1. 程式人生 > 其它 >sql通過日期判斷年齡函式



CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetAge]  
@BirthDay nvarchar(20) --生日  
RETURNS varchar(20)  
if(@BirthDay is NUlL or @BirthDay='')
return '';
 -- Declare the return variable here  
 DECLARE @age varchar(20)  
 DECLARE @years int  
 DECLARE @months int  
 DECLARE @days int  
 -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here  
set @age = '' set @years = year(GETDATE()) - year(@birthday) set @months = month(GETDATE()) - month(@birthday) if day(@birthday)<=day(GETDATE()) set @days = day(GETDATE()) - day(@birthday) else begin set @months = @months - 1 if MONTH(@birthday) in (1,3,5,7
,8,10,12) set @days = 31-day(@birthday)+day(GETDATE()) else if MONTH(@birthday) in (4,6,9,11) set @days = 30-day(@birthday)+day(GETDATE()) else if MONTH(@birthday) = 2 if (year(@birthday)%4 = 0 and year(@birthday)%100 <> 0) or year(@birthday)%400 = 0 set
@days = 29-day(@birthday)+day(GETDATE()) else set @days = 28-day(@birthday)+day(GETDATE()) end if @months < 0 begin set @years = @years - 1 set @months = @months + 12 end if @years = 0 and @months = 0 begin return convert(varchar,@days+1) + '' end if @years > 0 set @age = cast(@years as varchar(5)) + '' if @years < 3 and @months > 0 and @years>-1 begin set @age = @age + cast(@months as varchar(5)) + '' end if @years<0 set @age='' RETURN @age END
