1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Python 介面自動化常用方法封裝

Python 介面自動化常用方法封裝


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# *************************************
# @Time    : 2019/7/1
# @Author  : Zhang Fan
# @Desc    : RobotFramework Library
# @File    : MyKeyworks.py
# @Update  : 2019/8/23
# *************************************
from robot.api import logger
import configparser
import jsonpointer
import jsonpatch
import datetime
import chardet
import random
import string
import json
import time

class MyKeyword
(object): """ =================================================================== ===================== MyKeyword ====================== =================================================================== """ @staticmethod def detect_code
(self, byte_string): """檢測位元組串編碼. 引數: byte_string:位元組串 示例: | Detect Code | ${byte_string} | #返回位元組串編碼,比如'utf-8' | """ return chardet.detect(byte_string)['encoding'] def get_config_value(self, cfg_path,
section, name): """獲取配置檔案中指定節點下的指定選項值. 引數: cfg_path:配置檔案路徑 section:節點名 name:選項名 示例: | Get Config Value | ${CURDIR}\\config.ini | service_info | address | """ cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(cfg_path) return cfg.get(section, name) """ =============================================================== ===================== Json Handle ==================== =============================================================== """ def parse_json(self, json_string): """ 解析JSON文件並返回資料結構. 引數: json_string:JSON文件 示例: | ${result}= | Parse Json | [1, 2, 3] | | Length Should Be | ${result} | 3 | """ try: return json.loads(json_string) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Could not parse '%s' as JSON: %s" % (json_string, e)) def stringify_json(self, data): """ 將資料結構轉換為包含其JSON字串表示形式的字串. 引數: data:資料結構 示例: | ${data} = | Create List | 1 2 3 | | ${json_string}= | Stringify JSON | ${data} | | Should Be Equal As Strings | ${json_string} | ["1", "2", "3"] | """ try: return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("Could not stringify '%r' to JSON: %s" % (data, e)) def get_json_value(self, json_string, json_pointer): """ 獲取JSON中指定目標節點值. 引數: json_string:JSON文件 json_pointer:JSON節點 示例: | ${result}= | Get Json Value | {"foo": {"bar": [1,2,3]}} | /foo/bar | | Should Be Equal | ${result} | [1, 2, 3] | | """ try: json_string = json.loads(str(json_string)) except: json_string = eval(str(json_string)) return jsonpointer.resolve_pointer(json_string, json_pointer) def set_json_value(self, json_string, json_pointer, json_value): """ 設定JSON中指定目標節點值. 引數: json_string:JSON文件 json_pointer:JSON節點 json_value:JSON值 示例: | ${result}= | Set Json Value | {"foo": {"bar": [1,2,3]}} | /foo | 12 | | Should Be Equal | ${result} | {"foo": 12} | | | """ try: json_string = json.loads(str(json_string)) except: json_string = eval(str(json_string)) json_new = jsonpatch.apply_patch(json_string, [{'op': 'add', 'path': json_pointer, 'value': self.parse_json(json_value)}]) return self.stringify_json(json_new) """ =================================================================== ==================== DateTime Handle ===================== =================================================================== """ def calc_time_diff(self, date1, date2=None, format_=''): """計算與當前的時間差,返回秒數. 引數: date: 日期字串(支援多種日期格式,以及時間戳) format_: 日期格式,預設為空 示例: | Calc Time Diff | Jul 30, 2019 10:24:36 AM | | Calc Time Diff | 2019-07-30T10:24:36Z | | Calc Time Diff | 2019-07-30 10:24:36.000 | | Calc Time Diff | 2019-07-30 10:24:36 | | Calc Time Diff | 20190730102436 | | Calc Time Diff | 1564453476000 | """ def format_date(date, format_=''): if not format_: if all(x in date for x in ['-', ' ', ':', '.']): format_ = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" elif all(x in date for x in ['-', 'T', ':', 'Z']): format_ = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" elif all(x in date for x in [' ', ',', ':']): format_ = "%b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p" elif all(x in date for x in ['-', ' ', ':']): format_ = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" else: format_ = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" try: timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(date, format_)) return int(timestamp * 1000) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(e) if not date2: date2 = int(time.time() * 1000) else: date_string2 = str(date2).strip('b').strip('u').replace("'", '').replace('"', '') date2 = format_date(date_string2, format_) date_string1 = str(date1).strip('b').strip('u').replace("'", '').replace('"', '') if not date_string1: return date_string1 if date_string1.isdigit() and len(date_string1) == 13: return int(abs(date2 - int(date_string1))/1000) date1 = format_date(date_string1, format_) return int(abs(date2 - date1)/1000)

