1. 程式人生 > 其它 >【mmdetection繪製PR評估曲線】基於COCO API

【mmdetection繪製PR評估曲線】基於COCO API


mmdetection很好很強大,但是在測試完畢儲存pkl結果,並沒有繪製PR曲線的指令碼。 需要我們自己編寫,經研究需要藉助COCO的API



本指令碼是在mmdetection2.0執行測試後,從測試結果pkl檔案裡,通過COCO API抽取PR繪圖資料。



# =========================================================
# @purpose: plot PR curve by COCO API and mmdet API # @date: 2020/12 # @version: v1.0 # @author: Xu Huasheng # @github: https://github.com/xuhuasheng/mmdetection_plot_pr_curve # ========================================================= import os import mmcv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as
plt from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval from mmcv import Config from mmdet.datasets import (build_dataset, replace_ImageToTensor) MODEL = "mask_rcnn" MODEL_NAME = "mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_senet" CONFIG_FILE = f"configs/{MODEL}/{MODEL_NAME}.py"
RESULT_FILE = f"test_result/{MODEL_NAME}/latest.pkl" def plot_pr_curve(config_file, result_file, metric="bbox"): """plot precison-recall curve based on testing results of pkl file. Args: config_file (list[list | tuple]): config file path. result_file (str): pkl file of testing results path. metric (str): Metrics to be evaluated. Options are 'bbox', 'segm'. """ cfg = Config.fromfile(config_file) # turn on test mode of dataset if isinstance(cfg.data.test, dict): cfg.data.test.test_mode = True elif isinstance(cfg.data.test, list): for ds_cfg in cfg.data.test: ds_cfg.test_mode = True # build dataset dataset = build_dataset(cfg.data.test) # load result file in pkl format pkl_results = mmcv.load(result_file) # convert pkl file (list[list | tuple | ndarray]) to json json_results, _ = dataset.format_results(pkl_results) # initialize COCO instance coco = COCO(annotation_file=cfg.data.test.ann_file) coco_gt = coco coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(json_results[metric]) # initialize COCOeval instance coco_eval = COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, metric) coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() # extract eval data precisions = coco_eval.eval["precision"] ''' precisions[T, R, K, A, M] T: iou thresholds [0.5 : 0.05 : 0.95], idx from 0 to 9 R: recall thresholds [0 : 0.01 : 1], idx from 0 to 100 K: category, idx from 0 to ... A: area range, (all, small, medium, large), idx from 0 to 3 M: max dets, (1, 10, 100), idx from 0 to 2 ''' pr_array1 = precisions[0, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array2 = precisions[1, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array3 = precisions[2, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array4 = precisions[3, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array5 = precisions[4, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array6 = precisions[5, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array7 = precisions[6, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array8 = precisions[7, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array9 = precisions[8, :, 0, 0, 2] pr_array10 = precisions[9, :, 0, 0, 2] x = np.arange(0.0, 1.01, 0.01) # plot PR curve plt.plot(x, pr_array1, label="iou=0.5") plt.plot(x, pr_array2, label="iou=0.55") plt.plot(x, pr_array3, label="iou=0.6") plt.plot(x, pr_array4, label="iou=0.65") plt.plot(x, pr_array5, label="iou=0.7") plt.plot(x, pr_array6, label="iou=0.75") plt.plot(x, pr_array7, label="iou=0.8") plt.plot(x, pr_array8, label="iou=0.85") plt.plot(x, pr_array9, label="iou=0.9") plt.plot(x, pr_array10, label="iou=0.95") plt.xlabel("recall") plt.ylabel("precison") plt.xlim(0, 1.0) plt.ylim(0, 1.01) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": plot_pr_curve(config_file=CONFIG_FILE, result_file=RESULT_FILE, metric="segm")