1. 程式人生 > 其它 >C++11標準特性的一些理解


(1)auto and decltype
(2)defaulted and deleted functions
(3)final and override
(3)trailing return type
(4)rvalue references
(5)move constructors and move assignment operators
(6)scoped enums
(7)constexpr and literal types
(8)list initialization
(9)delegating and inherited constructors
(10)brace-or-equal initializers
(12)long long
(13)char16_t and char32_t
(14)type aliases
(15)variadic templates
(16)generalized (non-trivial) unions
(17)generalized PODs (trivial types and standard-layout types)
(18)Unicode string literals
(19)user-defined literals
(21)lambda expressions
(22)noexcept specifier and noexcept operator
(23)alignof and alignas
(24)multithreaded memory model
(25)thread-local storage
(26)GC interface
(27)range-for (based on a Boost library)
(28)static_assert (based on a Boost library)
