1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Rosalind第15題:Independent Alleles

Rosalind第15題:Independent Alleles



Figure 2.The probability of each outcome for the sum of the values on two rolled dice (black and white), broken down depending on the number of pips showing on each die. You can verify that 18 of the 36 equally probable possibilities result in an odd sum.


independentifis equal to. In other words, the events do not influence each other, so that we may simply calculate each of the individual probabilities separately and then multiply.

More generally,random variablesandareindependentif wheneverandare respective events forand,andare independent (i.e.,).

As an example of how helpful independence can be for calculating probabilities, letandrepresent the numbers showing on two six-sided dice. Intuitively, the number of pips showing on one die should not affect the number showing on the other die. If we want to find the probability thatis odd, then we don't need to draw a tree diagram and consider all possibilities. We simply first note that forto be odd, eitheris even andis odd oris odd andis even. In terms of probability,. Using independence, this becomes, or. You can verify this result in

Figure 2, which shows all 36 outcomes for rolling two dice.

Given:Two positive integers() and(). In this problem, we begin with Tom, who in the 0th generation has genotype Aa Bb. Tom has two children in the 1st generation, each of whom has two children, and so on. Each organism always mates with an organism having genotype Aa Bb.

Return:The probability that at leastAa Bb organisms will belong to the-th generation of Tom's family tree (don't count the Aa Bb mates at each level). Assume that Mendel's second law holds for the factors.




給定:兩個正整數()和()。在這個問題上,我們從湯姆開始,他在第0代中具有Aa Bb基因型。湯姆在第一代有兩個孩子,每個孩子都有兩個孩子,依此類推。每個生物總是與具有Aa Bb基因型的生物交配。

回報:至少Aa Bb生物屬於湯姆家族樹的第四代的概率(不計算每個級別的Aa Bb配偶)。假設孟德爾的第二定律適用於這些因素。

Sample Dataset

2 1

Sample Output



import itertools

def f(k, n):
    p = []
    child_num = 2 ** k
    for i in range(n):
        p.append(len(list(itertools.combinations([x for x in range(child_num)], i))) * (0.25 ** i) * (
                    0.75 ** (child_num - i)))
        # combinations('ABCD', 2)		AB AC AD BC BD CD
    return 1 - sum(p)

ret = f(2, 1)