1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ES基礎(二十六)Term & Phrase Suggester

ES基礎(二十六)Term & Phrase Suggester


DELETE articles
PUT articles
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POST articles/_bulk
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{ "title_completion": "lucene is very cool"}
{ "index" : { } }
{ "title_completion": "Elasticsearch builds on top of lucene"}
"index" : { } } { "title_completion": "Elasticsearch rocks"} { "index" : { } } { "title_completion": "elastic is the company behind ELK stack"} { "index" : { } } { "title_completion": "Elk stack rocks"} { "index" : {} } POST articles/_search?pretty { "size": 0, "suggest": { "article-suggester": {
"prefix": "elk ", "completion": { "field": "title_completion" } } } } DELETE articles POST articles/_bulk { "index" : { } } { "body": "lucene is very cool"} { "index" : { } } { "body": "Elasticsearch builds on top of lucene"} { "index" : { } } { "body": "Elasticsearch rocks"} {
"index" : { } } { "body": "elastic is the company behind ELK stack"} { "index" : { } } { "body": "Elk stack rocks"} { "index" : {} } { "body": "elasticsearch is rock solid"} POST _analyze { "analyzer": "standard", "text": ["Elk stack rocks rock"] } POST /articles/_search { "size": 1, "query": { "match": { "body": "lucen rock" } }, "suggest": { "term-suggestion": { "text": "lucen rock", "term": { "suggest_mode": "missing", "field": "body" } } } } POST /articles/_search { "suggest": { "term-suggestion": { "text": "lucen rock", "term": { "suggest_mode": "popular", "field": "body" } } } } POST /articles/_search { "suggest": { "term-suggestion": { "text": "lucen rock", "term": { "suggest_mode": "always", "field": "body", } } } } POST /articles/_search { "suggest": { "term-suggestion": { "text": "lucen hocks", "term": { "suggest_mode": "always", "field": "body", "prefix_length":0, "sort": "frequency" } } } } POST /articles/_search { "suggest": { "my-suggestion": { "text": "lucne and elasticsear rock hello world ", "phrase": { "field": "body", "max_errors":2, "confidence":0, "direct_generator":[{ "field":"body", "suggest_mode":"always" }], "highlight": { "pre_tag": "<em>", "post_tag": "</em>" } } } } }