1. 程式人生 > 其它 >MSBuild構建工作空間,解決project.Documents.Count()=0的問題



  1 using System;
  2 using System.IO;
  3 using System.Linq;
  4 using System.Threading.Tasks;
  5 using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
  6 using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
7 using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; 8 using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild; 9 using Microsoft.Build.Locator; 10 using System.Collections.Generic; 11 namespace Test_roslyn_project 12 { 13 class Program 14 { 15 static void Main(string[] args) 16 { 17 try
18 { 19 //MSBuildLocator.RegisterDefaults(); 20 21 // Attempt to set the version of MSBuild. 22 var instance = MSBuildLocator.QueryVisualStudioInstances().Single(); 23 Console.WriteLine($"Using MSBuild at '{instance.MSBuildPath}' to load projects.
"); 24 25 // NOTE: Be sure to register an instance with the MSBuildLocator 26 // before calling MSBuildWorkspace.Create() 27 // otherwise, MSBuildWorkspace won't MEF compose. 28 MSBuildLocator.RegisterInstance(instance); 29 30 //Change this path as per required. 31 string[] projectsToParse = 32 Directory.GetFiles(@"E:\VS2017\WorkSpace\Learn\Student_mangent\Student_mangent", "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories); 33 34 Console.WriteLine("Projects to Parse: " + projectsToParse); 35 foreach (var currentFile in projectsToParse) 36 { 37 Console.WriteLine("Project: " + currentFile); 38 BrowseProjectsToParse(currentFile); 39 } 40 41 } 42 catch (Exception ex) 43 { 44 Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); 45 } 46 } 47 48 private static void BrowseProjectsToParse(string projectPath) 49 { 50 try 51 { 52 using (var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create()) 53 { 54 workspace.LoadMetadataForReferencedProjects = true; 55 // Print message for WorkspaceFailed event to help diagnosing project load failures. 56 workspace.WorkspaceFailed += (o, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Diagnostic.Message); 57 58 Project currentProject = workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectPath).Result; 59 60 Console.WriteLine("Project Name: " + currentProject.Name + " .Project Document Count: " + currentProject.Documents.Count()); 61 foreach(var doc in currentProject.Documents) 62 { 63 Console.WriteLine(doc.Name); 64 } 65 if (currentProject.Documents.Any()) 66 { 67 foreach (var document in currentProject.Documents) 68 { 69 SemanticModel sementicModel = document.GetSemanticModelAsync().Result; 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 } 74 catch (Exception ex) 75 { 76 Console.WriteLine("BrowseProjectsToParse: " + ex.StackTrace); 77 } 78 } 79 80 private static void WorkSpaceFailed(object sender, WorkspaceDiagnosticEventArgs e) 81 { 82 Console.WriteLine("WorkSpaceFailed: " + e.Diagnostic.Message); 83 } 84 85 public static bool AnalyzeProject(Project project, string changedFilesOptionsFilePath = null) 86 { 87 Console.WriteLine("Project Name: " + project.Name + " .Project Document Count: " + project.Documents.Count()); 88 89 if (project.Language == "C#") 90 { 91 if (project.Documents.Any() 92 && project.Documents.Any(x => x.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".cs"))) 93 { 94 Project projectInstance = project; 95 96 RemoveDuplicateProjectReferences(ref projectInstance); 97 98 foreach (var document in projectInstance.Documents) 99 { 100 AnalyzeDocument(document); 101 } 102 } 103 } 104 else 105 { 106 return false; 107 } 108 109 return true; 110 } 111 112 private static void RemoveDuplicateProjectReferences(ref Project projectInstance) 113 { 114 var allProjectReference = projectInstance.AllProjectReferences; 115 var distinctProjectCount = allProjectReference.Distinct().Count(); 116 117 if (allProjectReference.Count > distinctProjectCount) 118 { 119 List<ProjectReference> uniqueProjectReferencs = new List<ProjectReference>(); 120 List<ProjectReference> duplicateProeProjectReferencs = new List<ProjectReference>(); 121 122 foreach (var projectRef in projectInstance.AllProjectReferences) 123 { 124 if (!uniqueProjectReferencs.Contains(projectRef)) 125 uniqueProjectReferencs.Add(projectRef); 126 else 127 duplicateProeProjectReferencs.Add(projectRef); 128 } 129 130 foreach (var dupProjRef in duplicateProeProjectReferencs) 131 { 132 projectInstance = projectInstance.RemoveProjectReference(dupProjRef); 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 137 138 private static void AnalyzeDocument(Document document) 139 { 140 try 141 { 142 SyntaxNode decendendNodes = document.GetSyntaxRootAsync().Result; 143 144 try 145 { 146 SemanticModel sementicModel = document.GetSemanticModelAsync().Result; 147 148 } 149 catch (Exception ex) 150 { 151 if (ex.InnerException != null) Console.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.ToString()); 152 Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); 153 } 154 } 155 catch (Exception e) 156 { 157 Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); 158 } 159 } 160 } 161 }