1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >程式設計師常用英文單詞


  1. persisit : 儲存

  2. merge : 融合;更新

  3. transaction : 事務

  4. redundant : 被裁減的; 多餘的; 不需要的;

  5. entity : 實體類

  6. detected : 發現, 偵察出

  7. semicolon : 分號

  8. multiple : 數量多的; 多種多樣的;倍數

  9. Interceptor : 攔截器

  10. mounted : 渲染

  11. prompt : 促進,提示

  12. permanent : 永久的,持久的

  13. wildcard : 萬用字元

  14. durable: 持久的(持久化),長期的

  15. validate: 校驗;證實;確認

  16. refactor: 重構

  17. deprecate: 不贊成,反對

  18. delegate: 代理

  19. verify: 核實; 查對; 核准; 證明; 證實;

  20. indentation: 縮排

  21. name conventions: 命名的風格

  22. constants : 常量

  23. deploy: 部署

  24. Gateway: 閘道器

  25. async: 非同步

  26. sync: 同步

  27. invoke: 呼叫

  28. truncate: 截短,縮短,刪節(尤指掐頭或去尾)

  29. nodes: 節點

  30. repository: 倉庫

  31. clipboard: 剪貼簿

  32. toggle: 切換(兩種狀態之間)

  33. mentioned: 提到; 寫到; 說到;

  34. Billing: 賬單

  35. notification: 通知; 通告; 告示;

  36. issue: 重要議題; 爭論的問題; (有關某事的) 問題,擔憂;

  37. gist: 要點; 主旨; 大意;

  38. authorized: 批准; 授權;

  39. Personal Profile: 個人簡介

  40. assigned: 分配;分派(工作、任務等給某人);分配,派給

  41. transfer: 轉移;轉存

  42. classify: 分類;歸類

  43. subscribe,subscription: 訂閱;定期繳納會員費

  44. insufficient: 不充分的; 不足的;

  45. suspended: 懸; 掛; 吊; 暫停; 中止; 使暫停發揮作用(或使用等); 延緩; 暫緩; 推遲;

  46. checkout: 付款臺,付款處; (在旅館) 結賬離開的時間;

  47. obtain: 獲取;獲得

  48. preferences: 首選項;引數選項;偏好;(例如eclipse的引數設定選項)

  49. word wrap: 換行(文字換行)

  50. applet: 小程式;小程式中;應用小程式

  51. duplicate: 影印;複製;完全一樣的東西

  52. generate: 生成;產生;引起
    To generate this key, a password must be associated with this ID;

  53. stolen: 偷; 竊取;

  54. deliver: 交付;發表;兌現;傳送

  55. inspect: 檢查;檢視

  56. indent: 縮排

  57. incognito: 匿名;隱身

  58. scope: 作用域;適用範圍;範疇

  59. visual: 視力的;視覺的;視覺化的

  60. Access-Control-Allow-Origin: 跨域

  61. transient: 瞬態;瞬時;暫態

  62. perpetual: 不間斷的; 持續的;終身的; 永久的;

  63. mute site: 網頁靜音(在該網頁靜音播放視訊音訊)

  64. deprecated: 已過時;被廢棄;不贊成
    This Chrome app is being deprecated.

  65. advanced features: 高階功能,高階特性

  66. show this window on launch: 在啟動時顯示此視窗

  67. Unsupported platform: 不支援的平臺

  68. SEO(Search Engine Optimization): 搜尋引擎優化

  69. chunk: 組塊;區塊;資料塊

  70. during: 在...的期間;在……過程中

  71. introduce: 介紹;引進,提出

  72. permissive: 容許的;許可的;寬容的

  73. senior: 高階的;資深的

  74. instruction: 指令;指導;

  75. release: 版本;發行;釋放;

  76. collapse: 倒塌;瓦解;崩塌;可摺疊(程式碼塊可以摺疊)

  77. profile: 配置檔案;簡介
    In Profiles there must be at least one profile active, otherwise you won't be able to create new SMS alert.

