1. 程式人生 > 其它 >H3C裝置Console登入密碼忘記處理方法




檢視密碼恢復功能的使能情況 Password recovery capability is enabled

Password recovery capability is enabled.
Note: The current operating device is flash
Enter < Storage Device Operation > to select
device. ===========================<EXTENDED-BOOTWARE MENU>========================= |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration |
|<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Skip Authentication for Console Login | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Ctrl+Z: Access EXTENDED ASSISTANT MENU Ctrl+F: Format File System Ctrl+C: Display Copyright Enter your choice(
0-9): 6

(1) 系統出現如下提示表明已經設定成功。

Flag Set Success.

(2) 當再次出現BootWare主選單時,選擇<1>,裝置開始啟動。

(3) 重啟裝置後,裝置的配置為空,使用者可以在系統檢視下配置回滾恢復原有配置,如下配置表示將當前配置回滾到配置檔案startup.cfg中的配置狀態。如果使用者不想恢復原有配置,請跳過此步驟。

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] configuration replace file flash:/startup.cfg
Current configuration will be lost, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n
Now replacing the current configuration. Please wait ...
Succeeded in replacing current configuration with the file flash:/startup.cfg.

(4) 在系統檢視下設定新的Console口的登入認證模式和密碼,例如:設定Console口驗證方式為密碼驗證,且以明文方式設定Console口的密碼為123456。

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] line console 0
[Sysname-line-console0] authentication-mode password
[Sysname-line-console0] set authentication password simple 123456


[Sysname-line-console0] save