1. 程式人生 > 其它 >(OJ)Java面向物件-編寫汽車類




Problem Description

    (1) 熟悉類的建立方法
    (2) 掌握物件的宣告與建立
    (3) 能利用面向物件的思想解決一般問題


  public class Main{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Vehicle v=new Vehicle(8,10.00);
        smallCar c=new smallCar(6);
        Truck t=new Truck(10);
    // 你的程式碼

Output Description

The number of wheels in this car is 8, weight is 10.0
This car can carry 6 persons
The load of this truck is 10
The number of wheels in this truck is 8, weight is 10.0, can carry 6 persons, load of this truck is 10


// Vehicle 類
class Vehicle{
    // wheels 車輪個數
    public int wheels;
// 重量 public double weight; // 帶參構造方法 public Vehicle(int wheels, double weight) { this.wheels = wheels; this.weight = weight; } // 無參構造方法 public Vehicle() { } // 列印資訊 public void disMessage(){ System.out.println("The number of wheels in this car is "
+ wheels + ", weight is " + weight); } } // smallCar類繼承Vehicle類 class smallCar extends Vehicle{ // loader 載人數 public int loader; // 帶參構造 三個引數 public smallCar(int wheels, double weight, int loader) { // 呼叫父類構造器 super(wheels, weight); this.loader = loader; } // 帶參構造 一個引數 public smallCar(int loader) { // 呼叫父類構造 根據題目輸出 wheels = 8 weight10.00 super(8, 10.00); this.loader = loader; } // 無參構造 public smallCar() { } // 列印資訊 public void disM(){ System.out.println("This car can carry " + loader + " persons"); } } // Truck類繼承smallCar類 class Truck extends smallCar{ // payload 載重量 private int payload; // 帶參構造 一個引數 public Truck(int payload) { // 呼叫父類構造 根據題目輸出 loader = 6 super(6); this.payload = payload; } // 帶參構造 四個引數 public Truck(int wheels, double weight, int loader, int payload) { // 呼叫父類構造 super(wheels, weight, loader); this.payload = payload; } // 無參構造 public Truck() { } // 列印資訊 public void disM2(){ System.out.println("The load of this truck is " + payload); } // 列印資訊 public void disM3(){ System.out.println("The number of wheels in this truck is " + wheels + ", weight is " + weight + ", can carry " + loader + " persons, load of this truck is " + payload); } }