1. 程式人生 > 其它 >webrtc jitter buffer(1)-jitter的計算詳解

webrtc jitter buffer(1)-jitter的計算詳解

1. 前言

本文主要介紹webrtc jitter buffer中的對於視訊幀抖動的計算,關於jitter buffer如何處理亂序組幀的可以參考WebRTC視訊JitterBuffer詳解,關於處理的抖動後,如何保證視訊和音訊的同步的可以參考WebRTC音視訊同步詳解

2. 正文

2.1 jitter buffer的思想


時刻線: ---------收到包----------開始解碼---------完成解碼/開始渲染----------完成渲染
耗時:  *網路傳輸延時*|****延時*****|****解碼耗時*********|********渲染耗時*****|


什麼是平滑播放? webrtc的平滑播放是指接收端的幀能夠趨向於原始採集源的幀間隔進行播放,由於網路抖動的存在,導致每個幀來的或早或慢,早沒問題,但是慢就會導致前面的幀要播放的長而當前幀播放的晚,所以收到一幀後不立刻解碼,而是新增一個延時(wait_ms)後再開始解碼,這樣就能確保下一個幀來的慢也能到;




\[jitter = \frac{MaxFrameSize - AvgFrameSize}{C} \]


2.2 卡爾曼濾波




\[\vec{u_{k}^{-}} = F \cdot \vec{u_{k-1}^{+}} \hspace{4cm} (2.2.1)\\ {\Sigma_{k}^{-}}=F {\Sigma_{k-1}^{+}}F^T+Q \hspace{2.5cm} (2.2.2)\\ k=\frac{H{\Sigma_{k}^{-}}}{H\Sigma_{k}^{-}H^T + R} \hspace{3cm} (2.2.3)\\ \vec{u_{k}^{+}} = \vec{u_{k}^{-}} + k*(\vec{y_{k}} - H\vec{u_{k}^{-}}) \hspace{1.1cm} (2.2.4)\\ {\Sigma_{k}^{+}}= {(I-kH)\Sigma_{k}^{-}} \hspace{3cm} (2.2.5)\\ \]

2.3 jitter濾波演算法分析

2.3.1 演算法闡述





\[theta(i) = theta(i-1) + u(i-1) \hspace{3cm} (2.3.1) \]

theta(i): 一個二維矩陣\(\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{1}{C(i)} \\m(i) \end{array} \right]\)\(C(i)\)是網路傳輸速率,\(m(i)\)是網路排隊延遲,是一個與網路傳輸速率,傳輸途徑,當前傳送位元速率有關的值,相當於傳輸通道情況變化導致的延遲,這兩個變化都很混沌和很多已知未知的因素有關,所以用了直接加噪聲這種最簡單暴力的建模

u(i-1): 預估誤差,高斯噪聲矩陣, \(P(u)\sim (0, Q)\), 此處Q是個矩陣

即: 認為theta(i)是與theta(i -1)呈斜率為1的線性關係,這種建模誤差由u(i -1) 去彌補


\[d(i) = H * theta(i) + v(i) \hspace{3cm} (2.3.2) \]

d(i): 幀間傳輸延遲

H: 觀測係數變換矩陣\(\left[\begin{array}{c} dL(i) & 1 \end{array} \right]\)\(dL(i)\)是當上一幀和當前幀的大小差

v(i): 觀測誤差,\(P(v)\sim (0, R)\), 此處\(R\)是一個數

其中,將公式2.3.1代入2.3.2中,得以下方程, 看起來更直觀

\[\begin{align*} d(i) &= \left[\begin{array}{} dL(i) & 1 \end{array} \right] * \left[\begin{array}{} \frac{1}{C(i)} \\ m(i)\end{array} \right] + v(i) \\ &= \frac{dL(i)}{C(i)} + m(i) + v(i) \hspace{3cm} (2.3.3) \end{align*} \]

即: 幀間傳輸延遲的觀測值等於 幀變化大小/傳輸速率 + 網路變化延遲 + 觀測噪聲


先驗期望: \(theta\_hat^{-}(i) = theta\_hat(i-1) \hspace{4cm} (2.3.4)\)

