time=1; }else if(cache[clockcur].time==0){//time==0,replace,loop end cache[clockcur]=pageList[i]; cache[clockcur].time=1; }else{ //time==1,change time to 0,loop continue cache[clockcur].time=0; loop=1; } clockcur=(clockcur+1)%SIZE; } if(ishit){//show hit hitsum++; if(LOG) printf(" hit "); }else{ if(LOG) printf(" "); } cacheShow(); } if(LOG){ printf("PageReplacement:%d\n",hitsum); printf("PageFault:%d\n",NUM-hitsum); } printf("HitRate:%lf\n",ret=(double)hitsum/NUM); return ret; } int OPTfun(int i){//OPT replace int arr[SIZE];//save cache page next use for(int j=0;j<SIZE;j++){ arr[j]=INT_MAX; for(int k=i+1;k<NUM;k++){ if(cache[j].id==pageList[k].id){ arr[j]=k; break; } } } int arrmax=arr[0],t=0;//find the longest next use for(int j=1;j<SIZE;j++){ if(arr[j]>arrmax){ arrmax=arr[j]; t=j; } } return t; } double OPT(){ double ret; if(LOG) printf("\nOPT:\n"); cacheClear(); int hitsum=0; for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++){ if(LOG) printf("input:%d\t",pageList[i].id); int hit=cacheHit(i); if(hit==-1){//if not hit int room=cacheRoom(); if(room!=-1)//if have free room cache[room]=pageList[i];//use free room to save else// not free room cache[OPTfun(i)]=pageList[i];//use OPT replace }else{//if hit hitsum++; } cacheShow(); cacheTimeAdd(); } if(LOG){ printf("PageReplacement:%d\n",hitsum); printf("PageFault:%d\n",NUM-hitsum); } printf("HitRate:%lf\n",ret=(double)hitsum/NUM); return ret; } int main(){ int alltime=LOG?1:100; double arr[4]={0,0,0,0}; for(int i=0;i<alltime;i++){ init(); arr[0]+=FIFO(); arr[1]+=LRU(); arr[2]+=NUR(); arr[3]+=OPT(); } printf("\n"); printf("FIFO:%lf\n",arr[0]/alltime); printf("LRU:%lf\n",arr[1]/alltime); printf("NUR:%lf\n",arr[2]/alltime); printf("OPT:%lf\n",arr[3]/alltime); return 0; }