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操作交換機型號:HUAWEI S5730



[HUAWEI]display interface brief
PHY: Physical
*down: administratively down
#down: LBDT down
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(E): E-Trunk down
(b): BFD down
(e): ETHOAM down
(dl): DLDP down
(lb): LBDT block
InUti/OutUti: input utility/output utility
Interface                   PHY   Protocol  InUti OutUti   inErrors  outErrors
... ...
XGigabitEthernet0/0/1       up    up        0.65%  4.55%    6148394
0 ... ... [HUAWEI]display interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 | include Error Total Error: 6148874 Total Error: 0 [HUAWEI]display interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 | include Error Total Error: 6148874 Total Error: 0 [HUAWEI]display interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 | include Error Total Error: 6148875
Total Error: 0 [HUAWEI]display interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 | include Error Total Error: 6148875 Total Error: 0 ## 發現inErrors有錯誤包,此時還不能判斷,是不是現在有錯誤包產生,因為有可能是之前的問題留下的錯誤包,等30s或者1min左右再執行一次埠狀態命令,檢視下inErrors的數量是否上漲,如果上漲了表示目前是有問題的;


[HUAWEI]display logbuffer | include XGigabitEthernet0/0/1
Logging buffer configuration and contents : enabled
Allowed max buffer size : 1024
Actual buffer size : 512
Channel number : 4 , Channel name : logbuffer
Dropped messages : 0
Overwritten messages : 32423
Current messages : 512

Aug 11 2021 11:25:22+08:00 HUAWEI %%01SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMINOR(l)[3]:Optical module in interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 exception, Rx power is too low.
Aug 11 2021 11:15:21+08:00 HUAWEI %%01SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMINOR(l)[10]:Optical module in interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 exception, Rx power is too low.
Aug 11 2021 11:05:21+08:00 HUAWEI %%01SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMINOR(l)[16]:Optical module in interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 exception, Rx power is too low.
Aug 11 2021 10:55:20+08:00 HUAWEI %%01SRM/3/RXPOWER_EXCEEDMINOR(l)[22]:Optical module in interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 exception, Rx power is too low.
##發現日誌中提示 XGigabitEthernet0/0/1埠的接收功率太低;
[HUAWEI]display trapbuffer | include XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 Trapping buffer configuration and contents : enabled Allowed max buffer size : 1024 Actual buffer size : 256 Channel number : 3 , Channel name : trapbuffer Dropped messages : 0 Overwritten messages : 35970 Current messages : 256 #Aug 11 2021 11:35:22+08:00 HUAWEI ENTITYTRAP/3/OPTMAYINVALID:OID The optical power exceeds the upper warning threshold or falls below the lower warning threshold. (Index=67469390, EntityPhysicalIndex=67469390, PhysicalName="XGigabitEthernet0/0/1", EntityTrapFaultID=136223, EntityTrapReasonDescr="The receive power is below the lower warning threshold.") #Aug 11 2021 11:35:22+08:00 HUAWEI SRM/3/OPTPWRABNORMAL:OID Optical module power is abnormal. (EntityPhysicalIndex=67469390, BaseTrapSeverity=5, BaseTrapProbableCause=67697, BaseTrapEventType=9, EntPhysicalContainedIn=0, EntPhysicalName="XGigabitEthernet0/0/1", RelativeResource="Interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 optical module Rx Power", ReasonDescription="Rx power is too low. The detail information is as follows: The current Rx power is -18.66dBM; Set lower threshold is -18.38dBM; Default lower threshold is -18.38dBM") #Aug 11 2021 11:25:22+08:00 HUAWEI ENTITYTRAP/3/OPTMAYINVALID:OID The optical power exceeds the upper warning threshold or falls below the lower warning threshold. (Index=67469390, EntityPhysicalIndex=67469390, PhysicalName="XGigabitEthernet0/0/1", EntityTrapFaultID=136223, EntityTrapReasonDescr="The receive power is below the lower warning threshold.") ## 發現日誌中提示XGigabitEthernet0/0/1接收功率低於較低的警告閾值;


