Windows Command Line - Introduction to Files and Directory
阿新 • • 發佈:2020-12-23
Windows Command Line - Introduction to Files and Directory
Rebooting the system using cmd and powershell
cmd commands:
shutdown -r
Restart-Computer -delay 10
CD command, CLS command
cd ..
cd ../..
Cracking zip file password live with cmd
@echo off title Rar Password Cracker mode con: cols=47 lines=20 copy "D:\Program Files\WinRAR\Unrar.exe" SET PSWD=0 SET DEST=%TEMP%\%RANDOM% MD %DEST% :RAR cls echo ---------------------------------------------- echo GET DETAIL echo ---------------------------------------------- echo. SET/P "NAME=Enter File Name : " IF "%NAME%"=="" goto NERROR goto GPATH :NERROR echo ---------------------------------------------- echo ERROR echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Sorry you can't leave it blank. pause goto RAR :GPATH SET/P "PATH=Enter Full Path : " IF "%PATH%"=="" goto PERROR goto NEXT :PERROR echo ---------------------------------------------- echo ERROR echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Sorry you can't leave it blank. pause goto RAR :NEXT IF EXIST "%PATH%\%NAME%" GOTO START goto PATH :PATH cls echo ---------------------------------------------- echo ERROR echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Opppss File does not Exist.. pause goto RAR :START SET /A PSWD=%PSWD%+1 UNRAR E -INUL -P%PSWD% "%PATH%\%NAME%" "%DEST%" IF /I %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO FINISH GOTO START :FINISH RD %DEST% /Q /S Del "Unrar.exe" cls echo ---------------------------------------------- echo CRACKED echo ---------------------------------------------- echo. echo PASSWORD FOUND! echo FILE = %NAME% echo CRACKED PASSWORD = %PSWD% pause>NUL exit REM
Run the bat file.
Find the weak password.