1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >iOS多執行緒——Thread(Swift版)


1. 概述


作為一個開發者,有一個學習的氛圍跟一個交流圈子特別重要,這是一個我的iOS交流群:196800191,加群密碼:112233,不管你是小白還是大牛歡迎入駐 ,分享BAT,阿里面試題、面試經驗,討論技術, 大家一起交流學習成長!

2. Thread的建立

	@available(iOS 2.0, *)
    public convenience init(target: Any, selector: Selector, object argument: Any?)

    @available(iOS 10.0, *)
    public convenience init(block: @escaping () -> Void)

	@available(iOS 10.0, *)
    open class func detachNewThread(_ block: @escaping () -> Void)

    open class func detachNewThreadSelector(_ selector: Selector, toTarget target: Any, with argument: Any?)



	func createThread() {
        let thread1 = Thread(target: self, selector: #selector(threadMethod1), object: nil)
        let thread2 = Thread {
            print("thread2 \(Thread.current)")
        Thread.detachNewThreadSelector(#selector(threadMethod3), toTarget: self, with: nil)
        Thread.detachNewThread {
            print("thread4 \(Thread.current)")
    @objc func threadMethod1() {
        print("thread1 \(Thread.current)")
    @objc func threadMethod3() {
        print("thread3 \(Thread.current)")


thread4 <NSThread: 0x600002284600>{number = 9, name = (null)}
thread2 <NSThread: 0x600002284540>{number = 7, name = (null)}
thread1 <NSThread: 0x600002284500>{number = 6, name = (null)}
thread3 <NSThread: 0x600002284580>{number = 8, name = (null)}


3. Thread常用屬性及方法


屬性名稱 型別 描述
class var current: Thread { get } Thread 返回當前執行緒物件。
class var isMainThread: Bool { get } Bool 當前執行緒是否為主執行緒。
class var main: Thread { get } Thread 返回主執行緒物件。
var threadPriority: Double Double 執行緒優先順序,取值範圍0.0~1.0,預設0.5,值越高優先順序越高
var name: String? String 執行緒名稱。
var isMainThread: Bool { get } Bool 執行緒是否為主執行緒。
var isExecuting: Bool { get } Bool 執行緒是否正在執行。
var isFinished: Bool { get } Bool 執行緒是否已經結束。
var isCancelled: Bool { get } Bool 執行緒是否已標記為取消。


方法名稱 返回值型別 描述
class func isMultiThreaded() -> Bool Bool 是否是多執行緒。
class func sleep(until date: Date) Void 執行緒阻塞到某一時間。
class func sleep(forTimeInterval ti: TimeInterval) Void 執行緒阻塞一段時間。
class func exit() Void 退出當前執行緒,不可在主執行緒呼叫,否則程式崩潰。
class func threadPriority() -> Double Double 獲取執行緒優先順序。
class func setThreadPriority(_ p: Double) -> Bool Bool 設定執行緒優先順序,取值範圍0.0~1.0,預設0.5,值越高優先順序越高。
func cancel() Void 將執行緒標記為取消狀態。
func start() Void 開啟執行緒。

4. Thread常用屬性及方法示例

override func viewDidLoad() {
        // 設定主執行緒名稱
        Thread.main.name = "MainThread"
    func threadTestDemo() {
        // 建立子執行緒
        myThread = Thread(target: self, selector: #selector(myThreadMethod), object: nil)
        // 設定子執行緒名稱
        myThread?.name = "MyThread"
        // 設定子執行緒優先順序
        myThread?.threadPriority = 1.0
        // 開啟子執行緒
        // 主執行緒阻塞3秒
        Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 3)
        // 列印子執行緒執行狀態
        if let thread = myThread {
            print("3 seconds later, myThread is executing :  \(thread.isExecuting)")
            print("3 seconds later, myThread is finished :  \(thread.isFinished)")
    // 子執行緒方法
    @objc func myThreadMethod() {
        // 列印主執行緒
        print("Main thread is :  \(Thread.main)")
        // 列印當前執行緒
        print("Current thread is :  \(Thread.current)")
        // 判斷當前執行緒是否是主執行緒
        print("Current thread is main thread :  \(Thread.isMainThread)")

        if let thread = myThread {
            // 列印子執行緒名稱
            print("myThread name is :  \(String(describing: thread.name))")
            // 列印子執行緒優先順序
            print("myThread priority is :  \(thread.threadPriority)")
            // 列印子執行緒是否是主執行緒
            print("myThread is main thread :  \(thread.isMainThread)")
            // 子執行緒是否正在執行
            print("myThread is executing :  \(thread.isExecuting)")
            // 子執行緒是否標記取消
            print("myThread is cancelled :  \(thread.isCancelled)")
            // 子執行緒是否已經結束。
            print("myThread is finished :  \(thread.isFinished)")
        // 在子執行緒中新增一個定時器
        Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { (timer) in
            print("Timer is running")
        // 預設子執行緒的runloop是不開啟的,如果不開啟,timer無法執行,所以這裡需要手動開啟。


Main thread is :  <NSThread: 0x600000d80400>{number = 1, name = MainThread}
Current thread is :  <NSThread: 0x600000dcd040>{number = 7, name = MyThread}
Current thread is main thread :  false
myThread name is :  Optional("MyThread")
myThread priority is :  1.0
myThread is main thread :  false
myThread is executing :  true
myThread is cancelled :  false
myThread is finished :  false
3 seconds later, myThread is executing :  false
3 seconds later, myThread is finished :  true



Main thread is :  <NSThread: 0x600002c6c980>{number = 1, name = MainThread}
Current thread is :  <NSThread: 0x600002c5f000>{number = 7, name = MyThread}
Current thread is main thread :  false
myThread name is :  Optional("MyThread")
myThread priority is :  1.0
myThread is main thread :  false
myThread is executing :  true
myThread is cancelled :  false
myThread is finished :  false
Timer is running
Timer is running
Timer is running
3 seconds later, myThread is executing :  true
3 seconds later, myThread is finished :  false
Timer is running
Timer is running


5. NSObject關於Thread的擴充套件方法


	open func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?)

    open func performSelector(onMainThread aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool)

    open func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool, modes array: [String]?)

    open func perform(_ aSelector: Selector, on thr: Thread, with arg: Any?, waitUntilDone wait: Bool)

    open func performSelector(inBackground aSelector: Selector, with arg: Any?)

6. 結束語