先驗方差: $theta_cov^{-}(i) = theta_cov(i-1) + Q(i) \hspace{2.5cm} (2.3.5) $

卡爾曼增益: \(k = \frac{H * theta\_cov^{-}(i)}{H * theta\_cov^{-}(i) * H^T + R} \hspace{6.0cm} (2.3.6)\)

後驗期望: \(theta\_hat(i) = theta\_hat^{-}(i) + k * (d(i) - H*theta\_hat^{-}(i)) \hspace{2cm} (2.3.7)\)

後驗方差: $theta_cov(i) = (I - kH) * theta_cov^{-}(i) \hspace{2.8cm} (2.3.8) $

這裡為了貼近google相關文件, 變數起的名字有點四不像, 字尾hat表示期望,cov表示協方差,對於先驗的期望和方差,右上角添加了負號

2.3.2 原始碼分析 計算幀間傳輸抖動觀測值d(i)

jitter這一塊的計算在webrtc裡很集中,在解碼執行緒呼叫GetNextFrame( )時,會從FramesToDecode佇列取出最新要解碼的幀,這時就根據該幀的大小和網路傳輸時間計算抖動d(i)

EncodedFrame* FrameBuffer::GetNextFrame() {

  if (!superframe_delayed_by_retransmission) {
    // 正常情況下,非重傳
    int64_t frame_delay;
	// 計算當前幀和上一幀在傳輸時間上的抖動
    if (inter_frame_delay_.CalculateDelay(first_frame->Timestamp(),
                                          &frame_delay, receive_time_ms)) {
      // 通過當前幀大小和傳輸時間上的抖動更新預估器
      jitter_estimator_.UpdateEstimate(frame_delay, superframe_size);
    float rtt_mult = protection_mode_ == kProtectionNackFEC ? 0.0 : 1.0;
    absl::optional<float> rtt_mult_add_cap_ms = absl::nullopt;
    if (rtt_mult_settings_.has_value()) {
      rtt_mult = rtt_mult_settings_->rtt_mult_setting;
      rtt_mult_add_cap_ms = rtt_mult_settings_->rtt_mult_add_cap_ms;
    // 獲取當前幀的用於平滑網路延遲,並設定到延遲器中用於後續解碼播放
        jitter_estimator_.GetJitterEstimate(rtt_mult, rtt_mult_add_cap_ms));
    timing_->UpdateCurrentDelay(render_time_ms, now_ms);
  } else {
    if (RttMultExperiment::RttMultEnabled() || add_rtt_to_playout_delay_)




 * @description: 計算幀間傳輸延遲
 * @param {timestamp} 到達幀的rtp timestamp
 * @param {delay} 計算出的結果
 * @param {CurrentWallClock} 當前時鐘
 * @return {} 如果有計算出幀間delay,返回true
bool VCMInterFrameDelay::CalculateDelay(uint32_t timestamp,
                                        int64_t* delay,
                                        int64_t currentWallClock) {
  if (_prevWallClock == 0) {
    // First set of data, initialization, wait for next frame.
    _prevWallClock = currentWallClock;
    _prevTimestamp = timestamp;
    *delay = 0;
    return true;

  int32_t prevWrapArounds = _wrapArounds;
  // 檢查是否迴環,調整_wrapArounds

  // This will be -1 for backward wrap arounds and +1 for forward wrap arounds.
  // 看是前向迴環還是後向迴環
  int32_t wrapAroundsSincePrev = _wrapArounds - prevWrapArounds;

  // Account for reordering in jitter variance estimate in the future?
  // Note that this also captures incomplete frames which are grabbed for
  // decoding after a later frame has been complete, i.e. real packet losses.
  // 如果沒有發生時間戳迴環而且時間戳小於上一個幀,那麼當前幀是一個過時的幀,
  if ((wrapAroundsSincePrev == 0 && timestamp < _prevTimestamp) ||
      wrapAroundsSincePrev < 0) {
    *delay = 0;
    return false;

  // Compute the compensated timestamp difference and convert it to ms and round
  // it to closest integer.

