103_02 PIL模組:生成隨機驗證碼
阿新 • • 發佈:2020-12-19
pip3 install pillow
1. 建立圖片
from PIL import Image img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) # 在圖片檢視器中開啟 # img.show() # 儲存在本地 with open('code.png','wb') as f: img.save(f,format='png')
2. 建立畫筆,用於在圖片上畫任意內容
img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB')
3. 畫點
1 img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) 2 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') 3 # 第一個引數:表示座標 4 # 第二個引數:表示顏色 5 draw.point([100, 100], fill="red") 6 draw.point([300, 300], fill=(255, 255, 255))
4. 畫線
1 img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) 2 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') 3 # 第一個引數:表示起始座標和結束座標 4 # 第二個引數:表示顏色 5 draw.line((100,100,100,300), fill='red') 6 draw.line((100,100,300,100), fill=(255, 255, 255))
img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) draw= ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') # 第一個引數:表示起始座標和結束座標(圓要畫在其中間) # 第二個引數:表示開始角度 # 第三個引數:表示結束角度 # 第四個引數:表示顏色 draw.arc((100,100,300,300),0,90,fill="red")
6. 寫文字
1 img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) 2 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') 3 # 第一個引數:表示起始座標 4 # 第二個引數:表示寫入內容 5 # 第三個引數:表示顏色 6 draw.text([0,0],'python',"red")
7. 特殊字型文字
1 img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(120, 30), color=(255, 255, 255)) 2 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') 3 # 第一個引數:表示字型檔案路徑 4 # 第二個引數:表示字型大小 5 font = ImageFont.truetype("kumo.ttf", 28) 6 # 第一個引數:表示起始座標 7 # 第二個引數:表示寫入內容 8 # 第三個引數:表示顏色 9 # 第四個引數:表示顏色 10 draw.text([0, 0], 'python', "red", font=font)
1 import random 2 3 def check_code(width=120, height=30, char_length=5, font_file='kumo.ttf', font_size=28): 4 code = [] 5 img = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(width, height), color=(255, 255, 255)) 6 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, mode='RGB') 7 8 def rndChar(): 9 """ 10 生成隨機字母 11 :return: 12 """ 13 return chr(random.randint(65, 90)) 14 15 def rndColor(): 16 """ 17 生成隨機顏色 18 :return: 19 """ 20 return (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(10, 255), random.randint(64, 255)) 21 22 # 寫文字 23 font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size) 24 for i in range(char_length): 25 char = rndChar() 26 code.append(char) 27 h = random.randint(0, 4) 28 draw.text([i * width / char_length, h], char, font=font, fill=rndColor()) 29 30 # 寫干擾點 31 for i in range(40): 32 draw.point([random.randint(0, width), random.randint(0, height)], fill=rndColor()) 33 34 # 寫干擾圓圈 35 for i in range(40): 36 draw.point([random.randint(0, width), random.randint(0, height)], fill=rndColor()) 37 x = random.randint(0, width) 38 y = random.randint(0, height) 39 draw.arc((x, y, x + 4, y + 4), 0, 90, fill=rndColor()) 40 41 # 畫干擾線 42 for i in range(5): 43 x1 = random.randint(0, width) 44 y1 = random.randint(0, height) 45 x2 = random.randint(0, width) 46 y2 = random.randint(0, height) 47 48 draw.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=rndColor()) 49 50 img = img.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE) 51 return img,''.join(code) 52 53 54 if __name__ == '__main__': 55 # 1. 直接開啟 56 # img,code = check_code() 57 # img.show() 58 59 # 2. 寫入檔案 60 # img,code = check_code() 61 # with open('code.png','wb') as f: 62 # img.save(f,format='png') 63 64 # 3. 寫入記憶體(Python3) 65 # from io import BytesIO 66 # stream = BytesIO() 67 # img.save(stream, 'png') 68 # stream.getvalue() 69 70 # 4. 寫入記憶體(Python2) 71 # import StringIO 72 # stream = StringIO.StringIO() 73 # img.save(stream, 'png') 74 # stream.getvalue() 75 76 pass
