阿新 • • 發佈:2021-01-06
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import argparse import os import commands import hashlib import subprocess import sys import shutil import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.cursors reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding( "utf-8" ) class Log: @staticmethod def e(msg): print( + '[x]:' + msg + Log.end) @staticmethod def w(msg): print(Log.yellow + '[!]:' + msg + Log.end) @staticmethod def i(msg): print( + '[+]:' + msg + Log.end) @staticmethod def t(msg): print( + '[-]:' + msg + Log.end) red = '\033[1;31m' green = '\033[1;32m' yellow = '\033[1;33m' blue = '\033[1;34m' end = '\033[00m' class get_marketcode(object): def connectdb(self): Log.w("start to connect database") #本地連線 db = MySQLdb.connect(host='地址', port=埠, user='使用者名稱', passwd='密碼', db='資料庫', charset='latin1') Log.e("connect success") return db def select_table(self,table,db): cursor = db.cursor() sql='SELECT code1,str1,str2 FROM '+table cursor.execute(sql) #列印資料 Log.w("select database, results list:") results = cursor.fetchall() code1_info=dict() str1_info=dict() if results: for rec in results: print rec[0],rec[1],rec[2] code1_info.update({rec[1]:rec[0]}) str1_info.update({rec[1]:rec[2]}) Log.w("Get code1_info ALIAS:") for key,values in code1_info.items(): print str(key)+"="+str(values) Log.w("Get str1_info ALIAS:") for key,values in str1_info.items(): print str(key)+"="+str(values) cursor.close() return code1_info,str1_info def invokedb(self): #連線資料庫 db = self.connectdb() product_table="表名" info=self.select_table(product_table,db) #關閉資料庫 db.close() return info def match(self,info,manufacturer): marketcode=info[manufacturer] Log.w("get info of "+manufacturer+":") print manufacturer+"="+str(marketcode) return marketcode