1. 程式人生 > 其它 >golang int切片排序_Golang之 sort 排序原始碼淺析

golang int切片排序_Golang之 sort 排序原始碼淺析

技術標籤:golang int切片排序

點選上方藍色 “鐵匠學程式設計” 關注我,讓我們一起學習!




package mainimport"sort"funcmain() {sort.Sort(data)}

sort.Interface 介面方法的定義

// An implementation of Interface can be sorted by the routines in this package.// The methods refer to elements of the underlying collection by integer index.type Interface interface {  // Len is the number of elements in the collection.  Len() int  // Less reports whether the element with index i//mustsortbeforetheelementwithindexj.  Less(i, j int) bool  // Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.  Swap(i, j int)}


sort包實現了四種基本排序演算法:插入排序、歸併排序、堆排序和快速排序。這四種排序方法不是公開的只能在sort包內部使用。sort包提供了對 切片、[]float64切片和 []string 切片的支援。

通過 do doc 可以看到sort包含的方法:

package sort // import "sort"Package sort provides primitives for sorting slices and user-definedcollections.func Float64s(a []float64)func Float64sAreSorted(a []float64) boolfunc Ints(a []int)func IntsAreSorted(a []int) boolfunc IsSorted(data Interface) boolfunc Search(n int, f func(int) bool) intfunc SearchFloat64s(a []float64, x float64) intfunc SearchInts(a []int, x int) intfunc SearchStrings(a []string, x string) intfunc Slice(slice interface{}, less func(i, j int) bool)func SliceIsSorted(slice interface{}, less func(i, j int) bool) boolfunc SliceStable(slice interface{}, less func(i, j int) bool)func Sort(data Interface)func Stable(data Interface)func Strings(a []string)func StringsAreSorted(a []string) booltype Float64Slice []float64type IntSlice []inttype Interface interface{ ... }funcReverse(dataInterface)Interfacetype StringSlice []string


// Sort sorts data.// It makes one call to data.Len to determine n and O(n*log(n)) calls to//data.Lessanddata.Swap.Thesortisnotguaranteedtobestable.func Sort(data Interface) {  n := data.Len()  quickSort(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n))}


看到 quickSort 之後我認為就使用了快速排序,其實不然!在這之前先看下 maxDepth() 函式,這個函式是幹嘛的?

// maxDepth returns a threshold at which quicksort should switch// to heapsort. It returns 2*ceil(lg(n+1)).func maxDepth(n int) int {  var depth int  for i := n; i > 0; i >>= 1 {    depth++  }  return depth * 2}

這個是判斷是否可以使用 堆排序。這個depth 值用了決定是否採用堆排序。


func quickSort(data Interface, a, b, maxDepth int) {  for b-a > 12 { // Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements    if maxDepth == 0 {      heapSort(data, a, b)      return    }    maxDepth--    mlo, mhi := doPivot(data, a, b)    // Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees    // a stack depth of at most lg(b-a).    if mlo-a < b-mhi {      quickSort(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)      a = mhi // i.e., quickSort(data, mhi, b)    } else {      quickSort(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)      b = mlo // i.e., quickSort(data, a, mlo)    }  }  if b-a > 1 {    // Do ShellSort pass with gap 6    // It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12...    insertionSort(data, a, b)  }}

sort函式使用的 quickSort 分為兩部分,當長度大於12的時候:首先在maxDepth為0的情況下,使用堆排序,就是當遞迴到最大深度的時候,使用堆排序。那麼在不為零的時候我們可以看出使用的就是快速排序,不過在快速排序中,又進行了一步優化,也就是找中位數 doPivot() 這個方法。

當長度小於等於12的時候使用 希爾排序,我們就先看下希爾排序。




// insertionSort sorts data[a:b] using insertion sort.func insertionSort(data Interface, a, b int) {  for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {    for j := i; j > a && data.Less(j, j-1); j-- {      data.Swap(j, j-1)    }  }}



func doPivot(data Interface, lo, hi int) (midlo, midhi int) {  m := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1) // Written like this to avoid integer overflow.  if hi-lo > 40 {    // Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three.    s := (hi - lo) / 8    medianOfThree(data, lo, lo+s, lo+2*s)    medianOfThree(data, m, m-s, m+s)    medianOfThree(data, hi-1, hi-1-s, hi-1-2*s)  }  medianOfThree(data, lo, m, hi-1)  // Invariants are:  //  data[lo] = pivot (set up by ChoosePivot)  //  data[lo < i < a] < pivot  //  data[a <= i < b] <= pivot  //  data[b <= i < c] unexamined  //  data[c <= i < hi-1] > pivot  //  data[hi-1] >= pivot  pivot := lo  a, c := lo+1, hi-1  for ; a < c && data.Less(a, pivot); a++ {  }  b := a  for {    for ; b < c && !data.Less(pivot, b); b++ { // data[b] <= pivot    }    for ; b < c && data.Less(pivot, c-1); c-- { // data[c-1] > pivot    }    if b >= c {      break    }    // data[b] > pivot; data[c-1] <= pivot    data.Swap(b, c-1)    b++    c--  }  // If hi-c<3 then there are duplicates (by property of median of nine).  // Let's be a bit more conservative, and set border to 5.  protect := hi-c < 5  if !protect && hi-c < (hi-lo)/4 {    // Lets test some points for equality to pivot    dups := 0    if !data.Less(pivot, hi-1) { // data[hi-1] = pivot      data.Swap(c, hi-1)      c++      dups++    }    if !data.Less(b-1, pivot) { // data[b-1] = pivot      b--      dups++    }    // m-lo = (hi-lo)/2 > 6    // b-lo > (hi-lo)*3/4-1 > 8    // ==> m < b ==> data[m] <= pivot    if !data.Less(m, pivot) { // data[m] = pivot      data.Swap(m, b-1)      b--      dups++    }    // if at least 2 points are equal to pivot, assume skewed distribution    protect = dups > 1  }  if protect {    // Protect against a lot of duplicates    // Add invariant:    //  data[a <= i < b] unexamined    //  data[b <= i < c] = pivot    for {      for ; a < b && !data.Less(b-1, pivot); b-- { // data[b] == pivot      }      for ; a < b && data.Less(a, pivot); a++ { // data[a] < pivot      }      if a >= b {        break      }      // data[a] == pivot; data[b-1] < pivot      data.Swap(a, b-1)      a++      b--    }  }  // Swap pivot into middle  data.Swap(pivot, b-1)  return b - 1, c}


IntSlice 及 []int 排序

// IntSlice attaches the methods of Interface to []int, sorting in increasing order.type IntSlice []intfunc (p IntSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }func (p IntSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }func (p IntSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }// Sort is a convenience method.func (p IntSlice) Sort() { Sort(p) }


// Reverse returns the reverse order for data.func Reverse(data Interface) Interface {  return &reverse{data}}


// Float64Slice attaches the methods of Interface to []float64, sorting in increasing order// (not-a-number values are treated as less than other values).type Float64Slice []float64func (p Float64Slice) Len() int           { return len(p) }func (p Float64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] || isNaN(p[i]) && !isNaN(p[j]) }func (p Float64Slice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }// isNaN is a copy of math.IsNaN to avoid a dependency on the math package.func isNaN(f float64) bool {  return f != f}


// StringSlice attaches the methods of Interface to []string, sorting in increasing order.type StringSlice []stringfunc (p StringSlice) Len() int           { return len(p) }func (p StringSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }func (p StringSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }// Sort is a convenience method.func (p StringSlice) Sort() { Sort(p) }