  78. preprocess: 預處理

  79. directive: 指令;指示符;
    You should be familiar with the page directive already, so the above code should be easy to understand.

  80. integrate: 整合;使一體化;
    OSS is often easier to integrate with other solutions as OSS code can be customized to allow disparate systems to interoperate more easily.

  81. disparate: 全異的;異類的;根本不同的

  82. subscript: 下標

  83. argument: 引數

  84. explicit: 明確的;清楚地;

  85. specify: 指定;具體說明,詳細說明
    This parameter specifies how much of the cache is cleared when the user logs off .

  86. swap: 交換分割槽;換;掉換;交換;
    The AIX server is also configured with a 32 GB swap or paging space on one of the internal disk volumes.

  87. withdraw: 撤回;收回;

  88. advance: 提前;預先;
    By conducting a little research in advance, you can find out if the internet is restricted in the areas you will be traveling.

  89. reference: 參考;引用;引用型別

  90. virtual: 虛擬的

  91. assignment-by-name: 按名賦值

  92. solicit: 懇求;請求;
    An output followed by an input is a solicit-response operation, and a single input is a notification.

  93. wrapper: 包裝器;封裝
    It was, you guessed it, a bunch of wrapper functions written in Expect.

    Note the similarity between the commented code and the wrapper; that's to give you a sense of what code you're trying to write.

  94. comment: 評論;註釋;
    As you can see, the sample application prints out the conditional directives in a commented out manner as well.

  95. alias: 別名;程式中對一個匯入的物件取的別名(例如python的導包)

  96. privilege: 許可權

  97. slash: 斜槓;斜線;

  98. utility: 功用;實用性;實用程式

  99. terminate: 終止

100.aggregate: 集合;聚集;聚合;總計;合計;
Therefore, you can use a data column in a WHERE clause even if it is not part of the GROUP BY clause or contained in an aggregate function.

clause: 字句;從句;分句;
  1. unintended: 意外的

  2. side effect: 副作用;意外結果
    Changing your username can have unintended side effects.

  3. trend: 趨勢;走向

  4. prefer: 首選的;優先;推薦;建議;

  5. revert: 恢復,回覆(到以前的狀態、制度或行為);回到

  6. reset: 復位;重置

  7. omit: 省略;疏忽;省略;刪去

  8. escaping: 逃跑;轉義

  9. constraint: 約束;限制

  10. leap year: 閏年

  11. wrapper class: 包裝型別

  12. implicit: 隱式;暗示的;隱性

  13. cascade: 級聯(級聯操作,級聯刪除)

  14. snapshot: 快照,簡介,簡要說明

  15. persistence: 持續性;永續性;持久化

  16. validation: 確認;驗證;校驗

  17. immutable: 不可變的;永恆不變的
    Further, for data members that are object references, the referred-to objects must be effectively immutable.

  18. mandatory: 命令的;強制性的;強迫的, 和 mandatory 意思相同

  19. Primitives: 基本資料型別

  20. Wrappers: 包裝資料型別

  21. quote: 引用

  22. Concurrent: 併發

  23. Parallel: 並行

  24. Object Oriented Programming (OOP): 面向物件程式設計 oriented: 朝向,面向

  25. authorization: 批准; 授權;

  26. authentication: 身份驗證; 認證;鑑定;

  27. cryptography: 密碼學; 密碼術;

  28. integration: 結合; 整合; 一體化;

  29. identifier: 識別符號

  30. prior: 先前的;較早的

  31. detach: 拆分;脫離(eclipse的視窗脫離主介面操作)

  32. Startup Wizard: 開始嚮導(多出現於軟體安裝介面)

  33. optimized: 優化
    Parts of your code that you think are not properly optimized may not end up being a problem.

  34. perspective: 透檢視;視角;

  35. hierarchical: 層級(eclipse中包的層級顯示)
    It is often used as a file system navigator, and is a highly effective way to present inherently hierarchical information.

