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vue-cli3.0 修改打包檔案目錄

實驗四 決策樹演算法及應用


作業要求 作業要求連結
作業目標 掌握決策樹演算法
學號 3180701134


  1. 理解決策樹演算法原理,掌握決策樹演算法框架;
  2. 理解決策樹學習演算法的特徵選擇、樹的生成和樹的剪枝;
  3. 能根據不同的資料型別,選擇不同的決策樹演算法;
  4. 針對特定應用場景及資料,能應用決策樹演算法解決實際問題。


  1. 設計演算法實現熵、經驗條件熵、資訊增益等方法。
  2. 實現ID3演算法。
  3. 熟悉sklearn庫中的決策樹演算法;
  4. 針對iris資料集,應用sklearn的決策樹演算法進行類別預測。
  5. 針對iris資料集,利用自編決策樹演算法進行類別預測。


  1. 對照實驗內容,撰寫實驗過程、演算法及測試結果;
  2. 程式碼規範化:命名規則、註釋;
  3. 分析核心演算法的複雜度;
  4. 查閱文獻,討論ID3、C4.5演算法的應用場景;
  5. 查詢文獻,分析決策樹剪枝策略。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from collections import Counter
import math
from math import log
import pprint


def create_data():
    datasets = [['青年', '否', '否', '一般', '否'],
                ['青年', '否', '否', '好', '否'],
                ['青年', '是', '否', '好', '是'],
                ['青年', '是', '是', '一般', '是'],
                ['青年', '否', '否', '一般', '否'],
                ['中年', '否', '否', '一般', '否'],
                ['中年', '否', '否', '好', '否'],
                ['中年', '是', '是', '好', '是'],
                ['中年', '否', '是', '非常好', '是'],
                ['中年', '否', '是', '非常好', '是'],
                ['老年', '否', '是', '非常好', '是'],
                ['老年', '否', '是', '好', '是'],
                ['老年', '是', '否', '好', '是'],
                ['老年', '是', '否', '非常好', '是'],
                ['老年', '否', '否', '一般', '否'],
    labels = [u'年齡', u'有工作', u'有自己的房子', u'信貸情況', u'類別']
    # 返回資料集和每個維度的名稱
    return datasets, labels
datasets, labels = create_data()
train_data = pd.DataFrame(datasets, columns=labels)
# 熵
def calc_ent(datasets):
    data_length = len(datasets)
    label_count = {}
    for i in range(data_length):
        label = datasets[i][-1]
        if label not in label_count:
            label_count[label] = 0
        label_count[label] += 1
    ent = -sum([(p / data_length) * log(p / data_length, 2)
                for p in label_count.values()])
    return ent

# def entropy(y):
# """
# Entropy of a label sequence
# """
# hist = np.bincount(y)
# ps = hist / np.sum(hist)
# return -np.sum([p * np.log2(p) for p in ps if p > 0])
# 經驗條件熵
def cond_ent(datasets, axis=0):
    data_length = len(datasets)
    feature_sets = {}
    for i in range(data_length):
        feature = datasets[i][axis]
        if feature not in feature_sets:
            feature_sets[feature] = []
    cond_ent = sum(
        [(len(p) / data_length) * calc_ent(p) for p in feature_sets.values()])
    return cond_ent

# 資訊增益
def info_gain(ent, cond_ent):
    return ent - cond_ent

def info_gain_train(datasets):
    count = len(datasets[0]) - 1
    ent = calc_ent(datasets)
    # ent = entropy(datasets)
    best_feature = []
    for c in range(count):
        c_info_gain = info_gain(ent, cond_ent(datasets, axis=c))
        best_feature.append((c, c_info_gain))
        print('特徵({}) - info_gain - {:.3f}'.format(labels[c], c_info_gain))
    # 比較大小
    best_ = max(best_feature, key=lambda x: x[-1])
    return '特徵({})的資訊增益最大,選擇為根節點特徵'.format(labels[best_[0]])



# 定義節點類 二叉樹
class Node:
    def __init__(self, root=True, label=None, feature_name=None, feature=None):
        self.root = root
        self.label = label
        self.feature_name = feature_name
        self.feature = feature
        self.tree = {}
        self.result = {
            'label:': self.label,
            'feature': self.feature,
            'tree': self.tree

