1. 程式人生 > 其它 >webrtc 渲染_webrtc視訊引擎之video_render(視訊渲染)介紹

webrtc 渲染_webrtc視訊引擎之video_render(視訊渲染)介紹

技術標籤:webrtc 渲染




2, android資料夾用於在android平臺渲染顯示視訊影象;

3, IOS資料夾用於在IOS平臺渲染顯示視訊影象;

4, linux資料夾用於在linux平臺渲染顯示視訊影象;

5, mac資料夾用於在mac平臺渲染顯示視訊影象;



在呼叫該介面類建立例項物件的時候需要從建構函式傳入 相關的顯示引數, 如下:

const int32_t id, //本路顯示視訊的ID,使用者自定義,用於唯一區分本路視訊即可

const VideoRenderType videoRenderType, // 此定於如下列舉

enum VideoRenderType


kRenderExternal = 0, // External

kRenderWindows = 1, // Windows

kRenderCocoa = 2, // Mac

kRenderCarbon = 3,

kRenderiOS = 4, // iPhone

kRenderAndroid = 5, // Android

kRenderX11 = 6, // Linux



void* window, //用於顯示視訊的視窗物件指標

const bool fullscreen //是否需要全屏顯示

ModuleVideoRenderImpl(const int32_t id, const VideoRenderType videoRenderType, void* window, const bool fullscreen);

該介面還是StartRender 、StopRender等介面供外部呼叫控制視訊渲染

class ModuleVideoRenderImpl: public VideoRender




* VideoRenderer constructor/destructor


ModuleVideoRenderImpl(const int32_t id,

const VideoRenderType videoRenderType,

void* window, const bool fullscreen);

virtual ~ModuleVideoRenderImpl();


* Change the unique identifier of this object


virtual int32_t ChangeUniqueId(const int32_t id);

virtual int32_t TimeUntilNextProcess();

virtual int32_t Process();


* Returns the render window


virtual void* Window();


* Change render window


virtual int32_t ChangeWindow(void* window);


* Returns module id


int32_t Id();



* Incoming Streams




* Add incoming render stream


virtual VideoRenderCallback

* AddIncomingRenderStream(const uint32_t streamId,

const uint32_t zOrder,

const float left, const float top,

const float right, const float bottom);


* Delete incoming render stream


virtual int32_t

DeleteIncomingRenderStream(const uint32_t streamId);


* Add incoming render callback, used for external rendering


virtual int32_t

AddExternalRenderCallback(const uint32_t streamId,

VideoRenderCallback* renderObject);


* Get the porperties for an incoming render stream


virtual int32_t

GetIncomingRenderStreamProperties(const uint32_t streamId,

uint32_t& zOrder,

float& left, float& top,

float& right, float& bottom) const;


* Incoming frame rate for the specified stream.


virtual uint32_t GetIncomingFrameRate(const uint32_t streamId);


* Returns the number of incoming streams added to this render module


virtual uint32_t GetNumIncomingRenderStreams() const;


* Returns true if this render module has the streamId added, false otherwise.


virtual bool HasIncomingRenderStream(const uint32_t streamId) const;




virtual int32_t

RegisterRawFrameCallback(const uint32_t streamId,

VideoRenderCallback* callbackObj);

virtual int32_t GetLastRenderedFrame(const uint32_t streamId,

I420VideoFrame &frame) const;

virtual int32_t SetExpectedRenderDelay(uint32_t stream_id,

int32_t delay_ms);



* Start/Stop




* Starts rendering the specified stream


virtual int32_t StartRender(const uint32_t streamId);


* Stops the renderer


virtual int32_t StopRender(const uint32_t streamId);


* Sets the renderer in start state, no streams removed.


virtual int32_t ResetRender();



* Properties




* Returns the prefered render video type


virtual RawVideoType PreferredVideoType() const;


* Returns true if the renderer is in fullscreen mode, otherwise false.


virtual bool IsFullScreen();


* Gets screen resolution in pixels


virtual int32_t

GetScreenResolution(uint32_t& screenWidth,

uint32_t& screenHeight) const;


* Get the actual render rate for this stream. I.e rendered frame rate,

* not frames delivered to the renderer.


virtual uint32_t RenderFrameRate(const uint32_t streamId);


* Set cropping of incoming stream


virtual int32_t SetStreamCropping(const uint32_t streamId,

const float left, const float top,

const float right, const float bottom);

virtual int32_t ConfigureRenderer(const uint32_t streamId,

const unsigned int zOrder,

const float left, const float top,

const float right, const float bottom);

virtual int32_t SetTransparentBackground(const bool enable);

virtual int32_t FullScreenRender(void* window, const bool enable);

virtual int32_t SetBitmap(const void* bitMap,

const uint8_t pictureId,

const void* colorKey,

const float left, const float top,

const float right, const float bottom);

virtual int32_t SetText(const uint8_t textId,

const uint8_t* text,

const int32_t textLength,

const uint32_t textColorRef,

const uint32_t backgroundColorRef,

const float left, const float top,

const float right, const float bottom);

virtual int32_t SetStartImage(const uint32_t streamId,

const I420VideoFrame& videoFrame);

virtual int32_t SetTimeoutImage(const uint32_t streamId,

const I420VideoFrame& videoFrame,

const uint32_t timeout);

virtual int32_t MirrorRenderStream(const int renderId,

const bool enable,

const bool mirrorXAxis,

const bool mirrorYAxis);


int32_t _id;

CriticalSectionWrapper& _moduleCrit;

void* _ptrWindow;

bool _fullScreen;

IVideoRender* _ptrRenderer;

typedef std::map IncomingVideoStreamMap;

IncomingVideoStreamMap _streamRenderMap;

}; 有興趣的同學朋友可以自行去研究每個裝置是怎麼顯示視訊, 至於每個裝置如何顯示視訊這個後面都單獨介紹,這裡只做個整體的介紹。