1. 程式人生 > 其它 >DAY 117 ES查詢

DAY 117 ES查詢



一 基本查詢

PUT lago
"mappings": {


POST lago/job
"title":"python django 開發工程師",
POST lago/job
POST lago/job

1.1 match查詢

GET lagou/job/_search
#只搜取 搜不到

1.2 term查詢

GET lagou/_search

1.3 terms查詢

GET lagou/_search

1.4 控制查詢的返回數量(分頁)

GET lagou/_search

1.5 match_all 查詢

GET lagou/_search

1.6 match_phrase查詢

GET lagou/_search
#"slop":6 :python和系統這兩個詞之間最小的距離

1.7 multi_match

GET lagou/_search

1.8 指定返回的欄位

GET lagou/_search

1.9 sort 結果排序

GET lagou/_search

1.10 range範圍查詢

GET lagou/_search

GET lagou/_search

1.11 wildcard查詢

GET lagou/_search

二 組合查詢

2.1 bool查詢

#bool查詢包括must should must_not filter
"filter":[], 欄位過濾
"must":[], 所有查詢條件都滿足
"should":[], 滿足一個或多個
"must_not":{} 都不滿足於must相反
# 建立測試資料
POST lago/testjob/_bulk

2.2 簡單過濾查詢

#select * from testjob where salary=20
GET lagou/testjob/_search

1.3 查詢多個值

GET lagou/testjob/_search
#select * from testjob where title="python"
GET lagou/testjob/_search
#title 是text欄位,會做大小寫轉換,term不會預處理,拿著大寫Python去查查不到
GET _analyze

1.4 bool過濾查詢,可以做組合過濾查詢

#select * from testjob where (salary=20 or title=Python) and (salary!=30)
#select * from testjob where title=python or (title=django and salary=30)