Mysql 根據父節點查詢所有子節點函式
阿新 • • 發佈:2021-01-07
平時使用Mysql 的函式不多,所以還是記錄下來以後學習使用
- 在Mysql 中函式建立後會提示
This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its de
的錯誤資訊,參照部落格:MySQL 建立函式報錯 This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you might
解決辦法由兩個:- 在函式體前寫一句 set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE; 但是每次重啟後都需要重新執行一遍
- 在my.cnf配置檔案中設定
log-bin-trust-function-creators=1 重啟後即可生效
- 如果函式建立後修改執行會提示:
MySQL: create a function but it already exists
需要在函式提前新增DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS funcName;
解決答案:stackflow - 函式體,這裡我也是似懂非懂,直接貼地址:Mysql遞迴獲取某個父節點下面的所有子節點和子節點上的所有父節點
FIND_IN_SET :是查詢在改字串中是否有指定的字元,
create table mrm_level( id int auto_increment, name char(255) not null , parentId int not null, contentId int not null , path longtext , type boolean, primary key (id) )engine = InnoDB default charset = utf8; drop function if exists getChildList; delimiter $$ create function getChildList(pid int) returns varchar(2000) begin declare str varchar(100); declare cid varchar(100); set str = ' '; set cid = pid; while cid is not null do set str = concat(str,',',cid); select group_concat(contentId) into cid from mrm_level where find_in_set(parentId,cid)>0 ; end while; set str = substring(str,2); return str; end$$; delimiter ; select * from mrm_level where find_in_set(id,getChildList(2)) and type =0