  // divide 90 是因為rtp timestamp中的以90khz為單位, ->1ms取樣90hz
  // 要想將timestamp轉化成ms,就需要除90
  // 根據wrapAroundsSincePrev發生迴環數,增大1<<32
  // +0.5 上取整
  _dTS = static_cast<int64_t>(
      (timestamp + wrapAroundsSincePrev * (static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32) -
       _prevTimestamp) /
          90.0 +

  // frameDelay is the difference of dT and dTS -- i.e. the difference of the
  // wall clock time difference and the timestamp difference between two
  // following frames.
  // 這個地方計算兩幀的delay是分開來計算的
  //(到達時間差) dt =  currentWallClock - _prevWallClock
  //(傳送時間差) dts = currentTimestamp - prevTimeStamp
  *delay = static_cast<int64_t>(currentWallClock - _prevWallClock - _dTS);

  _prevTimestamp = timestamp;
  _prevWallClock = currentWallClock;

  return true;
} 計算deviation

inter_frame_delay_.CalculateDelay( )計算除這個抖動值之後,就開始通過函式VCMJitterEstimator::UpdateEstimate( )開始準備卡爾曼濾波。

// Updates the estimates with the new measurements.
void VCMJitterEstimator::UpdateEstimate(int64_t frameDelayMS,
                                        uint32_t frameSizeBytes,
                                        bool incompleteFrame /* = false */) {
  if (frameSizeBytes == 0) {
  int deltaFS = frameSizeBytes - _prevFrameSize;
  // 啟動階段,先收集幾個包,計算一個平均的frameSize
  if (_fsCount < kFsAccuStartupSamples) {
    _fsSum += frameSizeBytes;
  } else if (_fsCount == kFsAccuStartupSamples) {
    // Give the frame size filter.
    _avgFrameSize = static_cast<double>(_fsSum) / static_cast<double>(_fsCount);

  if (!incompleteFrame || frameSizeBytes > _avgFrameSize) {
    // 當frameSize大於_avgFrameSize時,_avgFrameSize平滑趨近於frameSizeBytes
    double avgFrameSize = _phi * _avgFrameSize + (1 - _phi) * frameSizeBytes;
    if (frameSizeBytes < _avgFrameSize + 2 * sqrt(_varFrameSize)) {
      // Only update the average frame size if this sample wasn't a key frame.
      _avgFrameSize = avgFrameSize;
    // Update the variance anyway since we want to capture cases where we only
    // get key frames.
    // 更新framesize方差
    _varFrameSize = VCM_MAX(
        _phi * _varFrameSize + (1 - _phi) * (frameSizeBytes - avgFrameSize) *
                                   (frameSizeBytes - avgFrameSize),

  // Update max frameSize estimate.
  // 在關鍵幀到達後maxFrameSize會突然增大,這裡使用了_psi不斷的去收斂_maxFrameSize
  // 到普通P幀大小
  _maxFrameSize =
      VCM_MAX(_psi * _maxFrameSize, static_cast<double>(frameSizeBytes));

  if (_prevFrameSize == 0) {
    _prevFrameSize = frameSizeBytes;
  _prevFrameSize = frameSizeBytes;

  // Cap frameDelayMS based on the current time deviation noise.
  // A*sqrt(_varNoise)這樣的形式在整個檔案中出現數次,A實際上是標準正態分佈N~(0, 1)下的
  // 分位點,當擴大sqrt(_varNoise)倍時就是 N~(0, _varNoise)下的分位點
  int64_t max_time_deviation_ms =
      static_cast<int64_t>(time_deviation_upper_bound_ * sqrt(_varNoise) + 0.5);
  // 將frameDelayMs 控制在[-max_time_deviation_ms, max_time_deviation_ms]範圍內
  frameDelayMS = std::max(std::min(frameDelayMS, max_time_deviation_ms),

  // 利用先驗期望計算deviation: d(i) - H * theta_hatˉ(i)
  double deviation = DeviationFromExpectedDelay(frameDelayMS, deltaFS);

     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING)<<"deviation" << deviation
                        <<", _numStdDevDelayOutlier" << _numStdDevDelayOutlier
                        <<", sqrt(_varNoise)"<<sqrt(_varNoise)
                        <<", _numStdDevDelayOutlier * sqrt(_varNoise)" << _numStdDevDelayOutlier * sqrt(_varNoise);