# 方式一:這樣的方式吧路徑寫死了,只能是那一張圖片 import os path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR,"static","image","3.jpg") #路徑拼接 with open(path,"rb") as f: data = f.read() return HttpResponse(data)
# 方式二:每次都顯示不同的圖片,利用pillow模組,安裝一個pillow模組 from PIL import Image img = Image.new(mode="RGB",size=(120,40),color="green") #首先自己建立一個圖片,引數size=(120,40) 代表長和高 f = open("validcode.png","wb")#然後把圖片放在一個指定的位置 img.save(f,"png") #儲存圖片 f.close() with open("validcode.png","rb") as f: data = f.read() return HttpResponse(data)
# 方式三: # 方式二也不怎麼好,因為每次都要建立一個儲存圖片的檔案,我們可以不讓吧圖片儲存到硬碟上, # 在記憶體中儲存,完了自動清除,那麼就引入了方式三:利用BytesIO模組 from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image img = Image.new(mode="RGB",size=(120,40),color="blue") f = BytesIO() #記憶體檔案控制代碼 img.save(f,"png") #儲存檔案 data = f.getvalue()#開啟檔案(相當於python中的f.read()) return HttpResponse(data)
# 方式四:1、新增畫筆,也就是在圖片上寫上一些文字 # 2、並且字型隨機,背景顏色隨機 from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont import random #隨機建立圖片 img = Image.new(mode="RGB",size=(120,40),color=(random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img,"RGB") # 畫干擾線 for i in range(5): x1 = random.randint(0, 120) y1 = random.randint(0, 40) x2 = random.randint(0, 120) y2 = random.randint(0, 40) draw.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill=(random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))) font = ImageFont.truetype("static/font/kumo.ttf",20) #20表示20畫素 str_list = [] #吧每次生成的驗證碼儲存起來 # 隨機生成五個字元 for i in range(5): random_num = str(random.randint(0, 9)) # 隨機數字 random_lower = chr(random.randint(65, 90)) # 隨機小寫字母 random_upper = chr(random.randint(97, 122)) # 隨機大寫字母 random_char = random.choice([random_num, random_lower, random_upper]) print(random_char,"random_char") str_list.append(random_char) # (5 + i * 24, 10)表示座標,字型的位置 draw.text((5+i*24,10),random_char,(random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255)),font=font) print(str_list,"str_list") f = BytesIO()#記憶體檔案控制代碼 img.save(f,"png") #img是一個物件 data = f.getvalue() #讀取資料並返回至HTML valid_str = "".join(str_list) print(valid_str,"valid_str") request.session["keep_valid_code"] = valid_str #吧儲存到列表的東西存放至session中 return HttpResponse(data)
1 #滑動驗證碼 2 url(r'^pc-geetest/register', pcgetcaptcha, name='pcgetcaptcha'), 3 url(r'^pc-geetest/ajax_validate', pcajax_validate, name='pcajax_validate'),urls
1 # ================ 2 from app01.geetest import GeetestLib 3 pc_geetest_id = "b46d1900d0a894591916ea94ea91bd2c" 4 pc_geetest_key = "36fc3fe98530eea08dfc6ce76e3d24c4" 5 mobile_geetest_id = "7c25da6fe21944cfe507d2f9876775a9" 6 mobile_geetest_key = "f5883f4ee3bd4fa8caec67941de1b903" 7 # 滑動驗證碼 8 def pcgetcaptcha(request): 9 user_id = 'test' 10 gt = GeetestLib(pc_geetest_id, pc_geetest_key) 11 status = gt.pre_process(user_id) 12 request.session[gt.GT_STATUS_SESSION_KEY] = status 13 request.session["user_id"] = user_id 14 response_str = gt.get_response_str() 15 return HttpResponse(response_str) 16 # 滑動驗證碼 17 def pcajax_validate(request): 18 19 if request.method == "POST": 20 # 驗證的驗證碼 21 ret = {"flag": False, "error_msg": None} 22 gt = GeetestLib(pc_geetest_id, pc_geetest_key) 23 challenge = request.POST.get(gt.FN_CHALLENGE, '') 24 validate = request.POST.get(gt.FN_VALIDATE, '') 25 seccode = request.POST.get(gt.FN_SECCODE, '') 26 status = request.session[gt.GT_STATUS_SESSION_KEY] 27 user_id = request.session["user_id"] 28 print("status",status) 29 if status: 30 result = gt.success_validate(challenge, validate, seccode, user_id) 31 else: 32 result = gt.failback_validate(challenge, validate, seccode) 33 if result: #如果驗證驗證碼正確,就驗證使用者名稱是否正確 34 username = request.POST.get("username") 35 password = request.POST.get("password") 36 37 # 驗證使用者名稱和密碼 38 user = auth.authenticate(username=username, password=password) 39 if user: 40 # 如果驗證成功就讓登入 41 ret["flag"] = True 42 auth.login(request, user) 43 else: 44 ret["error_msg"] = "使用者名稱和密碼錯誤" 45 else: 46 ret["error_msg"] = "驗證碼錯誤" 47 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret)) 48 else: 49 return render(request, "login.html")views
