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  • What is Virtualization?, what is VM? What is different and advantage between Virtual VM and physical VM
  • 1.虛擬化,是指通過虛擬化技術將一臺計算機虛擬為多臺邏輯計算機。 在一臺計算機上同時執行多個邏輯計算機,每個邏輯計算機可執行不同的作業系統,並且應用程式都可以在相互獨立的空間內執行而互不影響,從而顯著提高計算機的工作效率。
  • 2.虛擬機器(Virtual Machine)指通過軟體模擬的具有完整硬體系統功能的、執行在一個完全隔離環境中的完整計算機系統。
  • 3.1虛擬機器沒有硬體實體,而物理機有實體。也就是說,物理機是有實體的硬體系統,比如伺服器等,而虛擬機器是藉助物理機虛擬出虛擬的硬體系統。
  • 3.2兩者容器不同。以電腦舉例,一臺電腦就是一個物理機,但是一臺電腦可以成為多個虛擬機器,每個虛擬機器可執行不同的作業系統,並且應用程式都可以在相互獨立的空間內執行而互不影響。
  • 3.3物理機的執行引擎是直接建立在CPU處理器、指令集、作業系統和硬體層面上的;而虛擬機器的執行引擎則由自己實現,因此可以制定自己的指令集和執行引擎的結構體系,而且還可以執行一些不被硬體直接支援的指令集格式。
  • What is VC, what are connection protocols between host and storage?
  • 1.A virtual core is aCPU with a separation between two areas of the processor. Virtual cores take on some of the processing of the computer without interfering with the other area. As opposed to physical cores, which has something that physically separates the cores, virtual cores do not have physical separation.
  • 2. IDE SATA M2
  • VM files,- vmxf, vmx, vmdk, -falt.vmdk, ctk.vmdk, nvram, vmsd, vmsn, .log
  • .vmx vmname.vmx Virtual machine configuration file
    .vmxf vmname.vmxf Additional virtual machine configuration files
    .vmdk vmname.vmdk Virtual disk characteristics
    -flat.vmdk vmname-flat.vmdk Virtual machine data disk
    .nvram vmname.nvramornvram Virtual machine BIOS or EFI configuration
    .vmsd vmname.vmsd Virtual machine snapshots
    .vmsn vmname.vmsn Virtual machine snapshot data file
    .vswp vmname.vswp Virtual machine swap file
    .vmss vmname.vmss Virtual machine suspend file
    .log vmware.log Current virtual machine log file
    -#.log vmware-#.log(where # is a number starting with 1) Old virtual m
  • What features of VMware—vMotion, Storage vMotion, High Availability, Fault Tolerance, Distributed Resource Schedule
  • 1.vSphere vMotion 可以將工作負載從一臺伺服器實時遷移到另一臺伺服器而無需停機,因此使用者可以實現系統訪問連續性,保持高效工作。
  • 2.Storage vMotion 在儲存陣列內和跨儲存陣列實時遷移虛擬機器磁碟檔案。 將虛擬機器磁碟檔案改放到其他位置的同時,可以使服務保持持續可用,並全面保證事務的完整性。
  • 3.HA(High Availability)指的是通過儘量縮短因日常維護操作(計劃)和突發的系統崩潰(非計劃)所導致的停機時間,以提高系統和應用的可用性。它與被認為是不間斷操作的容錯技術有所不同。HA系統是目前企業防止核心計算機系統因故障停機的最有效手段。
  • 4.Fault tolerance refers to the ability of a system (computer, network, cloud cluster, etc.) to continue operating without interruption when one or more of its components fail.
  • 5.VMwareDRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is autilitythat balances computing workloads with available resources in a virtualized environment.
  • What is VMware Tools
  • 1.VMware Tools中包含一系列服務和模組,可在VMware產品中實現多種功能,從而使使用者能夠更好地管理客戶機作業系統,以及與客戶機作業系統進行無縫互動。 不同的系統需要安裝相應的VMwareTools,有vmware Tools for windows,vmware Tools for linux,還有vmware Tools for mac之分。
  • What is snapshot? What is the Max number snapshots in a single tree. What happen when create/ delete the snapshot
  • 1.Snapshots are generally created fordata protection, but they can also be used for testing application software and data mining. A storage snapshot can be used for disaster recovery when information is lost due to human error or data corruption.
  • 2. 32 個
  • 3.1在使用虛擬機器時會給虛擬機器分配一個虛擬磁碟,在使用過程中可能並未佔用全部的分配空間,其與 .vmdk 虛擬磁碟檔案標識的大小相同,如果此時記錄快照,那麼 .vmdk 檔案就會被鎖定,變成只讀狀態,在此後的虛擬機器使用中進行的任何修改都不是在 .vmdk 檔案上做更改,而是在另外生成一個新的檔案上進行修改。也就是說,在做快照時,將原虛擬磁碟檔案鎖定,重新生成新的虛擬磁碟檔案,新生成的虛擬磁碟會記錄生成快照之後,虛擬機器的使用情況。快照可以做多個,每記錄一次快照, .vmdk 檔案就會多出一個,並可以根據需求選擇其中任一一個進行恢復。
  • 3.2當刪除虛擬機器的所有快照時,針對該虛擬機器所建立的所有delta檔案中的內容將會合併到原來的vmdk檔案中,合併完成後再刪除vmdk檔案。如果只選擇刪除一個快照,那麼這個快照的delta檔案將和其父快照的delta檔案進行合併。如果選擇回滾到某一個快照,那麼當前的磁碟和記憶體狀態將會被丟棄,而且虛擬機器會轉變到revert-to的狀態。無論選擇哪個快照進行回滾,該快照都會變成當前的父快照,就是說當前執行的虛擬機器會在這個快照之下。
  • VMFS---Virtual Machine File System, what other file system can be used under VMware
  • NFS
  • Raw Device Mapping—RDM, physical or Virtual
  • 1.Raw device mapping (RDM) is a method of disk virtualization in VMware that allows virtual machines to use a storage logical unit number (LUN) device to be directly connected to a virtual machine in a storage area network (SAN). This direct connection can boost disk access performance in I/O-intensive operations.
  • Disk type---Thin provisioning, Thick lazy-zeroed, Thick eager-zeroed
  • 1. 【Thin provisioning】This type of virtual disk allows you to allocate storage on demand, instead of deciding ahead of time how much space it’s going to take up. This is a good option if you want to control costs and scale out your storage over time. However, you need to pay closer attention to your disk size so you don’t overprovision and overcommit your storage to more than it can hold. Additionally, since it’s allocating on the fly, you might take some performance hits on initial writes that you wouldn’t encounter if you were to utilize one of its thick disk brethren options.This is because as new data space is allocated, the blocks have to first be zeroed to ensure the space is empty before the actual data is written.
  • 2. 【Thick lazy-zeroed】If you want to pre-allocate the space for your disk, one option is to make a thick lazy zeroed disk. It won’t be subject to the aforementioned fragmentation problem since it pre-allocates all the space so no other files will get in the middle (which causes fragmentation), and it’s easier to track capacity utilization.
  • 3. 【Thick eager-zeroed】Generally, we don’t utilize this option unless the vendor requires it. For example, Microsoft clusters and Oracle programs often require this in order to qualify for support.
  • 精簡盤:虛擬機器硬碟佔用的空間等於磁碟實際使用的空間,即按需分配磁碟空間。空間的大小動態變化,有利於儲存空間的優化。即:實際使用多大,就分配多大,最大不會超過實際硬碟空間的大小。



  • Dependent, independent persistent, independent non-persistent, what Veeam is using when create the snapshot?
  • 從屬