  // Only update the Kalman filter if the sample is not considered an extreme
  // outlier. Even if it is an extreme outlier from a delay point of view, if
  // the frame size also is large the deviation is probably due to an incorrect
  // line slope.
  // 不使用異常點(outlier)更新卡爾曼濾波器
  // 這裡異常點的判斷依據是:觀測噪聲值正常會分佈於區間[-range, range]
  // range 作為分位點被設定成了: _numStdDevDelayOutlier * sqrt(_varNoise) 
  // _numStdDevDelayOutlier: 標準正態分佈中的分位點, 但被設定成了15,這個值怎麼會這麼大..
  // 但還有一點,當前幀的frame size很大的時候帶來的觀測噪聲很大,有可能是
  // 因為資料量小的時候測得傳輸速率1/C(即_theta[0])不準導致的,那這就不是一個異常點

  if (fabs(deviation) < _numStdDevDelayOutlier * sqrt(_varNoise) ||
      frameSizeBytes >
          _avgFrameSize + _numStdDevFrameSizeOutlier * sqrt(_varFrameSize)) {
    // Update the variance of the deviation from the line given by the Kalman
    // filter.
    // 利用deviation更新觀測噪聲的概率分佈
    EstimateRandomJitter(deviation, incompleteFrame);
    // Prevent updating with frames which have been congested by a large frame,
    // and therefore arrives almost at the same time as that frame.
    // This can occur when we receive a large frame (key frame) which has been
    // delayed. The next frame is of normal size (delta frame), and thus deltaFS
    // will be << 0. This removes all frame samples which arrives after a key
    // frame.
    if ((!incompleteFrame || deviation >= 0.0) &&
        static_cast<double>(deltaFS) > -0.25 * _maxFrameSize) {
      // Update the Kalman filter with the new data
      KalmanEstimateChannel(frameDelayMS, deltaFS);
  } else {
    // 出現了異常值,
    // 異常值可能是因為某些意外引起的,不希望引起指數濾波器的太大變化
    // 所以使用異常值邊界_numStdDevDelayOutlier去更新_varNoise
    int nStdDev =
        (deviation >= 0) ? _numStdDevDelayOutlier : -_numStdDevDelayOutlier;
    EstimateRandomJitter(nStdDev * sqrt(_varNoise), incompleteFrame);

  // Post process the total estimated jitter
  if (_startupCount >= kStartupDelaySamples) {
  } else {


然後開始計算deviation,deviation是公式2.3.7中的\(d(i) - H*theta\_hat^{-}(i)\)。最開始的時候,我曾把它直接理解成觀測誤差v(i),因為它很像公式2.3.2的變形,也就是觀測值-H*實際值=觀測噪聲,看起來很合理,但可惜\(theta\_hat^{-}(i)\)不是一個實際值,它是所有實際值的期望,所以這裡就把它稱為deviation,雖然不是觀測誤差,但是deviation和觀測誤差是相近的。

deviation的具體計算過程如下, 有一個隱藏點,由於\(theta\_hat^{-}(i-1) = theta\_hat(i-1)\),所以在計算過程中直接把\(theta\_hat(i-1)\)拿來用了

 * @description: 利用先驗期望計算deviation,計算公式為: v(i) = d(i) - H *theta_hat(i)
 * v(i): 觀測值和先驗
 * d(i): frameDelayMs 觀測值
 * theta_hat(i): theta是一個二維向量[1/C(i)  m(i)]^T, 
 * 1/C(i)是傳輸速率倒數,m(i-1)是網路時延,theta_hat(i-1) 表示i-1時刻該向量期望,也就是後驗值
 * H(i): [dL(i)  1]^T, dL(i)為第i幀和第i-1幀的資料量之差
 * @param {frameDelayMS} 此幀距上幀到達的時間間隔
 * @param {deltaFSBytes} 此幀和上幀大小相差
 * @return {觀測噪聲值}
double VCMJitterEstimator::DeviationFromExpectedDelay(
    int64_t frameDelayMS,
    int32_t deltaFSBytes) const {
  // d(i) - H(i) *theta_hatˉ(i) =d(i) - _theta[0] * deltaFSBytes + _theta[1] * 1
  // 注意! 此處使用的_theta[0]和 _theta[1] 實際上是theta_hat(i-1)
  // 但由於theta_hatˉ(i) = theta_hat(i-1),所以直接拿來用了
  return frameDelayMS - (_theta[0] * deltaFSBytes + _theta[1]);



