在Xilinx的FPGA的資源列表中常常有LC(logic cells)一項,LC代表什麼呢,下面是Xilinx官方回答:
A "logic cell" is a marketing thing. It is an attempt to create a "unified" metric that can be used across different device families (and even different vendors) to compare sizes of devices even when the underlying architecture is different.
The "logic cell" is supposed to represent a 4-input LUT with no other functionality. In older Xilinx technologies (with 4-input LUTs) they used to use 1.25 as the multiplier to get from LUTs to Logic Cells, since the Xilinx slice also had the carry chain and wide MUX, which made it possible to do more than a simple 4-input LUT would be able to do.
In later technologies, which use the 6-input LUT, they use the multiplier 1.6.
Also remember there are two flip-flops per LUT...
So, the device has 2,443,200 flip-flops, which means 1,221,600 6-input LUTs. Multiply this by 1.6 and you get 1,945,560, which is the published "Logic Cells" number.
大概意思就是說“logic cells” 是 Xilinx 創造提出來的一個市場說法,可以用來衡量不同內部結構甚至不同廠商的FPGA晶片的資源情況。
"logic cells"代表的是一個沒有其他任何功能的4輸入LUT,在老一些的Xilinx的FPGA中,他們使用LUT的數目乘以1.2來計算LC的數目,因為一個LUT中還有一個進位鏈和MUX,這樣可以使一個LC比淡出的4輸入LUT實現更多功能。
Xilinx的官方文件在介紹FPGA的邏輯資源時通常是按照可配置邏輯塊CLB(Configurable Logic Block)來介紹,把CLB作為FPGA裡的最小邏輯單元。但是一個CLB是由2個slice構成,所以大家也常常把slice作為最小的邏輯單元。下面我們來介紹slice的組成: