1. 程式人生 > 資料庫 >Linux安裝redis(6.0.9)環境




 1 #ifndef PG_CLASS_H
 2 #define PG_CLASS_H
 3 #include "catalog/genbki.h"
 4 /* pg_class definition.  cpp turns this into typedef struct FormData_pg_class */
 5 #define RelationRelationId    1259
 6 CATALOG(pg_class,1259) BKI_BOOTSTRAP
 7 {
 8     NameData    relname;        /* class name */
 9     Oid relnamespace;/*
OID of namespace containing this class */ 10 Oid reltype; /* OID of associated entry in pg_type */ 11 Oid relowner; /* class owner */ 12 Oid relam; /* index access method; 0 if not an index */ 13 Oid relfilenode; /* identifier of physical storage file */ 14 Oid reltablespace;/*
identifier of table space for relation */ 15 int4 relpages; /* # of blocks (not always up-to-date) */ 16 float4 reltuples; /* # of tuples (not always up-to-date) */ 17 Oid reltoastrelid; /* OID of toast table; 0 if none */ 18 Oid reltoastidxid; /* if toast table, OID of chunk_id index */ 19 bool relhasindex; /* T if has (or has had) any indexes */ 20 bool relisshared; /* T if shared across databases */ 21 bool relistemp; /* T if temporary relation */ 22 char relkind; /* see RELKIND_xxx constants below */ 23 int2 relnatts; /* number of user attributes */ 24 25 /* Class pg_attribute must contain exactly "relnatts" user attributes (with attnums ranging from 1 to relnatts) for this class. It may also contain entries with negative attnums for system attributes. */ 26 int2 relchecks; /* # of CHECK constraints for class */ 27 bool relhasoids; /* T if we generate OIDs for rows of rel */ 28 bool relhaspkey; /* has (or has had) PRIMARY KEY index */ 29 bool relhasrules; /* has (or has had) any rules */ 30 bool relhastriggers; /* has (or has had) any TRIGGERs */ 31 bool relhassubclass; /* has (or has had) derived classes */ 32 TransactionId relfrozenxid; /* all Xids < this are frozen in this rel */ 33 /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELDS start here. These fields may be NULL, too. NOTE: these fields are not present in a relcache entry's rd_rel field. */ 34 aclitem relacl[1]; /* access permissions */ 35 text reloptions[1]; /* access-method-specific options */ 36 } FormData_pg_class; 37 38 /* Size of fixed part of pg_class tuples, not counting var-length fields */ 39 #define CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE (offsetof(FormData_pg_class,relfrozenxid) + sizeof(TransactionId)) 40 41 /* Form_pg_class corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with the format of pg_class relation. */ 42 typedef FormData_pg_class *Form_pg_class; 43 /* compiler constants for pg_class */ 44 #define Natts_pg_class 25 45 #define Anum_pg_class_relname 1 46 #define Anum_pg_class_relnamespace 2 47 #define Anum_pg_class_reltype 3 48 #define Anum_pg_class_relowner 4 49 #define Anum_pg_class_relam 5 50 #define Anum_pg_class_relfilenode 6 51 #define Anum_pg_class_reltablespace 7 52 #define Anum_pg_class_relpages 8 53 #define Anum_pg_class_reltuples 9 54 #define Anum_pg_class_reltoastrelid 10 55 #define Anum_pg_class_reltoastidxid 11 56 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasindex 12 57 #define Anum_pg_class_relisshared 13 58 #define Anum_pg_class_relistemp 14 59 #define Anum_pg_class_relkind 15 60 #define Anum_pg_class_relnatts 16 61 #define Anum_pg_class_relchecks 17 62 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasoids 18 63 #define Anum_pg_class_relhaspkey 19 64 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasrules 20 65 #define Anum_pg_class_relhastriggers 21 66 #define Anum_pg_class_relhassubclass 22 67 #define Anum_pg_class_relfrozenxid 23 68 #define Anum_pg_class_relacl 24 69 #define Anum_pg_class_reloptions 25 70 71 /* initial contents of pg_class NOTE: only "bootstrapped" relations need to be declared here. Be sure that the OIDs listed here match those given in their CATALOG macros, and that the relnatts values are correct. */ 72 73 /* Note: "3" in the relfrozenxid column stands for FirstNormalTransactionId */ 74 DATA(insert OID = 1247 ( pg_type PGNSP 71 PGUID 0 1247 0 0 0 0 0 f f f r 28 0 t f f f f 3 _null_ _null_ )); 75 DESCR(""); 76 DATA(insert OID = 1249 ( pg_attribute PGNSP 75 PGUID 0 1249 0 0 0 0 0 f f f r 18 0 f f f f f 3 _null_ _null_ )); 77 DESCR(""); 78 DATA(insert OID = 1255 ( pg_proc PGNSP 81 PGUID 0 1255 0 0 0 0 0 f f f r 25 0 t f f f f 3 _null_ _null_ )); 79 DESCR(""); 80 DATA(insert OID = 1259 ( pg_class PGNSP 83 PGUID 0 1259 0 0 0 0 0 f f f r 25 0 t f f f f 3 _null_ _null_ )); 81 DESCR(""); 82 83 #define RELKIND_INDEX 'i' /* secondary index */ 84 #define RELKIND_RELATION 'r' /* ordinary cataloged heap */ 85 #define RELKIND_SEQUENCE 'S' /* SEQUENCE relation */ 86 #define RELKIND_UNCATALOGED 'u' /* temporary heap */ 87 #define RELKIND_TOASTVALUE 't' /* moved off huge values */ 88 #define RELKIND_VIEW 'v' /* view */ 89 #define RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE 'c' /* composite type */ 90 #endif /* PG_CLASS_H */


