1. 程式人生 > 其它 >c#-依賴注入-利用容器(DependencyInjection)建立依賴服務的生命週期


1 概要說明

1.1 AddSingleton<IA, A>();//建立單例項物件
1.2 AddTransient<IB, B>();//建立臨時物件

2 應用舉例

2.1 例1

2.1.1 程式碼

using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace 依賴注入的生命週期
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
"Hello World!"); ServiceProvider RegisterServices() { IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); services.AddSingleton<IA, A>(); services.AddTransient<IB, B>(); return services.BuildServiceProvider(); }
using (ServiceProvider container = RegisterServices()) { Console.WriteLine($"requesting {nameof(ControllerX)}"); IA a = container.GetRequiredService<IA>(); IA a2 = container.GetRequiredService<IA>(); IB b = container.GetRequiredService<IB>(); IB b2
= container.GetRequiredService<IB>(); } Console.ReadLine(); } } interface IA { void fun(); } interface IB { void fun(); } public class A: IA { static int createNo = 0; public A() { createNo++; Console.WriteLine("A構造:" + createNo); } } public class B: IB { static int createNo = 0; public B() { createNo++; Console.WriteLine("B構造:" + createNo); } } }
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2.2 例2

2.2.1 程式碼

using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace 依賴注入的生命週期
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            ServiceProvider RegisterServices()
                IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
                services.AddSingleton<IA, A>();
                services.AddTransient<IB, B>();
                //services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(ControllerX), typeof(ControllerX), ServiceLifetime.Transient));
                return services.BuildServiceProvider();
            using (ServiceProvider container = RegisterServices())
                Console.WriteLine($"requesting {nameof(ControllerX)}");
                ControllerX x = container.GetRequiredService<ControllerX>();
                Console.WriteLine($"requesting {nameof(ControllerX)}");
                ControllerX x2 = container.GetRequiredService<ControllerX>();
                IA a = container.GetRequiredService<IA>();
                IA a2 = container.GetRequiredService<IA>();
                IB b = container.GetRequiredService<IB>();
                IB b2 = container.GetRequiredService<IB>();
    public interface IA
        void fun();
    public interface IB
        void fun();
    public class A: IA
        static int createNo = 0;
        public A()
            Console.WriteLine("A構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("A呼叫:"+ createNo);    
    public class B: IB
        static int createNo = 0;
        public B()
            Console.WriteLine("B構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("B呼叫:" + createNo);
    public class ControllerX
        static int createNo = 0;
        private readonly IA mA;
        private readonly IB mB;
        public ControllerX(IA a, IB b)
            Console.WriteLine("C構造:" + createNo);
            mA = a;
            mB = b;
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("C呼叫:" + createNo);
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2.2.2 執行結果和程式碼分析

2.3 例3

2.3.1 程式碼

using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace 依賴注入的生命週期
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            ServiceProvider RegisterServices()
                IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
                services.AddSingleton<IA, A>();
                //services.AddTransient<IB, B>();
                services.AddScoped<IB, B>();
                return services.BuildServiceProvider();
            using (ServiceProvider container = RegisterServices())
                using (IServiceScope scope1 = container.CreateScope())
                    Console.WriteLine("start of scope1");
                    IA a1 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetService<IA>();
                    IA a2 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetService<IA>();
                    IB b = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetService<IB>();
                    IB b2 = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetService<IB>();
                using (IServiceScope scope2 = container.CreateScope())
                    Console.WriteLine("start of scope1");
                    IA a1 = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetService<IA>();
                    IA a2 = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetService<IA>();
                    IB b = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetService<IB>();
                    IB b2 = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetService<IB>();
    public interface IA
        void fun();
    public interface IB
        void fun();
    public class A: IA
        static int createNo = 0;
        public A()
            Console.WriteLine("A構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("A呼叫:"+ createNo);    
    public class B: IB
        static int createNo = 0;
        public B()
            Console.WriteLine("B構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("B呼叫:" + createNo);
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2.3.2 執行結果和程式碼分析

2.4 例項4

2.4.1 程式碼

using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace 依賴注入的生命週期
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            ServiceProvider RegisterServices()
                IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();
                services.AddSingleton<IA, A>();
                services.AddScoped<IB, B>();
                //services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(ControllerX), typeof(ControllerX), ServiceLifetime.Transient));
                return services.BuildServiceProvider();
            using (ServiceProvider container = RegisterServices())
                using (IServiceScope scope1 = container.CreateScope())
                    Console.WriteLine("start of scope1");
                    ControllerX x = scope1.ServiceProvider.GetService<ControllerX>();
                using (IServiceScope scope2 = container.CreateScope())
                    Console.WriteLine("start of scope2");
                    ControllerX x2 = scope2.ServiceProvider.GetService<ControllerX>();
    public interface IA
        void fun();
    public interface IB
        void fun();
    public class A: IA
        static int createNo = 0;
        public A()
            Console.WriteLine("A構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("A呼叫:"+ createNo);    
    public class B: IB
        static int createNo = 0;
        public B()
            Console.WriteLine("B構造:" + createNo);
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("B呼叫:" + createNo);
    public class ControllerX
        static int createNo = 0;
        private readonly IA mA;
        private readonly IB mB;
        public ControllerX(IA a, IB b)
            Console.WriteLine("C構造:" + createNo);
            mA = a;
            mB = b;
        public void fun()
            Console.WriteLine("C呼叫:" + createNo);
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2.4.2 執行結果和程式碼分析

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