  36. capacity: 容量;容積;(例如陣列或者列表中存放資料的容量)
    How much capacity is available in the data center?

  37. periodically: 定期性;週期性
    check updates periodically

  38. ambiguous: 模稜兩可的;曖昧的

  39. Dashboard: 儀表盤;控制面板;控制板

  40. Realization: 實現(例如java中類對介面的實現)

  41. decline: 衰退;下降;減少

  42. reject: 駁回;拒絕

  43. adapter: 介面卡;介面卡模式;接頭

  44. general: 一般;常規;通用

  45. tether: 網路共享;資料共享;系鏈

  46. compact: 緊密的;緊湊型;簡潔的
    compact empty middle packages

  47. flatten: 使變平;壓平;展平
    Flatten packages

  48. wrap: (使文字)換行
    Wrap paragraph at 70 characters

  49. fold: 合攏;對摺;摺疊
    Code Folding

  50. Permute: 交換;取代,變更;置換;【數學】排列

    1. Permute Selections
    2. We wish to permute the order of the programs
  51. Case Sensitive: 大小寫敏感(區分大小寫)

  52. shuffle: 隨機排序;混合;打亂

  53. distraction: 干擾:注意力分散

  54. layout: 佈局;版面設計

  55. assist: 幫助;協助;援助

    1. content assist
    2. Editor features include syntax highlighting, SQL formatting, content assist, statement parsing and validation, and semantic validation.
  56. expire: 過期
    When a user logs in, and their password is about to expire, they are presented with a warning.

  57. declaration(declare): 宣告;宣告

  58. temporarily: 暫時的;臨時的

  59. hierarchy: 層次結構

  60. migrate: 遷移;移動

  61. preserve: 保持;維持

  62. sibling: 兄弟姐妹(例如DOM中的兄弟元素等)

  63. critical: 極重要的;關鍵的;危急的

  64. grant: 允許;同意

  65. traversal: 遍歷(迴圈遍歷)

  66. improper: 不適當的;不正確的;錯誤的

  67. encounter: 遭遇;遇見
    Encountered an improper argument

  68. snippet: 程式碼片段;資訊片段;新聞片段

  69. refactor: 重構(程式碼重構)

  70. overflow: 溢位(記憶體溢位)

  71. export: 輸出

  72. scroll: 滾動
    If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll see that the information can be exported as CSV or JSON.

  73. elastic: 靈活的;有彈性的

  74. manually: 手動地;手工地

    1. Scripts can also be written to restore files, though restoration is often done manually.
    2. You can interact with it just as if you had manually defined the class with all its columns, as in the previous examples.
  75. accordion: 可摺疊的

  76. retain: 保有;儲存;維持;繼續擁有

  77. decouple: (使兩事物)分離;去耦合;解耦
    It provides a layer of abstraction to decouple client code from access to a service, as well as its location and underlying implementation.

  78. undertake: 承擔

  79. underlying: 底層的

  80. delivery: 交付;傳送

  81. attachment: 附件;依附;附著

  82. align: 排列整齊;使對齊;

  83. decoration: 裝修;修飾;裝飾物
    text-decoration --> 文字修飾

  84. arouse: 喚醒;激發

  85. closure: 關閉;閉包

  86. alpha: 透明度

  87. ellipsis: 省略符號

  88. singleQuote: 單引號

  89. allot: 分配
    The company is ready to allot houses to its employees.

  90. cascader: 級聯選擇器

  91. verbose: 冗長的
    There's a little bit of verbose cross-browser code, but if you move this part to a reusable library, the code becomes pretty clean.

  92. Hybird: 混合(例如使用前端技術的混合開發)

  93. senior: 高階

  94. Declarative: 宣告式

  95. Component-Based: 元件式

  96. awesome: 令人驚歎的;棒極了
    TypeScript is really awesome!

  97. appropriate: 合適的; 恰當的;
    You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.

  98. concept