1. 程式人生 > 其它 >計算機專業英語高等教育出版社2013版






application software               應用軟體
modem  								     調變解調器
basic application                      基本的應用程式
monitor                                      監控/顯示器
cloud computing                       雲端計算
mouse                             	   滑鼠
communication device                通訊裝置
netbook                              上網本
network                              網路
notebook computer                    膝上型電腦
computer competency                   計算機能力
connectivity                            連線
operating system                     作業系統
optical disc                         光碟
data                                 資料
database file                        資料庫檔案
output device                        輸出裝置
desktop computer                     臺式電腦
people                                人;民族
device driver                        裝置驅動程式
presentation file                    簡報檔案
printer                              印表機
document file                        文件檔案
procedures                           程式
end user                             終端使用者
program                              程式
flash memory card                    快閃記憶體卡
handheld computer                     手提電腦
secondary storage	二級儲存
hard disk                            硬碟
slate computer                       平板電腦
hardware                             硬體
smartphone                           智慧手機
high-definition(hi def)disc          高清盤
Software                       		   軟體
information                          資訊
information system                   資訊系統
solid-state storage                  固態儲存
specialized application             專業應用
input device                         輸入裝置
supercomputer                        超級計算機
Internet                             網際網路
system software                      系統軟體
keyboard                              鍵盤
system unit                          系統單元
laptop computer                       膝上型電腦
tablet PC                            平板電腦
mainframe computer                   大型計算機
traditional tablet PC                傳統平板電腦
media center                         媒體中心
USB drive                            USB驅動器
memory                       			記憶體
utility                         		實用程式
microcomputer                			微機
Web                          			網路
microprocessor               			微處理器
wireless revolution            		無線革命
midrange computer            			中檔電腦
worksheet file                       工作表檔案
minicomputer                          小型計算機
address                              地址
filter 						          過濾器
social networking                   社交網路
friend                               朋友
spam                                 垃圾郵件
header                      		   標題
spam blocker                         垃圾郵件攔截器
hit                                  打擊
spam filter                          垃圾郵件過濾器
AJAX                        		   AJAX/非同步 JavaScript 和 XML
hyperlink                            超連結
specialized search                   專業的搜尋
applets                              小程式
engine                               引擎
attachment                           附件
spider                               蜘蛛
auction house site                    拍賣行網站
streaming                             流媒體
BitTorrent                           位元流
subject                              主題
blog                                 部落格
subject directory                    主題目錄
browser                             瀏覽器
Internet                             網際網路
surf                                 衝浪
Internet security suite               網際網路安全套件
Twitter                              推特
cable                                電纜
Java                                 java
carder                               驗卡人
JavaScript                           JavaScript
universal instant messenger          普遍的即時通訊
link                                  連結
LinkedIn                             商務化人際關係網
uploading                           上傳
location                             位置
virus                               病毒
client-based e-mail account          基於客戶機的電子郵件帳戶
message                              訊息
Web                                 網路
metasearch engine                   元搜尋
Web 1.0                             Web 1.0
cloud computing                     雲端計算
engine                               引擎
Web 2.0                              Web 2.0
microblog                            微博
Web 3.0                            Web 3.0
mobile browser                       手機瀏覽器
Web auction                         網路拍賣
digital cash                        電子貨幣
MySpace                             我的空間/聚友網
Web-based e-mail account           基於網路的電子郵件帳戶
domain name                         域名
online                               線上
downloading                          下載
online banking                       網上銀行
Web-based file transfer services    網上檔案傳送服務
DSL                                 數字模擬語言
online shopping                     網上購物
e-commerce                        電子商務
online stock                         線上股票
services	服務
e-learning                          電子學習
trading                              交易
Webcasts                            網路廣播
electronic commerce                  電子商務
person-to-person auction	人對人拍賣
Web directory                        網頁目錄
electronic mail                     電子郵件
site	網站
Web log                              網頁日誌
e-mail                               電子郵件
plug-in                             外掛
Webmail                              郵箱
e-mail client                      電子郵件客戶端
podcast                             播客
Webmail client                     郵箱客戶端
Facebook                            臉書
protocol                             協議
Webmaster                           網站管理員
Facebook groups                    Facebook群組
search engine                      搜尋引擎
Web page                          網頁
Facebook Pages                   Facebook頁面
search service                    搜尋服務
Web utility                       網路工具
Facebook Profile                 Facebook的個人資料
wiki                               維基
Wikipedia                         維基百科
signature                         簽名
wireless modem                 無線調變解調器