// Estimates the random jitter by calculating the variance of the sample
// distance from the line given by theta.
 * @description: 根據deviation,更新觀測噪聲均值和噪聲方差
 * @param {d_dT} deviation
 * @param {incompleteFrame} 
 * @return {*}
void VCMJitterEstimator::EstimateRandomJitter(double d_dT,
                                              bool incompleteFrame) {
  uint64_t now = clock_->TimeInMicroseconds();
  if (_lastUpdateT != -1) {
    fps_counter_.AddSample(now - _lastUpdateT);
  _lastUpdateT = now;

  if (_alphaCount == 0) {
  double alpha =
      static_cast<double>(_alphaCount - 1) / static_cast<double>(_alphaCount);
  if (_alphaCount > _alphaCountMax)
    _alphaCount = _alphaCountMax;

  // In order to avoid a low frame rate stream to react slower to changes,
  // scale the alpha weight relative a 30 fps stream.
  // alpha會在下面用於指數移動加權濾波器的權重係數, 用於對觀測噪聲進行更新
  // 此處會通過幀率去修改alpha的值,以30幀為目標,當幀率低於30幀的時候,此時
  // 來幀太慢,導致觀測噪聲更改的太慢,會通過30.0/幀率對alpha進行pow操作,讓alpha
  // 變得更小,從而讓觀測噪聲變化更傾向於當前
  double fps = GetFrameRate();
  if (fps > 0.0) {
    double rate_scale = 30.0 / fps;
    // At startup, there can be a lot of noise in the fps estimate.
    // Interpolate rate_scale linearly, from 1.0 at sample #1, to 30.0 / fps
    // at sample #kStartupDelaySamples.
    if (_alphaCount < kStartupDelaySamples) {
      rate_scale =
          (_alphaCount * rate_scale + (kStartupDelaySamples - _alphaCount)) /
    // 根據幀率調整alpha 大小使得EWMA中觀測噪聲調整不因為幀率低而慢
    alpha = pow(alpha, rate_scale);

  // 和傳統卡爾曼濾波不同的是,此處觀測方程中噪聲R不是固定的,
  // 而是會根據deviation去跟新
  // 更新的方式是通過指數移動加權濾波(EWMA)對其進行更新,EWMA如下濾波如下
  // EWMA(i) = λY(i)+ ( 1-λ)EWMA(i-1) 
  // EWMA(i): i時刻的估計值
  // Y(i): i時刻的測量值
  // λ: 權重係數,[0,1],越大說明歷史趨勢越重要,越小說明即時性更重要
  // 在這裡alpha就是λ

  // EWMA對噪聲期望更新
  double avgNoise = alpha * _avgNoise + (1 - alpha) * d_dT;
  // EWMA對噪聲協方差更新
  double varNoise =
      alpha * _varNoise + (1 - alpha) * (d_dT - _avgNoise) * (d_dT - _avgNoise);

  if (!incompleteFrame || varNoise > _varNoise) {
    _avgNoise = avgNoise;
    _varNoise = varNoise;
  if (_varNoise < 1.0) {
    // The variance should never be zero, since we might get stuck and consider
    // all samples as outliers.
    _varNoise = 1.0;
} 卡爾曼濾波

更新完觀測噪聲的概率分佈後,就開始卡爾曼濾波計算後驗期望和方差,卡爾曼濾波的計算過程基本就是公式\(2.3.4\)到公式\(2.3.8\), 只要把符號對好,並不複雜

// Updates Kalman estimate of the channel.
// The caller is expected to sanity check the inputs.
void VCMJitterEstimator::KalmanEstimateChannel(int64_t frameDelayMS,
                                               int32_t deltaFSBytes) {
  double Mh[2];         // theta_covˉ * H
  double hMh_sigma;     // H*theta_covˉH' + R
  double kalmanGain[2]; //卡爾曼增益k
  double measureRes;
  double t00, t01;

  // Kalman filtering

  // Prediction,先驗協方差預測
  // theta_covˉ(i) = theta_cov(i-1) + Q(i)
  _thetaCov[0][0] += _Qcov[0][0];
  _thetaCov[0][1] += _Qcov[0][1];
  _thetaCov[1][0] += _Qcov[1][0];
  _thetaCov[1][1] += _Qcov[1][1];

