1. 程式人生 > 其它 >簡單自定義Annotation和利用反射獲取註解中的值


 1 """
 2         1、第一個
 3             usernames = ["admin","test","dev"]
 4             password = ["111","222","333"]
 5             input("username:")
 6             input("password:")
 7             1、最多輸入3次,超過3次提示錯誤次數過多   
 8             2、輸入賬號/密碼正確,提示歡迎xxx登入,今天的日期是xxx,程式結束 
 9             3、如果輸入為空要提示,輸入不能為空 (查一下字串方法),算錯誤一次
10 4、如果輸入賬號不存在,要提示,算錯誤一次 11 5、密碼輸入錯誤也算一次 12 13 """ 14 """ 15 user_info = 16 { 17 "admin":"111", 18 "test":"222", 19 "dev":"333" 20 } 21 1、最多輸入3次,超過3次提示錯誤次數過多 22 2、輸入賬號/密碼正確,提示歡迎xxx登入,今天的日期是xxx,程式結束
23 3、如果輸入為空要提示,輸入不能為空 (查一下字串方法),算錯誤一次 24 4、如果輸入賬號不存在,要提示,算錯誤一次 25 5、密碼輸入錯誤也算一次 26 """ 27 import datetime 28 usernames = ["admin", "test", "dev"] 29 passwords = ["111", "222", "333"] 30 31 user_info = { 32 "admin": "111", 33 "test": "222", 34 "dev": "333
" 35 } 36 37 38 #list 39 for i in range(3): 40 username = input("username:").strip() 41 password = input("password:").strip() 42 if len(username) == 0 or len(password)==0: 43 print("賬號/密碼不能為空") 44 elif username not in usernames: 45 print("使用者名稱不存在") 46 else: 47 username_index = usernames.index(username) 48 db_password = passwords[username_index] 49 if password == db_password: 50 print("歡迎登陸%s,今天的日期是%s" % (username,datetime.datetime.today())) 51 break 52 else: 53 print("密碼錯誤!") 54 else: 55 print("錯誤次數達到上限!") 56 57 #DICT 58 59 for i in range(3): 60 username = input("username:").strip() 61 password = input("password:").strip() 62 63 if len(username) == 0 or len(password)==0: 64 print("賬號/密碼不能為空") 65 elif username not in user_info: 66 print("使用者名稱不存在") 67 else: 68 db_password = user_info[username] 69 if password == db_password: 70 print("歡迎登陸%s,今天的日期是%s" % (username,datetime.datetime.today())) 71 break 72 else: 73 print("密碼錯誤!") 74 else: 75 print("錯誤次數達到上限!")
  1 # 登入
  2 """ 登入 login.py,賬號和密碼存在檔案裡面
  3          1、最多輸入3次
  4          2、username
  5              password
  6          3、要加非空校驗
  7          4、賬號長度在5-10之間,要校驗賬號是否存在,賬號登入的時候不缺分大小寫
  8          5、密碼長度在6-12位之間,密碼必須包括數字、大小寫字母、特殊符號
  9          6、判斷密碼是否正確,正確的話就登入"""
 11 # 登入
 12 import string, datetime
 14 FILE_NAME = "user.txt"
 15 # 常量
 16 user_info = {}
 17 f = open(FILE_NAME, encoding="utf-8")
 18 lines = f.readlines()
 19 for line in lines:
 20     line = line.strip()
 21     if line:
 22         username = line.split(',')[0].lower()
 23         password = line.split(',')[1]
 24         user_info[username] = password
 25 f.close()
 27 #登入交集的方法
 29 # for i in range(3):
 30 #     username = input("username:").strip().lower()
 31 #     password = input("password:").strip()
 32 #     if len(username) == 0 or  len(password)==0:
 33 #         print("賬號/密碼不能為空")
 34 #     elif len(username) <5 or len(username)>10:
 35 #         print("使用者名稱長度在5-10之間")
 36 #     elif len(password) not in range(6,13): #6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 37 #         print("密碼的長度要在6-12直接")
 38 #     elif not (set(password) & set(string.digits) and set(password) & \
 39 #             set(string.ascii_uppercase) and set(password) & set(string.ascii_lowercase) \
 40 #         and set(password) & set(string.punctuation)):
 41 #         print("密碼複雜度不對")
 42 #     elif username not in user_info:
 43 #         print("使用者名稱不存在")
 44 #     else:
 45 #         db_password = user_info[username]
 46 #         if password == db_password:
 47 #             print("歡迎登陸%s,今天的日期是%s" % (username,datetime.datetime.today()))
 48 #             break
 49 #         else:
 50 #             print("密碼錯誤!")
 51 # else:
 52 #     print("錯誤次數達到上限!")