(1) create [bootstrap] [shared_relation] [without_Oids] tablename tableOid (name1 = type1 [, name2=type2, ...]) 建立一個名為tablename並且OID為tableOid的表,表的欄位在圓括弧中給出。Bootstrap模式支援下列欄位型別:bool、bytea、char、name、int2、int4、regproc、regclass、regtype、text、Oid、tid、xid、cid、int2vector、Oidvector、_int4(陣列)、_text(陣列)、_Oid(陣列)、_char(陣列)、_aclitem(陣列)。只有在建立完pg_type並且填充了合適的資料之後才可以建立包含其他型別欄位的表。如果指定了bootstrap選項,那麼將只建立表而不向pg_class等系統表裡面插入任何記錄。因此這樣的表將無法被普通的SQL操作訪問,直到系統表中的初始記錄用硬方法(BKI的insert命令)插入。這個選項用於建立諸如pg_class等核心的系統表。如果指定了shared_relation選項,那麼該表將作為整個資料集簇的共享表建立(比如建立pg_database)。如果指定了without_Oids選項,則該表將不會具有OID欄位。

(2) open tablename 開啟一個名為tablename的表,準備插入資料。在BKI被執行時,每一個時刻都只有一個表被開啟,因此使用open命令時,任何當前已經開啟的表都會被關閉。

(3) insert [OID = Oid_value] (value1 value2 ...) 以value1、value2等作為欄位值插入一個元組,如果該表具有OID屬性,則把Oid_value作為被插入元組的OID。如果Oid_value為零或者省略了OID關鍵字,將為該插入元組分配系統中可用的下一個OID。

(4) close [tablename] 關閉當前被開啟的表。由於每一時刻只有一個表被開啟,因此可以省略tablename。

(5) declare [unique] index indexname indexOid on tablename using amname (opclass1 name1 [, ...]) 在名為tablename的表上用amname訪問方法建立一個OID為indexOid且名為indexname的索引。索引屬性是tablename表的name1、name2等屬性,在屬性上使用的操作符類分別是opclass1、opclass2等。該命令僅僅是建立一個索引的結構,索引的內容(即索引項)並不由該命令填充。

(6) declare toast toasttableOid toastindexOid on tablename 為名為tablename的表建立一個TOAST表。該TOAST表的OID為toasttableOid,其索引的OID為toastindexOid。與declare index命令一樣,該命令也不會填充TOAST表的索引。

(7) build indices 對使用5和6兩種命令建立的索引進行內容填充。

  在整個原始碼被編譯時,genbki.sh指令碼會被呼叫,它將從每一個pg_*.h檔案中讀取系統表定義、系統表的初始化資料、系統表上的索引等資訊,然後分別將其轉換為對應的BKI命令,最後將所有BKI命令寫入postgres.bki檔案中,該檔案的內容如下:一個create bootstrap命令,用於建立其中一個關鍵表;一個或多個insert命令,用於填充步驟1建立的關鍵表中的資料;一個close命令,用於關閉步驟1建立的關鍵表;重複步驟1-3建立和填充其他關鍵表;一個不帶bootstrap選項的create命令,用於建立一個非關鍵表;一個open命令,開啟非關鍵表;一個或多個insert命令,填充非關鍵表所需要的資料;一個close命令,關閉上面開啟的非關鍵表;重複建立其他非關鍵表;一個或多個declare index命令,用於定義索引;一個build indices命令,用於實際建立上一步所定義的索引。