1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ZooKeeper的Watcher機制以及原始碼分析



ZooKeeper 的 Watcher 機制,總的來說可以分為三個過程:客戶端註冊 Watcher、伺服器處理 Watcher 和客戶端回撥 Watcher客戶端。註冊 watcher 有 3 種方式,getData、exists、getChildren;

如何觸發事件? 凡是事務型別的操作,都會觸發監聽事件。create /delete /setData,來看以下程式碼簡單實現

        final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
		zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(zkAddress, sessionTimeout, new Watcher() {
			public void process(WatchedEvent watchedEvent) {
				if (watchedEvent.getState() == SyncConnected) {
		boolean await = countDownLatch.await(connectTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
		if (await) {
			LOGGER.info("connected zookeeper success ~");
		} else {
			throw new Exception("connected zookeeper failed ~");


  • Zookeeper服務端;
  • Zookeeper客戶端;
  • 客戶端的ZKWatchManager物件;



public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher,
            boolean canBeReadOnly)
        throws IOException
        LOG.info("Initiating client connection, connectString=" + connectString
                + " sessionTimeout=" + sessionTimeout + " watcher=" + watcher);
        watchManager.defaultWatcher = watcher;
        ConnectStringParser connectStringParser = new ConnectStringParser(
        HostProvider hostProvider = new StaticHostProvider(
        cnxn = new ClientCnxn(connectStringParser.getChrootPath(),
                hostProvider, sessionTimeout, this, watchManager,
                getClientCnxnSocket(), canBeReadOnly);
    public void start() {



* To create a ZooKeeper client object, the application needs to pass a
* connection string containing a comma separated list of host:port pairs,
* each corresponding to a ZooKeeper server.
* <p>
* Session establishment is asynchronous. This constructor will initiate
* connection to the server and return immediately
- potentially (usually) * before the session is fully established. The watcher argument specifies * the watcher that will be notified of any changes in state. This * notification can come at any point before or after the constructor call * has returned. * <p> * The instantiated ZooKeeper client object will pick an arbitrary server * from the connectString and attempt to connect to it. If establishment of * the connection fails, another server in the connect string will be tried * (the order is non-deterministic, as we random shuffle the list), until a * connection is established. The client will continue attempts until the * session is explicitly closed.