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 7 <title>Title</title> 8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"> 9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/login.css"> 10 <script src="/static/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> 11 滑動驗證碼的時候匯入 12 <script src="http://static.geetest.com/static/tools/gt.js"></script> 13 <script src="/static/bootstrap-3.3.7-dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 14 <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.js"></script> 15 16 </head> 17 <body> 18 <div class="container"> 19 <div class="row"> 20 <div class="col-md-1=10"> 21 <form class="form-horizontal" id="form_data" action="/login/" method="post"> 22 {% csrf_token %} 23 <div class="form-group"> 24 <label for="username" class="col-sm-2 control-label">使用者名稱</label> 25 <div class="col-sm-5"> 26 <input type="text" class="form-control" id="username" placeholder="username" name="username"> 27 </div> 28 </div> 29 <div class="form-group"> 30 <label for="password" class="col-sm-2 control-label">密碼</label> 31 <div class="col-sm-5"> 32 <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" placeholder="password" name="password"> 33 </div> 34 </div> 35 <div class="form-group"> 36 <div class="row"> 37 <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-1"> 38 {# 文字部分#} 39 <label for="vialdCode" class="col-sm-2 control-label">驗證碼</label> 40 <div class="col-sm-5"> 41 <input type="text" class="form-control vialdCode_text" id="vialdCode" placeholder="驗證碼" name="vialdCode"> 42 </div> 43 {# 圖片部分#} 44 <div class="col-md-5"> 45 <img class="vialdCode_img" src="/get_vaildCode_img/" alt="" width="200px" height="100px"> 46 {# <a href=""></a> #} 47 </div> 48 </div> 49 50 </div> 51 </div> 52 <div class="form-group"> 53 <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10"> 54 <div class="checkbox"> 55 <label> 56 <input type="checkbox"> 下次自動登入 57 </label> 58 </div> 59 </div> 60 </div> 61 <div class="form-group"> 62 <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10"> 63 <p> 64 <button type="button" class="btn btn-success login" id="submit">登入</button> 65 <span class="error has-error"></span></p> 66 <p> 67 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary register">註冊</button> 68 </p> 69 </div> 70 <div id="popup-captcha"></div> 71 </div> 72 </form> 73 </div> 74 </div> 75 </div> 76 {#滑動驗證碼#} 77 <script> 78 var handlerPopup = function (captchaObj) { 79 $("#submit").click(function () { 80 captchaObj.show(); 81 }); 82 //定時函式 83 $(".login").click(function () { 84 function foo() { 85 $(".error").html("") 86 } 87 88 // 成功的回撥 89 captchaObj.onSuccess(function () { 90 var validate = captchaObj.getValidate(); 91 $.ajax({ 92 url: "/pc-geetest/ajax_validate", // 進行二次驗證 93 type: "post", 94 dataType: "json", 95 headers: {"X-CSRFToken": $.cookie('csrftoken')}, 96 data: { 97 username: $('#username').val(), 98 password: $('#password').val(), 99 geetest_challenge: validate.geetest_challenge, 100 geetest_validate: validate.geetest_validate, 101 geetest_seccode: validate.geetest_seccode 102 }, 103 success: function (data) { 104 console.log(data); 105 if (data["flag"]) { 106 {# alert(location.search);#} 107 {# alert(location.search.slice(6));#} 108 {# 方式一#} 109 {# if (location.search.slice(6)) {#} 110 {# 如果使用者沒有登入點讚的時候,當用戶後來又登入了,就直接讓跳轉到當前點讚的那個路徑#} 111 {# location.href = location.search.slice(6)#} 112 {# }#} 113 {# else {#} 114 {# window.location.href = '/index/'#} 115 {# }#} 116 {# 方式二:#} 117 alert($.cookie("next_path")); 118 if ($.cookie("next_path")){ 119 location.href = $.cookie("next_path") 120 } 121 else{ 122 location.href = "/index/" 123 } 124 } 125 else { 126 $(".error").html(data["error_msg"]); 127 setTimeout(foo, 3000) 128 } 129 } 130 }); 131 }); 132 133 }); 134 // 將驗證碼加到id為captcha的元素裡 135 captchaObj.appendTo("#popup-captcha"); 136 // 更多介面參考:http://www.geetest.com/install/sections/idx-client-sdk.html 137 }; 138 // 驗證開始需要向網站主後臺獲取id,challenge,success(是否啟用failback) 139 $.ajax({ 140 url: "/pc-geetest/register?t=" + (new Date()).getTime(), // 加隨機數防止快取 141 type: "get", 142 dataType: "json", 143 success: function (data) { 144 // 使用initGeetest介面 145 // 引數1:配置引數 146 // 引數2:回撥,回撥的第一個引數驗證碼物件,之後可以使用它做appendTo之類的事件 147 initGeetest({ 148 gt: data.gt, 149 challenge: data.challenge, 150 product: "popup", // 產品形式,包括:float,embed,popup。注意只對PC版驗證碼有效 151 offline: !data.success // 表示使用者後臺檢測極驗伺服器是否宕機,一般不需要關注 152 // 更多配置引數請參見:http://www.geetest.com/install/sections/idx-client-sdk.html#config 153 }, handlerPopup); 154 } 155 }); 156 </script>login.html