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}'.format(self.result)

    def add_node(self, val, node):
        self.tree[val] = node

    def predict(self, features):
        if self.root is True:
            return self.label
        return self.tree[features[self.feature]].predict(features)

class DTree:
    def __init__(self, epsilon=0.1):
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self._tree = {}

    # 熵
    def calc_ent(datasets):
        data_length = len(datasets)
        label_count = {}
        for i in range(data_length):
            label = datasets[i][-1]
            if label not in label_count:
                label_count[label] = 0
            label_count[label] += 1
        ent = -sum([(p / data_length) * log(p / data_length, 2)
                    for p in label_count.values()])
        return ent

    # 經驗條件熵
    def cond_ent(self, datasets, axis=0):
        data_length = len(datasets)
        feature_sets = {}
        for i in range(data_length):
            feature = datasets[i][axis]
            if feature not in feature_sets:
                feature_sets[feature] = []
        cond_ent = sum([(len(p) / data_length) * self.calc_ent(p)
                        for p in feature_sets.values()])
        return cond_ent

    # 資訊增益
    def info_gain(ent, cond_ent):
        return ent - cond_ent

    def info_gain_train(self, datasets):
        count = len(datasets[0]) - 1
        ent = self.calc_ent(datasets)
        best_feature = []
        for c in range(count):
            c_info_gain = self.info_gain(ent, self.cond_ent(datasets, axis=c))
            best_feature.append((c, c_info_gain))
        # 比較大小
        best_ = max(best_feature, key=lambda x: x[-1])
        return best_

    def train(self, train_data):
        _, y_train, features = train_data.iloc[:, :
                                                  -1], train_data.iloc[:,
                                                       -1], train_data.columns[:
        # 1,若D中例項屬於同一類Ck,則T為單節點樹,並將類Ck作為結點的類標記,返回T
        if len(y_train.value_counts()) == 1:
            return Node(root=True, label=y_train.iloc[0])
        # 2, 若A為空,則T為單節點樹,將D中例項樹最大的類Ck作為該節點的類標記,返回T
        if len(features) == 0:
            return Node(
        # 3,計算最大資訊增益 同5.1,Ag為資訊增益最大的特徵
        max_feature, max_info_gain = self.info_gain_train(np.array(train_data))
        max_feature_name = features[max_feature]
        # 4,Ag的資訊增益小於閾值eta,則置T為單節點樹,並將D中是例項數最大的類Ck作為該節點的類標記,返
        if max_info_gain < self.epsilon:
            return Node(
        # 5,構建Ag子集
        node_tree = Node(
            root=False, feature_name=max_feature_name, feature=max_feature)
        feature_list = train_data[max_feature_name].value_counts().index
        for f in feature_list:
            sub_train_df = train_data.loc[train_data[max_feature_name] ==
                                          f].drop([max_feature_name], axis=1)
            # 6, 遞迴生成樹
            sub_tree = self.train(sub_train_df)
            node_tree.add_node(f, sub_tree)
        # pprint.pprint(node_tree.tree)
        return node_tree

    def fit(self, train_data):
        self._tree = self.train(train_data)
        return self._tree

    def predict(self, X_test):
        return self._tree.predict(X_test)

datasets, labels = create_data()
data_df = pd.DataFrame(datasets, columns=labels)
dt = DTree()
tree = dt.fit(data_df)
dt.predict(['老年', '否', '否', '一般'])


