1. 程式人生 > 程式設計 >SELinux 瞭解及CentOS7 中 semanage命令的安裝

SELinux 瞭解及CentOS7 中 semanage命令的安裝

SELinux 安全子系統

SELinux(Security-Enhanced Linux)是美國國家安全域性在Linux開源社群的幫助下開發的一個強制訪問控制(MAC,Mandatory Access Control)的安全子系統。RHEL 7系統使用SELinux技術的目的是為了讓各個服務程式都受到約束,使其僅獲取到本應獲取的資源。



  • enforcing:強制啟用安全策略模式,將攔截服務的不合法請求。
  • permissive:遇到服務越權訪問時,只發出警告而不強制攔截。
  • disabled:對於越權的行為不警告也不攔截。

我這裡預設就是 enforcing的(可檢視該服務的主配置檔案 /etc/selinux/config)。

vi /etc/selinux/config



把SELinux當前的執行模式修改為禁用(通過命令 setenforce [0|1],0代表禁用、1代表啟用),該修改在重啟系統後失效

可以通過 getenforce 命令檢視 SELinux服務的執行狀態。

# setenforce 0
# getenforce 



# ls -Zd /var/www/html
drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 /var/www/htm
# ls -Zd /home/safiri
drwx------. safiri safiri unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 /home/safiri

使用者段system_u代表系統程式的身份 角色段object_r代表檔案目錄的角色 型別段httpd_sys_content_t代表網站服務的系統檔案。


semanage 命令

semanage命令用於管理SELinux的策略,格式為“semanage [選項] [檔案]”。常用引數及作用: -l 查詢、-a 新增、-m 修改、-d 刪除


設定後,還需使用 restorecon 命令使設定立即生效,-Rv引數對指定的目錄進行遞迴操作,以及顯示SELinux安全上下文的修改過程。最後,再次重新整理頁面,就可以正常看到網頁內容了。


# yum provides semanage 

# Filename : /usr/sbin/semanage

# yum -y install policycoreutils-python.x86_64

# yum install setools-console.x86_64


ValueError: 沒有管理 SELinux 策略或者無法訪問儲存。

ValueError: SELinux policy is not managed or store cannot be accessed.

Cannot set persistent booleans without managed policy.



In a few moments,SELinux users which have the \~arch KEYWORDS set (either globally or for the SELinux utilities in particular) will notice that the SELinux userspace will upgrade to version 2.4 (release candidate 5 for now). This upgrade comes with a manual step that needs to be performed after upgrade. The information is mentioned as post-installation message of the policycoreutils package,and basically sais that you need to execute:

~# /usr/libexec/selinux/semanage_migrate_store
The reason is that the SELinux utilities expect the SELinux policy module store (and the semanage related files) to be in /var/lib/selinux and no longer in /etc/selinux. Note that this does not mean that the SELinux policy itself is moved outside of that location,nor is the basic configuration file (/etc/selinux/config). It is what tools such as semanage manage that is moved outside that location.

I tried to automate the migration as part of the packages themselves,but this would require the portage_t domain to be able to move,rebuild and load policies,which it can't (and to be honest,shouldn't). Instead of augmenting the policy or making updates to the migration script as delivered by the upstream project,we currently decided to have the migration done manually. It is a one-time migration anyway.

If for some reason end users forget to do the migration,then that does not mean that the system breaks or becomes unusable. SELinux still works,SELinux aware applications still work; the only thing that will fail are updates on the SELinux configuration through tools like semanage or setsebool - the latter when you want to persist boolean changes.

~# semanage fcontext -l
ValueError: SELinux policy is not managed or store cannot be accessed.

~# setsebool -P allow_ptrace on
Cannot set persistent booleans without managed policy.
If you get those errors or warnings,all that is left to do is to do the migration. Note in the following that there is a warning about 'else' blocks that are no longer supported: that's okay,as far as I know (and it was mentioned on the upstream mailinglist as well as not something to worry about) it does not have any impact.

~# /usr/libexec/selinux/semanage_migrate_store
Migrating from /etc/selinux/mcs/modules/active to /var/lib/selinux/mcs/active
Attempting to rebuild policy from /var/lib/selinux
sysnetwork: Warning: 'else' blocks in optional statements are unsupported in CIL. Dropping from output.
You can also add in -c so that the old policy module store is cleaned up. You can also rerun the command multiple times:

~# /usr/libexec/selinux/semanage_migrate_store -c
warning: Policy type mcs has already been migrated,but modules still exist in the old store. Skipping store.
Attempting to rebuild policy from /var/lib/selinux
You can manually clean up the old policy module store like so:

~# rm -rf /etc/selinux/mcs/modules
So... don't worry - the change is small and does not break stuff. And for those wondering about CIL I'll talk about it in one of my next posts.
