1. 程式人生 > 程式設計 >lang3 的 split 方法誤用

lang3 的 split 方法誤用

lang3 的 split 方法誤用-原文連結
apache 的 lang3 是我們開發常用到的三方工具包,然而對這個包不甚瞭解的話,會產生莫名其秒的 bug ,在這裡做下記錄。


public class TestDemo {

    public void test() throws IOException {
        String sendMsg = "{\"expiredTime\":\"20190726135831\",\"drives\":\"androidgetui\",\"msgBody\":\"{\\\"serialNumber\\\":\\\"wow22019072611349502\\\",\\\"push_key\\\":\\\"appactive#549110277\\\",\\\"title\\\":\\\"\\xe6\\x9c\\x89\\xe4\\xba\\xba@\\xe4\\xbd\\xa0\\\",\\\"message\\\":\\\"\\xe4\\xbb\\x8a\\xe5\\xa4\\xa9\\xe5\\x87\\xa0\\xe7\\x82\\xb9\\xe5\\x87\\xba\\xe5\\x8f\\x91\\xef\\xbc\\x9f\\\",\\\"link\\\":\\\"chelaile://homeTab/home?select=3\\\",\\\"open_type\\\":0,\\\"expireDays\\\":\\\"30\\\",\\\"type\\\":14}\",\"clients\":[\"13065ffa4e25c4a7c68\"]}CHELAILE_PUSH{\"cityId\":\"007\",\"gpsTime\":\"2019-07-24 21:33:06\",\"lat\":\"30.605916\",\"lng\":\"103.980439\",\"s\":\"android\",\"sourceUdid\":\"a4419b93-fb0e-43c7-98fa-5b7c18255660\",\"token\":\"13065ffa4e25c4a7c68\",\"tokenType\":\"3\",\"udid\":\"UDID2TOKEN#a4419b93-fb0e-43c7-98fa-5b7c18255660\",\"userCreateTime\":\"2018-04-20 08:13:32\",\"userLastActiveTime\":\"2019-07-24 21:33:06\",\"vc\":\"150\"}"
; String[] dataArr = StringUtils.split(sendMsg,"CHELAILE_PUSH"); Assert.assertEquals(dataArr.length,2); } } 複製程式碼



檢視 StringUtils 原始碼

     * <pre>
     * StringUtils.split(null,*)         = null
     * StringUtils.split("",*)           = []
     * StringUtils.split("abc def",null) = ["abc","def"]
     * StringUtils.split("abc def"," ")  = ["abc","def"]
     * StringUtils.split("abc  def"," ") = ["abc","def"]
     * StringUtils.split("ab:cd:ef",":") = ["ab","cd","ef"]
     * </pre>
     * @param
str 要解析的字串,可能為空 * @param separatorChars 用做分割字元的字元們(注意是字串們哦!),當 separatorChars 傳入的值為空的時候則用空格來做分隔符 */
public static String[] split(final String str,final String separatorChars) { return splitWorker(str,separatorChars,-1,false); } /** * Performs the logic for the {@code
split} and * {@code splitPreserveAllTokens} methods that return a maximum array * length. * * @param str the String to parse,may be {@code null} * @param separatorChars the separate character * @param max the maximum number of elements to include in the * array. A zero or negative value implies no limit. * @param preserveAllTokens if {@code true},adjacent separators are * treated as empty token separators; if {@code false},adjacent * separators are treated as one separator. * @return an array of parsed Strings,{@code null} if null String input */
private static String[] splitWorker(final String str,final String separatorChars,final int max,final boolean preserveAllTokens) { // Performance tuned for 2.0 (JDK1.4) // Direct code is quicker than StringTokenizer. // Also,StringTokenizer uses isSpace() not isWhitespace() if (str == null) { return null; } final int len = str.length(); if (len == 0) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); int sizePlus1 = 1; int i = 0,start = 0; boolean match = false; boolean lastMatch = false; if (separatorChars == null) { // 用空格作為分隔符切割字串 while (i < len) { if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) { if (match || preserveAllTokens) { lastMatch = true; if (sizePlus1++ == max) { i = len; lastMatch = false; } list.add(str.substring(start,i)); match = false; } start = ++i; continue; } lastMatch = false; match = true; i++; } } else if (separatorChars.length() == 1) { // 分隔符的字元數為 1 的時候,切割字串的邏輯 final char sep = separatorChars.charAt(0); while (i < len) { if (str.charAt(i) == sep) { if (match || preserveAllTokens) { lastMatch = true; if (sizePlus1++ == max) { i = len; lastMatch = false; } list.add(str.substring(start,i)); match = false; } start = ++i; continue; } lastMatch = false; match = true; i++; } } else { // 當分隔符的字元數為多個的時候,分割字串的邏輯 // 示例:分隔字串 abc,分割字串的分隔符可以是 a,ab,abc while (i < len) { if (separatorChars.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) >= 0) { if (match || preserveAllTokens) { lastMatch = true; if (sizePlus1++ == max) { i = len; lastMatch = false; } list.add(str.substring(start,i)); match = false; } start = ++i; continue; } lastMatch = false; match = true; i++; } } if (match || preserveAllTokens && lastMatch) { list.add(str.substring(start,i)); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } 複製程式碼