compact disc                  (CD)     光碟
digital versatile disc        (DVD)    數字多功能光碟[ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈvɜːsətaɪl dɪsk]
digital video disc            (DVD)    數字視訊光碟
information technology        (IT)     資訊科技
personal digital assistant    (PDA)	   個人數字助理
random-access memory          (RAM)	   隨機儲存器,記憶體
solid-state drive             (SSD)    固態硬碟
Advanced Research Project Agency Network(ARPANET)專案代理網路;阿帕網
business-to-business          (B2B)    企業對企業的
business-to-consumer          (B2C)    企業對客戶
file transfer protocol        (FTP)    檔案傳輸協議
Hypertext Markup Language     (HTML)   超文字標記語言
instant messaging             (IM)     即時訊息
Internet service provider     (ISP)    網路供應商
secure file transfer protocol (SFTP)   安全檔案傳輸協議[sɪˈkjʊə(r)]
top-level domain              (TLD)    高階域名[dəˈmeɪn]
uniform resource locator      (URL)    統一資源定位符
Center for European Nuclear    (CERN)    歐洲核中心


Type of computer that is small enough to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet is too big to carry around.
The most widely used communication device.
A communications system connecting two or more computers.
Devices that translate the processed information from the computer into a form that humans can understand.
A type of a file that might contain, for example, audience handouts(講義), speaker notes, and electronic slides(幻燈片).
Consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell he computer how to do its work.
Another name for a program.
Unlike hard disks, this type of storage does not have any moving parts, is more reliable, and requires less power.
System software
Enables(能夠) the application software to interact(互動) with the computer hardware.
System unit
A container that houses most of the electronic. solid-state components(元件) that make up a computer system.
The most popular Internet activity.
Electronic commerce(商業) involving(涉及) individuals selling to individuals.
Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet.
The basic components of cloud computing are clients(客戶端), service providers, and the______
The most common way to access the Internet is through a(n).
The premier business-oriented(商務) social networking site.
Publishes(出版) short sentences that only take a few seconds to write.
Search services
Maintain(維護) huge databases relating(有關) to information provided on the Web and the Internet.
Type of instant(立刻) messaging service that supports a variety of different IM services.
Web log(網路日誌)
Another name for a blog.


1.The keyboard, mouse, monitor(顯示器), and system unit are:(A)
A. hardware   B. output devices    C. storage devices   D. software
2.Programs that coordinate(協調) computer resources, provide an interface, and run applications are known as:(B)
A. application programs         B. operating systems (作業系統)
C. storage systems              D. utility programs
3.A browser is an example of a:(A)
A. basic application            B. specialized program 
C. system application            D. utility program
4.Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage.(A)
A. mainframe   B. media center   C. midrange(中檔)  D. netbook
5.The smallest type of microcomputer:(B)
A. netbook      B. handheld    C. midrange    D. tablet PC
6.RAM is a type of:(B)
A. computer    B. memory    C. network    D. secondary storage
7.Unlike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off.(D)
A. primary    B. RAM     C. ROM     D. secondary
8.The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.(B)
A. database   B. document   C. presentation   D. worksheet
9.he change in connectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many computer activities from a user's computer to computers on the Internet.(A)
A. cloud computing  B. high definition(高清晰度)  C. network  D. USB
10.The largest network in the world is [the]:(B)
A Facebook   B Internet   C Web   D USB
11.The network that connects computers all over the world.(B)
A CERN      B Internet    C LAN    D Web
12.The rules for exchanging(交換) data between computers.(B)
A DSL      B protocols(協議)     C Web     D WWW
13.Client-based e-mail accounts require this special program to be installed on your computer.(A)
A. e-mail client(客戶端)    B. hyperlink    C. Java     D. utility
14.Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically(典型的) create Facebook:(B)
A. clients   B. groups    C. pages    D. profiles
15.E-mail that does not require an e-mail program installed on a user's computer is known as:(C)
A. a blog   B. a podcast     C. Webmail    D. a utility
16.A very well known microblog.(C)
A. LinkedIn    B. MySpace   C. Twitter   D. Wikipedia 
17. These programs continually look for new information and update search services' database programs.(C)
A. filters    B. IM     C. spiders    D. wikis
18.A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engines, organizes their responses, eliminates duplicate responses, orders hits, and then provides an edited list.(C)
A directory search          B ISP 
C metasearch engine         D specialized search engine
19.This is the Internet's equivalent to traditional cash.(A)
A. digital cash   B. e-commerce   C. icash   D. Internet dollars
20.Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet. This is called:(A)
A downloading   B filtering   C blogging   D uploading 