# data
def create_data():
    iris = load_iris()
    df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns=iris.feature_names)
    df['label'] = iris.target
    df.columns = [
        'sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width', 'label'
    data = np.array(df.iloc[:100, [0, 1, -1]])
    # print(data)
    return data[:, :2], data[:, -1]
X, y = create_data()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3)
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz
import graphviz
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()
clf.fit(X_train, y_train,)
clf.score(X_test, y_test)
tree_pic = export_graphviz(clf, out_file="mytree.pdf")
with open('mytree.pdf') as f:
    dot_graph = f.read()


from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import preprocessing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import tree
import graphviz
features = ["年齡", "有工作", "有自己的房子", "信貸情況"]
X_train = pd.DataFrame([
    ["青年", "否", "否", "一般"],
    ["青年", "否", "否", "好"],
    ["青年", "是", "否", "好"],
    ["青年", "是", "是", "一般"],
    ["青年", "否", "否", "一般"],
    ["中年", "否", "否", "一般"],
    ["中年", "否", "否", "好"],
    ["中年", "是", "是", "好"],
    ["中年", "否", "是", "非常好"],
    ["中年", "否", "是", "非常好"],
    ["老年", "否", "是", "非常好"],
    ["老年", "否", "是", "好"],
    ["老年", "是", "否", "好"],
    ["老年", "是", "否", "非常好"],
    ["老年", "否", "否", "一般"]
y_train = pd.DataFrame(["否", "否", "是", "是", "否",
                        "否", "否", "是", "是", "是",
                        "是", "是", "是", "是", "否"])
# 資料預處理
le_x = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
X_train = X_train.apply(le_x.transform)
le_y = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
y_train = y_train.apply(le_y.transform)
# 呼叫sklearn.DT建立訓練模型
model_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
model_tree.fit(X_train, y_train)
# 視覺化
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(model_tree, out_file=None,
                                    class_names=[str(k) for k in np.unique(y_train)],
                                    filled=True, rounded=True,
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)


import numpy as np

class LeastSqRTree:
    def __init__(self, train_X, y, epsilon):
        # 訓練集特徵值
        self.x = train_X
        # 類別
        self.y = y
        # 特徵總數
        self.feature_count = train_X.shape[1]
        # 損失閾值
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        # 迴歸樹
        self.tree = None

    def _fit(self, x, y, feature_count, epsilon):
        # 選擇最優切分點變數j與切分點s
        (j, s, minval, c1, c2) = self._divide(x, y, feature_count)
        # 初始化樹
        tree = {"feature": j, "value": x[s, j], "left": None, "right": None}
        if minval < self.epsilon or len(y[np.where(x[:, j] <= x[s, j])]) <= 1:
            tree["left"] = c1
            tree["left"] = self._fit(x[np.where(x[:, j] <= x[s, j])],
                                     y[np.where(x[:, j] <= x[s, j])],
                                     self.feature_count, self.epsilon)
        if minval < self.epsilon or len(y[np.where(x[:, j] > s)]) <= 1:
            tree["right"] = c2
            tree["right"] = self._fit(x[np.where(x[:, j] > x[s, j])],
                                      y[np.where(x[:, j] > x[s, j])],
                                      self.feature_count, self.epsilon)
        return tree

    def fit(self):
        self.tree = self._fit(self.x, self.y, self.feature_count, self.epsilon)

    def _divide(x, y, feature_count):
        # 初始化損失誤差
        cost = np.zeros((feature_count, len(x)))
        # 公式5.21
        for i in range(feature_count):
            for k in range(len(x)):
                # k行i列的特徵值
                value = x[k, i]
                y1 = y[np.where(x[:, i] <= value)]
                c1 = np.mean(y1)
                y2 = y[np.where(x[:, i] > value)]
                c2 = np.mean(y2)
                y1[:] = y1[:] - c1
                y2[:] = y2[:] - c2
                cost[i, k] = np.sum(y1 * y1) + np.sum(y2 * y2)
        # 選取最優損失誤差點
        cost_index = np.where(cost == np.min(cost))
        # 選取第幾個特徵值
        j = cost_index[0][0]
        # 選取特徵值的切分點
        s = cost_index[1][0]
        # 求兩個區域的均值c1,c2
        c1 = np.mean(y[np.where(x[:, j] <= x[s, j])])
        c2 = np.mean(y[np.where(x[:, j] > x[s, j])])
        return j, s, cost[cost_index], c1, c2

train_X = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]]).T
y = np.array([4.50, 4.75, 4.91, 5.34, 5.80, 7.05, 7.90, 8.23, 8.70, 9.00])
model_tree = LeastSqRTree(train_X, y, .2)

