1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Power BI後臺自動重新整理資料報錯 The operation was throttled by Power BI Premium because there were too many datasets being processed concurrently.

Power BI後臺自動重新整理資料報錯 The operation was throttled by Power BI Premium because there were too many datasets being processed concurrently.

  最近發現我們的Power BI後臺每天頻繁出現自動重新整理資料報錯和預警。具體資訊如下(相關敏感資訊已清除)

  • 報錯時間點 - 8/27/2021, 9:18:24 AM(自動重新整理) / 8/27/2021, 9:41:00 AM(手動重新整理)
  • 報錯程式碼 - You have reached the maximum allowable memory allocation for your tier. Consider upgrading to a tier with more available memory. Table: StockXXX_For_xxx. / The operation was throttled by Power BI Premium because there were too many datasets being processed concurrently. Please try again later. 




Power BI Service的記憶體使用量和資料集的併發重新整理量已經達到允許的最大量,詳情請參考文件:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/power-bi/admin/service-premium-what-is#how-capacities-function

下圖中顯示每種Power BI 的SKU會有記憶體和並行重新整理度的限制。您可以通過上文提供的文件瞭解詳細資訊。


  1. 將部分內容移除Premium容量:如果僅與 Power BI Pro 使用者共享內容,則可能無需將內容儲存到Premium容量中,可以將這部分內容適當移出Premium容量;
  1. 在比較空閒的時間安排重新整理,您可以參考Power BI 中的資料重新整理中的介紹,或者使用增量重新整理;
  1. 提高定價層,獲得更高的資源;
  1. 可以參考優化高階容量中的介紹來進行專門的優化;
  1. 使用Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics app對Power BI的效能進行監控:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/power-bi/admin/service-premium-capacity-scenarios
