1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Vim plugin installation

Vim plugin installation


svnj.vim README.md


###Options 1: (Pathogen Users)

  1. cd ~/.vim/bundle
  2. git clone [email protected]:juneedahamed/svnj.vim.git

###Option 2: // This option is ok.

  1. git clone [email protected]:juneedahamed/svnj.vim.git
  2. copy files from svnj.vim/plugin to ~/.vim/plugin
  3. copy files from svnj.vim/autoload to ~/vim/autoload
  4. copy files from svnj.vim/doc to ~/vim/doc
  5. Run at vim’s command :helptags doc


install details

  1. Download the taglist.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the $HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should have the following two files (the directory structure should be preserved):

      plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
      doc/taglist.txt    - documentation (help) file

    Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |runtimepath| Vim help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.

  2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/vimfiles/doc directory, start Vim and run the “:helptags .” command to process the taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help topics.

  3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.

  4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal doesn’t support changing the window width then set the ‘Tlist_Inc_Winwidth’ variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.

  5. Restart Vim.

  6. You can now use the “:TlistToggle” command to open/close the taglist window. You can use the “:help taglist” command to get more information about using the taglist plugin.