 54 # d,u,l,p = False #d整數,u是大寫字母 l是小寫字母 p是符號
 56 # for i in range(3):
 57 #     username = input("username:").strip().lower()
 58 #     password = input("password:").strip()
 59 #     if len(username) == 0 or  len(password)==0:
 60 #         print("賬號/密碼不能為空")
 61 #     elif len(username) <5 or len(username)>10:
 62 #         print("使用者名稱長度在5-10之間")
 63 #     elif len(password) not in range(6,13): #6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 64 #         print("密碼的長度要在6-12直接")
 65 #     else:
 66 #         for i in password:
 67 #             if i in string.digits:
 68 #                 d = True
 69 #             elif i in string.ascii_uppercase:
 70 #                 u = True
 71 #             elif i in string.ascii_lowercase:
 72 #                 l = True
 73 #             elif i in string.punctuation:
 74 #                 p = True
 75 #         if not (d and u and l and p):
 76 #             print("密碼複雜度不對")
 77 #         elif username not in user_info:
 78 #             print("使用者名稱不存在")
 79 #         else:
 80 #             db_password = user_info[username]
 81 #             if password == db_password:
 82 #                 print("歡迎登陸%s,今天的日期是%s" % (username,datetime.datetime.today()))
 83 #                 break
 84 #             else:
 85 #                 print("密碼錯誤!")
 86 # else:
 87 #     print("錯誤次數達到上限!")
 88 #
 91 # d,u,l,p = False #d整數,u是大寫字母 l是小寫字母 p是符號
 92 #
 93 # for i in range(3):
 94 #     username = input("username:").strip().lower()
 95 #     password = input("password:").strip()
 96 #     if len(username) == 0 or  len(password)==0:
 97 #         print("賬號/密碼不能為空")
 98 #     elif len(username) <5 or len(username)>10:
 99 #         print("使用者名稱長度在5-10之間")
100 #     elif len(password) not in range(6,13): #6 7 8 9 10 11 12
101 #         print("密碼的長度要在6-12直接")
102 #     else:
103 #         for i in password:
104 #             if i.isdigit():
105 #                 d = True
106 #             elif i.upper():
107 #                 u = True
108 #             elif i.lower():
109 #                 l = True
110 #             elif not i.isalnum():
111 #                 p = True
112 #         if not (d and u and l and p):
113 #             print("密碼複雜度不對")
114 #         elif username not in user_info:
115 #             print("使用者名稱不存在")
116 #         else:
117 #             db_password = user_info[username]
118 #             if password == db_password:
119 #                 print("歡迎登陸%s,今天的日期是%s" % (username,datetime.datetime.today()))
120 #                 break
121 #             else:
122 #                 print("密碼錯誤!")
123 # else:
124 #     print("錯誤次數達到上限!")
127 """註冊 reg.py
128         #賬號和密碼存在檔案裡面
129         #1、最多輸入3次
130          #2、username
131              password
132              cpwd
133          3、要加非空校驗
134          4、賬號長度在5-10之間,賬號不能重複,賬號註冊的時候不缺分大小寫
135          5、兩次輸入的密碼要一致,密碼長度在6-12位之間,密碼必須包括數字、大小寫字母、特殊符號
136          6、通過校驗之後,賬號和密碼存到檔案裡面"""
138 import string, datetime
140 FILE_NAME = "user.txt"
141 # 常量
142 user_info = {}
143 f = open(FILE_NAME, encoding="utf-8")
144 lines = f.readlines()
145 for line in lines:
146     line = line.strip()
147     if line:
148         username = line.split(',')[0].lower()
149         password = line.split(',')[1]
150         user_info[username] = password
151 f.close()
154 for i in range(3):
155     username = input("username:").strip().lower()
156     password = input("password:").strip()
157     cpassword = input("cpassword:").strip()
158     if len(username) == 0 or  len(password)==0 or len(cpassword) == 0:
159         print("賬號/密碼/確認密碼不能為空")
160     elif len(username) <5 or len(username)>10:
161         print("使用者名稱長度在5-10之間")
162     elif len(password) not in range(6,13) : #6 7 8 9 10 11 12
163         print("密碼的長度要在6-12直接")
164     elif password != cpassword:
165         print("確認密碼要和密碼一致")
166     elif not (set(password) & set(string.digits) and set(password) & \
167             set(string.ascii_uppercase) and set(password) & set(string.ascii_lowercase) \
168         and set(password) & set(string.punctuation)):
169         print("密碼複雜度不對")
170     elif username in user_info:
171         print("使用者名稱已經存在")
172     else:
173         f = open(FILE_NAME,'a',encoding="utf-8")
174         f.write("%s,%s\n" % (username,password))
175         f.close()
176         print("註冊成功!")
177         break
178 else:
179     print("錯誤次數達到上限!")