1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Superset實現動態SQL查詢


使用自定義引數方式實現 superset 實現SQL動態查詢

1、啟用引數:config.py 設定"ENABLE_TEMPLATE_PROCESSING": True

2、當前superset v1.2版本支援的引數包括:

{{ current_username() }} 當前登入使用者名稱
{{ current_username(add_to_cache_keys=False) }} 不從快取中獲取登入使用者名稱,預設從快取獲取
{{ current_user_id()}} 當前登入使用者ID
{{ current_user_id(add_to_cache_keys=False) }}不從快取中獲取登入使用者ID,預設從快取獲取
{{ url_param('custom_variable') }} url 引數,比如127.0.0.1:8001\dashboard?abc=123,引數就是{{ url_param('abc') }} 結果就是123
{{ cache_key_wrapper() }} 還沒有弄明白啥用
{{ filter_values("欄位名") }} 獲取dashboard filter_box元件對某個欄位的篩選結果
{{ from_dttm }} 獲取dashboard filter_box元件日期篩選的開始時間
{{ to_dttm }} 獲取dashboard filter_box元件日期篩選的結束時間
{{ get_filters() }} 暫時沒有弄明白



 1 regex = re.compile(
 2         r"\{\{.*("
 3         r"current_user_id\(.*\)|"
 4         r"current_username\(.*\)|"
 5         r"current_userroles\(.*\)|"
 6         r"isadmin\(.*\)|"
 7         r"cache_key_wrapper\(.*\)|"
 8         r"
url_param\(.*\)" 9 r").*\}\}" 10 )

↑↑↑↑注意此處的current_userroles 和isadmin 是我自定義的,原始檔沒有

 1     def current_user_id(self, add_to_cache_keys: bool = True) -> Optional[int]:
 2         """
 3         Return the user ID of the user who is currently logged in.
 5         :param add_to_cache_keys: Whether the value should be included in the cache key
6 :returns: The user ID 7 """ 8 9 if hasattr(g, "user") and g.user: 10 if add_to_cache_keys: 11 self.cache_key_wrapper(g.user.get_id()) 12 return g.user.get_id() 13 return None 14 15 def current_username(self, add_to_cache_keys: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: 16 """ 17 Return the username of the user who is currently logged in. 18 19 :param add_to_cache_keys: Whether the value should be included in the cache key 20 :returns: The username 21 """ 22 23 if g.user and hasattr(g.user, "username"): 24 if add_to_cache_keys: 25 self.cache_key_wrapper(g.user.username) 26 return g.user.username 27 return None 28 def current_userroles(self, add_to_cache_keys: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: 29 """ 30 Return the roles of the user who is currently logged in. 31 32 :param add_to_cache_keys: Whether the value should be included in the cache key 33 :returns: The userroles 34 """ 35 36 if g.user and hasattr(g.user, "roles"): 37 if add_to_cache_keys: 38 user_roles = "/".join([role.name.lower() for role in list(g.user.roles)]) 39 self.cache_key_wrapper(user_roles) 40 print(user_roles) 41 return user_roles 42 """admin in user_roles""" 43 return None 44 45 def isadmin(self, add_to_cache_keys: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: 46 """ 47 Return the roles of the user who is currently logged in. 48 49 :param add_to_cache_keys: Whether the value should be included in the cache key 50 :returns: The userroles 51 """ 52 53 if g.user and hasattr(g.user, "roles"): 54 if add_to_cache_keys: 55 user_roles = [role.name.lower() for role in list(g.user.roles)] 56 return "admin" in user_roles 57 return None

↑↑↑↑仿照系統自帶的current_username 編造自己的函式,我寫了current_userroles 和isadmin

 1 class JinjaTemplateProcessor(BaseTemplateProcessor):
 2     def set_context(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
 3         super().set_context(**kwargs)
 4         extra_cache = ExtraCache(self._extra_cache_keys)
 5         self._context.update(
 6             {
 7                 "url_param": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.url_param),
 8                 "current_user_id": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.current_user_id),
 9                 "current_username": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.current_username),
10                 "current_userroles": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.current_userroles),
11                 "isadmin": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.isadmin),
12                 "cache_key_wrapper": partial(safe_proxy, extra_cache.cache_key_wrapper),
13                 "filter_values": partial(safe_proxy, filter_values),
14             }
15         )

↑↑↑↑仿照系統自帶的current_username 編造自己的函式,我寫了current_userroles 和isadmin


 2     NONE_TYPE,
 3     "bool",
 4     "str",
 5     "unicode",
 6     "int",
 7     "long",
 8     "float",
 9     "list",
10     "dict",
11     "tuple",
12     "set",
13 )

否則會提示錯誤,或者自己修改這個types,我是轉換,比如上面那個g.user.roles 返回的結果就不是上面型別,導致我一直不成功,最後修改了下,才可以


在superset sql lab中執行如下程式碼,如果能被解析,就說明成功


在dataset裡面,動態訪問資料來源,資料來源新增where語句:select * from sales where salesname =' {{current_username()}}'


 1 select  DATE,risktype,sum(num) as num from 
 2 (SELECT date , customerid,product,risktype ,count(*) as num 
 3 from v_superset_forecast_risk group by date , customerid,product,risktype ) a
 4 join 
 5 (select distinct customer_code,product from v_superset_access
 6 where name='{{ current_username() }}' )access
 7 on a.customerid=access.customer_code
 8 and a.product=access.product
 9 and DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m')> DATE_FORMAT(date_sub(STR_TO_DATE(concat( {{ "'" + "', '".join(filter_values('yearmonthend')) + "'" }},'-01'), '%Y-%m-%d'), interval 12 month),'%Y-%m')
10 and DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m')<={{ "'" + "', '".join(filter_values('yearmonthend')) + "'" }}
11 group by DATE,risktype

因為sql裡面可以使用jinja 表示式,比如判斷篩選當前沒有篩選的時候,獲取什麼資料

注意{% %} 內部使用引數的時候,不需要加{{}},否則報錯




