1. 程式人生 > 其它 >以太坊之命令列建立賬戶






使用命令geth account new,在Password:輸入密碼,並在Repeat password:確認密碼,最終會告訴我們地址是0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,私鑰儲存在地址






cmd/geth/accountcmd.go中找到了geth account new命令的入口:

            Name:   "new",
"Create a new account", Action: utils.MigrateFlags(accountCreate), Flags: []cli.Flag{ utils.DataDirFlag, utils.KeyStoreDirFlag, utils.PasswordFileFlag, utils.LightKDFFlag, }, Description:
` geth account new Creates a new account and prints the address. The account is saved in encrypted format, you are prompted for a password. You must remember this password to unlock your account in the future. For non-interactive use the password can be specified with the --password flag: Note, this is meant to be used for testing only, it is a bad idea to save your password to file or expose in any other way. `, },


// accountCreate creates a new account into the keystore defined by the CLI flags.
// accountCreate函式建立一個keystore型別賬戶
func accountCreate(ctx *cli.Context) error {
   cfg := gethConfig{Node: defaultNodeConfig()}
   // Load config file.
   if file := ctx.GlobalString(configFileFlag.Name); file != "" {
      if err := loadConfig(file, &cfg); err != nil {
         utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
   utils.SetNodeConfig(ctx, &cfg.Node) //初始化設定
   scryptN, scryptP, keydir, err := cfg.Node.AccountConfig() //加密演算法引數及儲存地址

   if err != nil {
      utils.Fatalf("Failed to read configuration: %v", err)

   password := utils.GetPassPhraseWithList("Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.", true, 0, utils.MakePasswordList(ctx)) //如果有指定密碼,則返回密碼列表第一個;否則要求輸入密碼以及確認密碼。呼叫github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/console/prompt包實現。

   account, err := keystore.StoreKey(keydir, password, scryptN, scryptP) //建立賬戶

   if err != nil {
      utils.Fatalf("Failed to create account: %v", err)
   fmt.Printf("\nYour new key was generated\n\n")
   fmt.Printf("Public address of the key:   %s\n", account.Address.Hex())
   fmt.Printf("Path of the secret key file: %s\n\n", account.URL.Path)
   fmt.Printf("- You can share your public address with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.\n")
   fmt.Printf("- You must NEVER share the secret key with anyone! The key controls access to your funds!\n")
   fmt.Printf("- You must BACKUP your key file! Without the key, it's impossible to access account funds!\n")
   fmt.Printf("- You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the key!\n\n")
   return nil




// StoreKey generates a key, encrypts with 'auth' and stores in the given directory
func StoreKey(dir, auth string, scryptN, scryptP int) (accounts.Account, error) {
   _, a, err := storeNewKey(&keyStorePassphrase{dir, scryptN, scryptP, false}, rand.Reader, auth)
   return a, err


func storeNewKey(ks keyStore, rand io.Reader, auth string) (*Key, accounts.Account, error) {
   key, err := newKey(rand) //利用rand產生隨機數,並用secp256k1演算法構造出Key物件,包含私鑰和D
   if err != nil {
      return nil, accounts.Account{}, err
   a := accounts.Account{
      Address: key.Address,
      URL:     accounts.URL{Scheme: KeyStoreScheme, Path: ks.JoinPath(keyFileName(key.Address))},
   } //構造Account物件
   if err := ks.StoreKey(a.URL.Path, key, auth); err != nil { //加密私鑰
      zeroKey(key.PrivateKey) //不成功銷燬私鑰
      return nil, a, err
   return key, a, err


func (ks keyStorePassphrase) StoreKey(filename string, key *Key, auth string) error {
   keyjson, err := EncryptKey(key, auth, ks.scryptN, ks.scryptP)  //基於key,scryptN,scryptP,auth(密碼)生成加密key物件
   if err != nil {
      return err
   // Write into temporary file
   tmpName, err := writeTemporaryKeyFile(filename, keyjson) //將加密之後的私鑰寫到檔案裡面
   if err != nil {
      return err
   if !ks.skipKeyFileVerification {
      // Verify that we can decrypt the file with the given password.
      _, err = ks.GetKey(key.Address, tmpName, auth)  //驗證私鑰
      if err != nil {
         msg := "An error was encountered when saving and verifying the keystore file. \n" +
            "This indicates that the keystore is corrupted. \n" +
            "The corrupted file is stored at \n%v\n" +
            "Please file a ticket at:\n\n" +
            "https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues." +
            "The error was : %s"
         //lint:ignore ST1005 This is a message for the user
         return fmt.Errorf(msg, tmpName, err)
   return os.Rename(tmpName, filename) //重新命名