[HUAWEI]display interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 | include Speed
Speed : 10000, Loopback: NONE


HUAWEI]display transceiver interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 verbose

XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 transceiver information:
Common information:
  Transceiver Type               :10GBASE_LR_SFP
  Connector Type                 :LC
  Wavelength(nm)                 :1310
  Transfer Distance(m)           :10000(9um)
  Digital Diagnostic Monitoring  :YES
  Vendor Name                    :HUAWEI
  Vendor Part Number             :02318170
  Ordering Name                  :
Manufacture information:
  Manu. Serial Number            :CD50HP10P
  Manufacturing Date             :2015-11-01
  Vendor Name                    :HUAWEI
Diagnostic information:
  Temperature(??              :43.83      光模組當前溫度
  Temp High Threshold(??      :100.00     光模組溫度上限
  Temp Low  Threshold(??      :-50.00     光模組溫度下限
  Voltage(V)                    :3.26     光模組當前電壓
  Volt High Threshold(V)        :4.00     光模組電壓上限
  Volt Low  Threshold(V)        :3.00     光模組電壓下限
  Bias Current(mA)              :33.51    光模組當前電流
  Bias High Threshold(mA)       :100.00   光模組電流上限
  Bias Low  Threshold(mA)       :10.00    光模組電流下限
  RX Power(dBM)                 :-18.66   光模組當前接收功率
  RX Power High Warning(dBM)    :0.49     光模組接收功率警告值上限
  RX Power Low  Warning(dBM)    :-14.40   光模組接收功率警告值下限
  RX Power High Threshold(dBM)  :1.49     光模組接收功率上限
  RX Power Low  Threshold(dBM)  :-18.38   光模組接收功率下限
  TX Power(dBM)                 :-2.71    光模組當前傳送功率
  TX Power High Warning(dBM)    :0.49     光模組傳送功率警告值上限
  TX Power Low  Warning(dBM)    :-8.19    光模組傳送功率警告值下限
  TX Power High Threshold(dBM)  :1.49     光模組傳送功率上限
  TX Power Low  Threshold(dBM)  :-10.19   光模組傳送功率下限
  Transceiver phony alarm       : Yes     
從上面的資訊可以看出,其他資訊都正常;只有RX Power(dBM):-18.66這個值超出了光模組接收功率的上下限(1.49-'-18.38');所以綜上所述,該光模組有問題需要更換了;


專案                             描述                                               
Transceiver Type               光模組型別。                                            
Connector Type                 介面型別。                                             
Wavelength(nm)                 光波波長。                                             
Transfer Distance(m)           光波傳輸距離。50um或62.5um表示光纖直徑,光纖為多模光纖。當光纖直徑為9um時表示單模光纖。
Digital Diagnostic Monitoring  光模組診斷資訊是否監控。                                      
Vendor Name                    光模組製造廠商名稱。                                        
Vendor Part Number             廠家部件編碼。                                           
Ordering Name                  光模組對外型號。                                          
Manu. Serial Number            光模組生產序列號。                                         
Manufacturing Date             光模組生產日期。                                          
Temperature(°C)                光模組當前溫度。                                          
Temp High Threshold(°C)        光模組溫度上限。                                          
Temp Low ThresholdC* C)        光模組溫度下限。                                          
Voltage(V)                     光模組當前電壓。                                          
Bias Current(mA)               光模組當前電流。                                          
Bias High Threshold(mA)        光模組電流上限。                                          
Bias Low Threshold(mA)         光模組電流下限。                                          
RX Power(dBM)                  光模組接收功率。當接收功率為0瓦時,顯示為-Inf。                        
RX Power High Threshold(dBM)   光模組接收功率上限。                                        
RX Power low Threshold(dBM)    光模組接收功率下限。                                        
IX Power(dBM)                  光模組傳送功率。當傳送功率為0瓦時,顯示為-Inf。                        
TX Power High Threshold(dBM)   光模組傳送功窣上限。                                        
TX Power Low Threshold(dBM)    光模組傳送功率下限。