  // 卡爾曼增益k的更新,
  // k = H * theta_covˉ(i) / H * theta_covˉ(i) * H' + R
  Mh[0] = _thetaCov[0][0] * deltaFSBytes + _thetaCov[0][1];
  Mh[1] = _thetaCov[1][0] * deltaFSBytes + _thetaCov[1][1];
  // sigma weights measurements with a small deltaFS as noisy and
  // measurements with large deltaFS as good
  if (_maxFrameSize < 1.0) {
  //sigma 觀測噪聲方差的計算使用指數濾波的方式從噪聲協方差獲得
  // deltaFs越大,噪聲就越小
  double sigma = (300.0 * exp(-fabs(static_cast<double>(deltaFSBytes)) /
                              (1e0 * _maxFrameSize)) +
                  1) *
  if (sigma < 1.0) {
    sigma = 1.0;
  hMh_sigma = deltaFSBytes * Mh[0] + Mh[1] + sigma;
  if ((hMh_sigma < 1e-9 && hMh_sigma >= 0) ||
      (hMh_sigma > -1e-9 && hMh_sigma <= 0)) {
  kalmanGain[0] = Mh[0] / hMh_sigma;
  kalmanGain[1] = Mh[1] / hMh_sigma;

  // 後驗期望的計算
  // theta_hat(i) = theta_hatˉ(i) + k*(d(i) - H *theta_hatˉ(i))
  measureRes = frameDelayMS - (deltaFSBytes * _theta[0] + _theta[1]);//d(i) - H *theta_hatˉ(i)
  _theta[0] += kalmanGain[0] * measureRes;
  _theta[1] += kalmanGain[1] * measureRes;

  if (_theta[0] < _thetaLow) {
    _theta[0] = _thetaLow;

  // 後驗方差的計算
  // theta_cov(i) = (I -kH) * theta_covˉ(i)
  t00 = _thetaCov[0][0];
  t01 = _thetaCov[0][1];
  _thetaCov[0][0] = (1 - kalmanGain[0] * deltaFSBytes) * t00 -
                    kalmanGain[0] * _thetaCov[1][0];
  _thetaCov[0][1] = (1 - kalmanGain[0] * deltaFSBytes) * t01 -
                    kalmanGain[0] * _thetaCov[1][1];
  _thetaCov[1][0] = _thetaCov[1][0] * (1 - kalmanGain[1]) -
                    kalmanGain[1] * deltaFSBytes * t00;
  _thetaCov[1][1] = _thetaCov[1][1] * (1 - kalmanGain[1]) -
                    kalmanGain[1] * deltaFSBytes * t01;

  // Covariance matrix, must be positive semi-definite.
  assert(_thetaCov[0][0] + _thetaCov[1][1] >= 0 &&
         _thetaCov[0][0] * _thetaCov[1][1] -
                 _thetaCov[0][1] * _thetaCov[1][0] >=
             0 &&
         _thetaCov[0][0] >= 0);
} 計算抖動

卡爾曼濾波處理完之後,此時就得到了一個相對準確的傳輸速率C(i)網路排隊延遲m(i), 則可以通過這兩個值取計算抖動了,在VCMJitterEstimator::UpdateEstimate( )的最後呼叫了PostProcessEstimate(),計算了jitter

void VCMJitterEstimator::PostProcessEstimate() {
  _filterJitterEstimate = CalculateEstimate();

// Calculates the current jitter estimate from the filtered estimates.
 * @description: 計算當前的jitter
 * @param {*}
 * @return {jitter}值
double VCMJitterEstimator::CalculateEstimate() {
  // 這裡jitter的計算是一個保守的jitter
  // 使用_maxFrameSize - _avgFrameSize預估下一個幀最大可能增長作為deltaFs
  double ret = _theta[0] * (_maxFrameSize - _avgFrameSize) + NoiseThreshold();

  // A very low estimate (or negative) is neglected.
  if (ret < 1.0) {
    if (_prevEstimate <= 0.01) {
      ret = 1.0;
    } else {
      ret = _prevEstimate;
  if (ret > 10000.0) {  // Sanity
    ret = 10000.0;
  _prevEstimate = ret;
  return ret;

在估計過程中新增NoiseThreshold( )讓我費解,在這裡,jitter的計算只是一種估計,基於當前的噪聲概率分佈新增噪聲無可厚非,但是這個噪聲閾值的計算過程不好理解,_noiseStdDevs * sqrt(_varNoise)為1%噪聲上分位 ,而_noiseStdDevOffset的含義不太清楚,其值為30ms,下面的if分支做了判斷,僅做推測其含義為,噪聲不大的時候使用1.0作為噪聲,大於30ms的時候,使用原值

 * @description: 計算噪聲閾值
 * @param {*}
 * @return {*}
double VCMJitterEstimator::NoiseThreshold() const {
  // 而是使用一個基礎噪聲係數 * 噪聲標準差 -  差值
  double noiseThreshold = _noiseStdDevs * sqrt(_varNoise) - _noiseStdDevOffset;
  if (noiseThreshold < 1.0) {
    // 噪聲不大的時候使用1.0,大於30ms的時候,使用原值
    noiseThreshold = 1.0;
  return noiseThreshold;

至此,預測的抖動計算完畢 外部獲取jitter

再回到GetNextFrame( )這個函式中,jitter_estimator_昨晚卡爾曼更新並計算出jitter後,外部會通過VCMJitterEstimator::GetJitterEstimate( )去獲取jitter,這個獲取的jitter delay會傳遞到VCMTiming,用它來計算一個幀解碼時間

// Returns the current filtered estimate if available,
// otherwise tries to calculate an estimate.
int VCMJitterEstimator::GetJitterEstimate(
    double rttMultiplier,
    absl::optional<double> rttMultAddCapMs) {
  // 計算jitter
  double jitterMS = CalculateEstimate() + OPERATING_SYSTEM_JITTER;
  uint64_t now = clock_->TimeInMicroseconds();

  // 此處注意! nack在jitter模組一分鐘才過期清零,影響下面jitter的變大
  // 可以優化
  if (now - _latestNackTimestamp > kNackCountTimeoutMs * 1000)
    _nackCount = 0;

  // 暫時不知道什麼情況會觸發
  if (_filterJitterEstimate > jitterMS)
    jitterMS = _filterJitterEstimate;
  if (_nackCount >= _nackLimit) {
    // 丟包太多的時候,將jitterMs增大
    // 不太理解為什麼新增額外處理丟包延時,按道理來說,卡爾曼濾波建模的
    // 傳輸速率的計算是deltaFs/delta 會考慮到平均丟包時間
    if (rttMultAddCapMs.has_value()) {
      jitterMS +=
          std::min(_rttFilter.RttMs() * rttMultiplier, rttMultAddCapMs.value());
    } else {
      jitterMS += _rttFilter.RttMs() * rttMultiplier;

  // 低幀率的時候允許降低jitter
  if (enable_reduced_delay_) {
    static const double kJitterScaleLowThreshold = 5.0;
    static const double kJitterScaleHighThreshold = 10.0;
    double fps = GetFrameRate();
    // Ignore jitter for very low fps streams.
    // 低幀率的時候,網路jitter引起的抖動已經不明顯了
    // 這個時候的主要問題是卡頓,可以適當降低jitter了
    if (fps < kJitterScaleLowThreshold) {
      // 只有5幀時,每一幀都超過了200ms,網路抖動沒有太大意義
      if (fps == 0.0) {
        return rtc::checked_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, jitterMS) + 0.5);
      return 0;

    // Semi-low frame rate; scale by factor linearly interpolated from 0.0 at
    // kJitterScaleLowThreshold to 1.0 at kJitterScaleHighThreshold.
    if (fps < kJitterScaleHighThreshold) {
      // 處於semid_low區間時,根據幀率調整
      jitterMS =
          (1.0 / (kJitterScaleHighThreshold - kJitterScaleLowThreshold)) *
          (fps - kJitterScaleLowThreshold) * jitterMS;

  return rtc::checked_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, jitterMS) + 0.5);

3. REF

1. A Google Congestion Control Algorithm for Real-Time Communication draft-alvestrand-rmcat-congestion-03

2. WebRtc Video Receiver(八)-基於Kalman filter模型的JitterDelay原理分析

